You cannot go back.....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Invictvs, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. Invictvs

    Invictvs Fapstronaut

    I know this section isn't about rebooting, so I'll just briefly say that I have done so successfully in the past (several years clean), then I relapsed.

    I relapsed because I lied to myself. I was enjoying a healthy sex-life, then added back in some of my old habits slowly. I convinced myself that with the balance between an active sex life, I could 'enjoy' pornography and masturbation again in a more healthy way. I convinced myself that things would be okay, and that it would only be every once and a while, maybe when I was really stressed and needed to turn on my "nothing box."

    I lied to myself, and that's what this addiction makes you do. If you quit, you quit for good, period. You cannot go back, or give yourself any option that feeds into your addiction. No masturbation, no pornography, no magazines, no quick peaks at something online. You have to convince yourself that your only option for getting off is with your partner. Don't have one? Fix it. Quit, improve yourself, then force yourself to go out and find someone.
  2. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Very true. All of it. I'm happy for you that you've recognized the problem and what to do now.
  3. davidx

    davidx Fapstronaut

    Lessons learned my friend. - keep moving forward!! We all have failures and we have all lied to ourselves at times. You know the fact that you can do it. And you are wise enough to recognize where you are really at.

    Best of luck to you!
  4. Thanks for the motivation, bro! I needed that motivation after I just relapsed to P this morning. I didn't fap but I ended up feeling like a monster after my session. It was just not worth it. It's really not.

    I knew I was going down that dark and twisted path but I couldn't stop looking at those naked women. I spent almost two hours mindlessly looking at pictures/gifs of naked women like an automaton. I can't believe I have done that. I was not staying true to myself at all.

    Hell, P isn't even that fun to begin with. It's so boring as hell, but it's extremely addicting. I am never going to do that again. This will be the last time I would ever watch degenerate filth online. I am done with that shit for good. I am never going back. P is just not an option anymore.

    It's time I need to start learning how to crush urges effortlessly like I was able to do in the past, rather than give in to the temptations of the devil. I will not screw around anymore, I am going to start putting NoFap on the forefront, make it my top priority over everything else.

    Hell, if I want to have sexual satisfaction, just like you said, I would rather be dating the girl of my dreams instead. That is 1000000x better than effortlessly "rewarding" yourself by watching disgusting, dirty filth online.

    I don't have a partner by any means. Instead, I am working on improving myself instead by practicing other healthy habits like eating healthy, working out, meditation, etc. After all, the best relationship you can have is with yourself. There is no point in trying to love somebody if you can't love yourself.

    I have already gotten over my last relapse already, so I will make sure to prevent anymore future relapses with the best of my ability. I have learned my lesson, so I will make sure to learn from it. It's time to get myself back on the horse!

    I wish the best of luck to you, fellow fapstronaut!
    slitebg likes this.
  5. slitebg

    slitebg Fapstronaut

    Your post was inspirational too, thanks for that. Really hit the spot as to how I'm feeling right now as well. I almost feel half-human, or a shadow of myself because of all those years of mindless PMO but that just makes me more determined to not screw up again and finally take the reigns of my life.

    Keep up the positive vibe, everyone! We can and will beat this!