Anyone practice meditation here?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by LonelyDude21, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Not yet for me.
    But will be starting for tomorrow.
    I learn through research that it can give all sorts of peace for the mind and even reduce intrusive thoughts.
    Just wondering if it also helps people to control their urges to not masturbate.
    Also some tips would be great for starters like me,
    E.g. how long should i meditate per day?
  2. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    Download meditation app first to get used to meditation.. then go for a retreat with noble silence... It will be difficult. Worth a try. Consistent practice is the key. That is, 1% theory, 99%practice..
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
  3. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Suggest an app please?
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I meditate all the time. I also burn incense and it helps quiet my state of mind. Meditation makes my spiritual heart pulsate. You can feel the effect in only a few minutes. For me, it only takes 10 mins to get into a meditative state, but for you it may be different. I urge you to not give up if you fail at it. It's a practice that has been performed for thousands of years, so it has a proven track record of success.
    LonelyDude21 likes this.
  5. THEdally_llama

    THEdally_llama Fapstronaut

    I used Simple Habit and Calm. When I got a streak going, I felt great.
    LonelyDude21 and ImpureHuman like this.
  6. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
    LonelyDude21 likes this.
  7. RachelThorpe

    RachelThorpe Fapstronaut

    Although not on a daily basis, I do meditate. The best part is whenever I meditate, I feel pretty optimistic. In fact, it rejuvenates my mind and keeps me calm in situations demanding stress and anxiety. I’d suggest meditating with soothing music on. You can surf YouTube, you’ll get plenty.
    LonelyDude21 likes this.
  8. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    Smoothing music is good at first to create a habit. but drop it sometime after few months of practice. and concentrate on object of meditation. breath or tip of nose or chanting or sensations in body like that, learn about that.
    LonelyDude21 likes this.
  9. I have been practising meditation for almost a year, and while I'm not doing it everyday, my goal is to make it part of my daily life. Even 5-10 a day can do wonders. Meditation has helped me with a lot of things. It has helped me work through old psychological issues, which has also helped me deal with some of the roots of my PMO addiction. It's a holistic practice that works on many levels. I suggest you check out for a wealth of information and resources concerning meditation.
    LonelyDude21 likes this.
  10. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    I listene to forest, underwater and other natural sounds.
    Maybe you can suggest me a few of this "soothing music" you speak of?
    ImpureHuman likes this.
  11. TomGHP

    TomGHP New Fapstronaut

    I tried but I still did not succeed
    ImpureHuman likes this.
  12. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    Relaxing music helps to attain a deeper state of relaxation. It's very helpful if we lay and listen to it using a headphone. I used to use relaxation music for dream practice. It feels light and almost paralysed my body,
    But regarding meditation practice, it becomes a distraction from that point. Somehow I need to listen to relaxation music to reach that state., So, I stopped it.
    It's better to use a natural object of meditation like breath, or aware of thoughts something like that.
  13. PenisIllustrator123

    PenisIllustrator123 Fapstronaut

    I meditate everyday ( started 2.5/3 years ago, through suffering of course ).

    I recommend a good app, like calm.
    Start slow..10 mins per day is great, if you can, do it everyday..when you start getting the hang of it, bump the time up to 20..when you get used to it, it becomes a tool for your life, so you can actually decide on the spot when to use it, how much time, etc. ( not that you can't decide now, but it becomes more versatille. It's good to have a specific time of the day just for meditation, at least on the beginning ).
    Good luck! Any questions feel free to ask

    Edit - Ps: if you have the time, try these books -> The Power of Now and The Four Agreements. Will help you understand what the mind does and deepen your practice.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2019