Finally NoFap member at-last

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by heightening, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. heightening

    heightening Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!

    I'm excited to finally become apart of this amazing community. I've been on NoFap for over 2 years and have gained many new benefits.

    This community has opened many new doors in my life and has put me on a much healthier path. I have many stories I would like to share and many topics I would like to discuss with the rest of the community. PMO has sadly consumed a large portion of my youth, but this new insight to my addiction has given me the strength to crawl out of my shell and reflect, learn and understand what this addiction really is.

    I'm currently working on myself trying to find my purpose in life, through career, hobbies, family and friends. After my last relationship I have had much time to reflect on myself and see that their is much work to be done before I can confidently and comfortable move past this addiction.

    Your stories have motivated me to take action in my life and really fight off PMO, Thank you all for being so supportive to each other!
    ? ? ? likes this.
  2. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap! Thank you for sharing your story! It is great to have you here. We have all gone through the awakening phase when we recognize the need for change. It is important to recognize that we're not doing something normal and then work towards an equilibrium that we are content with.

    What hobbies are you focusing on during this recovery?

    Good luck mate! Hope to see more of your around!
  3. heightening

    heightening Fapstronaut

    I enjoy skipping rope during my workout days, it's so much fun once you start learning tricks

    I do lots of digital art, graphic design and illustration. I also enjoy reading, I'm currently reading James A Coreys leviathan wakes! What about you?
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    So cool. My boss was encouraging me to start jump rope but I'm afraid that I will cut a sorry figure at the gym. Any recommendations for starting? I used to do it as a kid and even up to my teenage years but stopped thereafter. I do have good core strength being able to do up to 25 pull ups in a set - almost dead hang, I do not prefer to go complete dead hang in a rep.

    I am reading "Addiction as an attachment disorder" by Dr. Flores these days. Next up is fiction though.
  5. heightening

    heightening Fapstronaut

    Interesting! I actually have a weak upper body as I'm only able to do 2 full pull ups. But I've been on a cut and lost a lot of weight over the years. As for skipping, it's a great workout and it's super fun, easily my go to when it comes to cardio exercise. I highly advice you check a chiropractor first before taking it seriously. The trick is to be consistent, start with doing 10 consistent jumps than push to 20 and so on so. You will naturally learn to hop instead of jjump. Try learning new tricks everytime you get the hang of one trick, in time you will develop lots of muscle memory and rhythm.

    I'm fascinated to learn more about this book. I've only recently read about attachment theory, I've read "attached" and "running the empty" both are great books and I highly recommend them. I'll take a look at "addiction as an attachment disorder"
  6. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut
