Trying for 30 Days without porn or masturbation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by gengep, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. gengep

    gengep New Fapstronaut

    I first started masturbating in my early teens but it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I noticed seemed to be doing frequently (2-3 times a week). I'm 23 now and noticed not long ago that I actually felt much more engaged, motivated and confident if I abstained from masturbating and yet I couldn't seem to go for more than a week without doing it.

    After a few months of wrestling with my self-control it dawned on me that I was addicted to porn and that it was actually having quite a major impact on my life and preventing me from reaching my full potential. I'm actually more or less quite happy with where I am in life but my apparent inability to control this really gets me down sometimes.

    I'm ashamed to say I recently failed an attempt to make it past 30 days (flopped it on day 12) but I'm 2 days into trying again. It's going to be tough but hopefully this site will help.

    At the risk of sounding a bit pretentious I came across a quote this morning which I think fits quite nicely with what we're all trying to achieve here:

    "Control thy passions lest they take vengeance on thee" - Epictetus

    thanks for reading,

    G x
  2. march2019

    march2019 Fapstronaut

    The only time we really fail is when we give up. You'll make it day 30. And that is a great quote!
    gengep and jack_of_spades like this.
  3. Good on you for joining, and good for you for realizing you're addicted. That's half the battle.
    12 days is great and it's a sign you can get to 30 and beyond.
    gengep likes this.