Being single my entire life...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by tenthyoung, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. tenthyoung

    tenthyoung Fapstronaut

    Any tips or encouraging words to a nineteen year old who has never been on a date?
  2. You_Can_Do_lt

    You_Can_Do_lt Fapstronaut

    Start asking girls out? Be bold. Worst thing that could happen is you'll get turned down and...still be single :)
  3. khester12

    khester12 Fapstronaut

    Don't be afraid of being turned down. It happens to even the smoothest guys in the world. You'll never have a girlfriend if you don't try. Be confident and calm when you go for it. Also don't be a slob when you ask her
  4. tacoflower

    tacoflower Fapstronaut

    Try being 31 and never been on a date. I know I need to take better care of myself, work out, and not be afraid to have normal conversations with girls.
  5. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Dude, you are still young. From my perspective you are still kid, do not worry.
  6. Fapbuster

    Fapbuster Fapstronaut

    Don't worry man, go at your own pace, no rush.
  7. Prash03

    Prash03 New Fapstronaut

    Become confident. Enough to look people in the eye and have that smile on your face when you talk. Build from that level. Never fake it.
    Groom and dress yourself to look sharp.
    Do shit so that people have an impression on you. You dont have to be loud and sensational. Be seen as a happy, confident and outgoing person. This will help create a background profile of the positive kind of person you are.
    Talk to a lot of women. Talk. Learn to talk. That is the motherfucker of all the fucking rules.
    You are only 19, failures are nothing. If not Mary, there's a Susan right in the corner. Reiterate.
  8. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    Look I don't wanna be the topic asshole but please stop telling him it's "No big deal" or "Don't worry , no rush".

    There's no such thing as "oh you're young , failures don't count at your age". When I was 6 I got some gloves and a nice jacket for Christmas. I probably cried 3 hours. Why ? Because I wanted something else - toys. Sure if I look back at it now it was "no big deal" , but at that point in time it was the "end of the world" for me.

    The point is ,you can't take someone else's reality and subjectively look at it from you own shoes.

    A'right , enough of that.


    I just turned 21 so we're not that far apart. I know it's not always easy but trust me , girls are not that scary. There's a few simple things you need to do:

    1.Don't be needy.
    2.Read rule #1 until you dream of it at night.
    3.Did you dream of it ? Great. Rule #3 -> Don't be desperate.
    4.Don't be the generic "just another guys who's hitting on me" kind of guy.(i.e if you meet a new girl and get her number don't send the everso generic "Hi , it's x , if you remember,how's your day ?" text. It's horrifyingly boring.And plain.And horrifying.) Hence - > be different , exciting.
    5.Have a passion / hobby. I don't care if it's videogames or skydiving. If you're passionate about it , girls will see you as interesting.

    There's a hell of a lot more I can elaborate on this matter but most importantly , just don't be afraid of girls and / or rejection. It's a game of numbers , and there's no man alive that has not been rejected at least once. You don't like everyone so don't expect everyone to like you. Do the best you can do is to like(love) yourself. You achieve that by constantly working on improving.

    Sure we're young , but why the hell should we not start enjoying life now ? There's absolutely no reason for which you should "not worry / not rush". Yes rush ! Own it , live it , enjoy it.

    This is your challenge. The first cute girl you see tomorrow you walk up to her and say "Hi , I just saw you and wanted to tell you that you're cute. Have a nice day." and walk away. You don't have to go in over your head , you just have to see that she won't pull out a gun and shoot you in the face for talking to her.
  9. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

    I didn't date anyone until I was 20- some things take time. There's probably a lot of different reasons why you've not had any success, and it's best to try and resolve issues like PMO, social anxiety etc before you look into dating.
  10. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Dude. I've only been on like a double date my sophomore year I'm 18 now. Listen you see a hot chick go talk to her. Or if Being direct isn't your style. Put yourself in situations where you can hit on chicks. one time day 4 I kissed a girl. Because I was in areas with girls. Like the mall.

    Just start somewhere. Ask the instant you meet a girl say hey wanna go get coffee. Or anything. And honestly don't think about what has happened think about what you want to have happened. Do you want a one night stand? Do you want a girlfriend? Do what R.C said and just say hi to girls you walk by. But put yourself in areas that there are girls. And you won't be better with girls on day 30 of no pro if you haven't started hitting on girls now.

    And try your best maybe be extremely direct and say "I'm going to kiss you" I've done it and its a hit and miss or be less direct and get a number and call her the next day good luck man.
  11. Je m'abstiens

    Je m'abstiens Fapstronaut

    Hi tenthyoung,

    We are exactly on the same boat ! I'm 18 and my wildest magic romantic fantasy dream is to have a girlfriend.

    What I'm planning to do now (one of my 2014 resolutions) is to cold approach girls as much as possible, in a place where there are girls I don't know. In this way, even if you 'fail', or feel uncomfortable, you will never see these girls again, so you got nothing to lose.

    There are good advices here. We are not doomed to not having a girlfriend. But if we want to change our life, we have to change what we do.

    Good luck !
  12. tenthyoung

    tenthyoung Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, for all the replies, the advice is really helpful, and its nice to know that I'm not alone! :D
  13. MathNerd

    MathNerd Fapstronaut

    I'd say your strategy should depend on whether there is someone you already like, or just wanna go out with a random chick. I'm in the same situation as you, but I think that if you just want a date with anyone you should indeed just be bold and do it. If you already like someone I'd be a bit more cautious though. Try getting to know what she likes and such, then go after it. Hope it helps =)
  14. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    alright ill share some tips:

    1.- Take care of yourself to be happy with how you feel and look
    2.- Have as much fun as possible, hang out with friends and do stuff you love
    3.- Follow your gut and dont listen to any of the shit you get from internet dating gurus
    4.- something you already know: women are not video prostitutes, they are human beings with the same worries and sorrows we are, this is very important when we are dealing with PMO addiction

  15. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    I am older and i know what im talking about here. There is absolutely no reason to rush into anything and go for the first cute girl. Sugar outside-devil inside. If you fall for her you are screwed and specially if you are insecure it will screw you up for a long time.
    First thing first, you need to learn how to be comfortable with yourself and not to depend on acceptance of other (a random girl or who ever). so if she leaves after month you wont suffer.
    This of course is not applicable to everyone but if you are sensitive person DO NOT RUSH, first learn to be comfortable by yourself.
  16. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut


    Being told it's ok to not rush is very often and easily taken as an excuse to procrastinate.
    I understand where you're coming from , but we have different views on the matter :).

    Plus , everyone has been fcked over at least once by at least one girl.You know nothing about relationships till you've been through you're first "real" one. True,this experience either screws you up , or you evolve from it , depending on the individual.

    Either way it's better to go through it sooner rather than later.
  17. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Yep like i said, what i wrote is not applicable to everyone just to sensitive guys. For example i never loved truly but this is just me, i need allot of time to gent in that zone, but some guys fall for someone just like that and after getting dumped they are damaged for a long time. If person is insecure better not rush but if do not have problem in general with self esteem go for it.
  18. ChrisHaven

    ChrisHaven Fapstronaut


    There is nothing wrong with not having been on a date at 19, but please realize that the next 10 years will be the years that define your life the most. Do whatever it takes to go on a date, date multiple women and experience all that life has to offer while you are young. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. I was in your shoes and before I knew it I was 24 years old and still hadnt been on a date, because of fear.

    If you want to go on a date, find the first attractive women you see, tell her you find her attractive and ask for her number because you want to get to know her better.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  19. Johnwilliam

    Johnwilliam Fapstronaut

    ok dude your 19 relax you have a life time to date and don't freak it will happen naturally. there are millions of guys who at 19 to 25 who don't date or ever got laid please relax
  20. groove311

    groove311 Fapstronaut

    never. 31. average loooking