Cuck Porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by eatclentrenhard, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. eatclentrenhard

    eatclentrenhard Fapstronaut

    i am new to this community and am really excited about tackling my porn addiction. My porn viewage is getting to the point where i needed to make a change, and that is why i am on here, seeking a changed self.

    This addiction has gotten so bad to where I am viewing things like cuck porn (pretending I am the one doing the chick and a beta guy watches) , i am pmoing to hentai pictures, and watching even more messed up things

    I would appreciate it if someone could offer some advice for what has worked for them. I need to see the light. I know it will come
  2. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    One thing that has worked for me (though others here strongly disagree) is to use substitutes. Things that are soft core and not really porn per se, but do arouse you somewhat in a way that is preferable to your fetish. For example, I used “lewd” pictures of anime girls (not hentai) to ween myself off a cuck fetish addiction (me being the beta). The fetish is still there somewhat, but I am now fantasizing about performing sexual acts as a man (granted on trans girls/femboys quite often, but sometimes women, so it is progress in my book). Following the establishment of these newfound dominant sexual tendencies, I chose to lay off the substitutes and instead cultivate the new sexual desires solely through fantasy. I believe it has worked so far.

    Perhaps something similar could work for you, but do consider the input of others as my approach may well be flawed.
  3. Welcome to the community. Read, learn and start making your plan.
    There are many different types people get into. All of these fade in time and lose their grip on you after staying away from pmo. There will be very hard times, be aware that they will come and try your best to be prepared for them. Learning will be a big help.
  4. Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step, which you seem to be doing.

    The second step is getting insight into how the addiction works. It will be easier for you to stay away from porn once you know how porn affects you. In essence porn is novelty chasing. There's a reason for your cuck fetish, because once you're over vanilla your brain is going to turn to nastier stuff to avoid tolerance in its own endorphin receptors. I ultimately fantasized about being the women in porn. Not sure if that's the end stage in the addiction or what but it's when I realized I had a problem and needed to quit. When they're caused by porn or combined with a habit of viewing, any fetish out of the ordinary should be red flag since it means desensitization. Desensitization is something you really do not want since it means actual dependency issues, tolerance, and therefore addiction.

    Knowing how bad it really is can be a huge motivation to quit. A lot of guys seem to be spinning out of control when it comes to their habit of watching porn. Sooner or later your own fantasies are downright scary. Porn is a public health hazard but it will take a while for society to finally realize. Until then all you can really do is research porn addiction, how it works and where it leads to. You'll soon find that you're better off without porn in your life. The human brain simply can't handle it.
    Mourde likes this.
  5. Newlife33

    Newlife33 Fapstronaut

    Great advice, I second all of what bken said.