The Power of Now

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by anewera, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    I have just finished a book this morning by the title "The Power of Now" Written by Eckhart Tolle. This book has been pivotal in my transformation as a man. To learn to accept my life situation and to be liberated from the hindrance of the egoic state of mind that I had been a slave to for my whole life.

    Upon reading this book and accepting what is written in its pages you will no longer feel fear; you will no longer feel alone; you will no longer feel lost; you will no longer feel that you are not good enough. You will learn to truly accept yourself for who you are. This is what contains transformative power. Not what you can be. Not what you used to be. But what you ARE. You are perfect. You are great. You are unique.

    You ARE that built guy in the gym, you just don't have his toned body yet. You ARE the guy who has found his soul mate, you just haven't found her/him yet. You are a great guitarist, you just haven't learnt to play guitar yet. In reality you are everything you dream of being RIGHT NOW if you are willing to accept it ! It is when you realise this that you become your own immovable mountain. Your own proverbial rock in the rough waters.

    Please, to everyone here reading this. READ THIS BOOK. It will change the way you view yourself and your life situation for the better. I guarantee it.

    Peace and love to you all.

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    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  2. I remember when I first read this book about ten years ago. I remember suddenly being hit with this epiphany where I suddenly felt like there was nothing to be afraid of or ashamed about as long as I stayed focused on the now. I walked around for a week or two feeling blissful and fearless. After that, my old self defeating anxiety slowly returned and I found myself flipping through the pages several times again in an attempt to chase that feeling I had after the first read. I have to say that it is a powerful book and can potentially pull you out of depression and give you that much needed jumpstart in life. The trick is to keep that momentum going and make permanent changes.
    Bretto, ? ? ?, Buddhabro and 2 others like this.
  3. Innervision

    Innervision Fapstronaut

    @anewera What a coincidence, i just finished that same book yesterday! It's indeed a very profound and inspiring reading. I'd would highly recommend complement that book with practices in meditation, on a daily basis. For me, that book compiles many lessons I already had contact on another books and readings. It's well written and seemingly very simple to understand. On the other hand, to implement that kind of mindset has proven to be the most difficult part for me, since the old tricks of the egoic mind are persistent and thought to change. Thanks for sharing that brilliant reference!
    Strength And Light and anewera like this.
  4. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reading. It warms the heart to know that others are treading/have treaded the same path as I. Life is an amazing journey. Enjoy it for all its bads and goods. Be present. Live in the now.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  5. expressyourself

    expressyourself Fapstronaut

    Agree, it's such an amazing book, and it completely transformed my life!
    After reading The power of now and some other books, I was literally walking around in life in a meditative state all the time.
    Unfortunately, that state has been declining, but I am working on building it up again, by having a daily meditation and kriya yoga routine!
    Strength And Light and anewera like this.
  6. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Awesome ! Power to you brother.
  7. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    It's an amazing book.
    Buddhabro and anewera like this.
  8. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

  9. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut

    I just bought the book because of your post and read the first chapter so far. . . thank you .
    anewera and Buddhabro like this.
  10. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    This is fantastic ! I recommend that when you finish this book you move onto The Power of Habit to augment what you have learned from The Power of Now !
    ? ? ? likes this.
  11. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut

    It's funny you say that . . . I've had the power of habit for months now but never read it . . . it's sitting in my bookshelf. will do !
  12. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    It is absolutely amazing, mind-blowing, transformative. You will not be disappointed my friend ! Peace and love.
    ? ? ? likes this.
  13. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

  14. It is true.
    I read this book once, just like some individual books written by Osho.
    I tried to approached this philosophy from a distance, but undoubtedly everything that made us addicted to pornography & masturbation is listening to our thoughts instead of watching them.
    Breath flows freely through us, we take a breath and then exhale.
    However, if we hold one breath, it would be much worse for us.
    With thoughts is very similar, it must be flow.
    PowerOn and CH3RRY like this.
  15. PowerOn

    PowerOn Fapstronaut

    Great book indeed. I am just starting his new book "A New Earth" which also seems promising. I can also recommend "The Courage to be Disliked" by Kishimi and Koga. It's not at all liek what the title sounds to be and is great in allowing you to see the power and capability that is already there inside of you, waiting to be uncovered.