Reached 90 days!! Now considering to fap again

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fucacci, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Fucacci

    Fucacci Fapstronaut

    SO I did it! I didn't fap for 90 days straight, first attempt. It has been an interesting journey, and it has changed me in certain ways. I have stopped thinking about pornography, but sex is still a state of mind. I have tried to change my view on sex, but I still want to treat girls a little bit like in pornography, fetishes that I probably developed through porn. This will never change I feel like. I am who I am, and certain things and qualities in girls simply turn me on.
    This journey has been difficult in many ways. I have been flatlining 90% of the time, which challenged my motivation to continue, as minor PIED is the reason I started nofap in the first place. Sometimes I felt like my dick died and there was no hope left. Now, with extreme patience, I have finally reached 90 days, in fact it's 91 today! The last 4 days or so my libido has returned, and just my dick working brings me back a TON of confidence, you can't even begin to imagine, it feels so fucking amazing. Today again though, it's not as strong again and maybe I'll just go straight back to flatline mode now, which I'm scared of. I have fulfilled my mission with nofap. It hasn't improved my libido unfortunately, which sucks, but it has helped me get a more healthy relationship towards women and sex in general, let alone get rid of all the toxicity porn brings.

    Now I'm consdering to start fapping again, very moderately ofcourse and without porn and only natural thoughts. I am thinking once every sunday, that will let me testosterone cycle complete every week. I am hoping fapping again will make me more horny. I love that feeling. Nofap hasn't even been hard for me in terms of resisting to fap. That was never really my issue, I have not had a masturbation addiction in that sense, so I suppose just fapping once a week can't be harmful or? Its no issue it will not spiral up I have self control so no worries there.

    I hope someone has any insightfulness to bring to the topic and feel free to discuss/give reasons as to why this would be a bad idea etc. Thank you!
  2. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    First of all..congratulations on your 90 days streak. But dude..why you want to fap again?!..what make you sure you will not just go back to porn?. Besides..fapping is not super healthy you know it drains your energy and destroy your health. Why fapping?..can you go and start dating or have sex at the moment ?
  3. Fucacci

    Fucacci Fapstronaut

    Because I hope it brings back my libido. Before starting nofap, and fapping ocationally my libido was alright, now its utter useless, and while flatlining for 90% of the time theres no way I can have sex with women because it doesn't wanna fucking work. So maybe if I start fapping no more than once a week, then it will bring my libido back to how it was atleast. I'm thinking this because the testosterone levels arent maxed out before 1 week after your last ejaculation, and when these levels are building your hormones are usually more active hence easier boners etc. I will not go back to porn. I can fap using natural thoughts/talking with girls etc
  4. You have wet dreams to keep your dick healthy.
  5. I think this could slowly but surely lead you back to square one
  6. Capt. U

    Capt. U Fapstronaut

    You do you dude, there are still cases that say masterbaition is good for you. Of course not when you beat your meat mulitple times a day everyday. Experiment but if you start feeling like shit againz just stop man.
  7. AxBlaim

    AxBlaim Fapstronaut

    Flatlines are part of the rebooting process so there is nothing wrong with that. If youre still experiencing low libido up to this day, then you're not fully recovered. This is your brain playing mind tricks against you. Fapping has multiple negative effects in one's life even without porn so if I were you, I'll just refrain from it alltogether
  8. Dude that’s a terrible idea. Why go back? There is absolutely zero value or good in pmo or fapping. It’s never worth it.
  9. Fucacci

    Fucacci Fapstronaut

    I was never really addicted to porn though, that's the thing. And now that I have started with NoFap I can no longer have sex with girls because my libido is disgustingly low and there has been no signs of it recovering. I ended my streak 9 days ago and I fapped once. Since then I haven't fapped again, but the last 3 days my libido has been way better actually, so I'm thinking fapping once every 7-10 days is not a bad idea for me. I may just try that and see if it atleast gives me some libido so I can have sexual intercourse when my libido is good. When at NoFap its legit flatline 95% of the time, and it pains me to the point where I just dont wanna bother tbh.
  10. Stack101

    Stack101 Fapstronaut

    I feel that. It’s good when your younger to kinda discover yourself or whatever but once u get a little older you should be more focused on other things in life. That said for someone who is fully cured I don’t think every once and a while is going to hurt (like if ur gf is out of town or something and she sends u pics) but other than that it’s kinda pointless.
  11. dzigi

    dzigi Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro!!! that's a big achievement! Have you cured your Pied?
  12. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am very jealous, when I get to 90 days, I will never go back
    Knighthawk likes this.
  13. AxBlaim

    AxBlaim Fapstronaut

    Only the weak runs away from their problems. I've said my peace
  14. Gordon Bear

    Gordon Bear Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! 90 days PMO free is a huge win and accomplishment. I'd say it's your body, do as you wish.

    I'd be very honest with myself as to why I'd return to PMO. For me, it's a way for me not to deal with challenges, and I feel terrible mentally afterwords, so I know there isn't a benefit to PMO for me and therefore I cannot ever justify it at this point in my life. But I won't pretend I know what's best for you, just be careful, you could end up in a place you don't want to be by returning to old habits. Congrats again!