Diesel Celebrates 90 days!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Diesel74, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    Diesel Celebrates 90 Days Hardmode!!!

    I did it!!! Just 6 months ago, I honestly thought it was impossible to stop masturbating.
    Thanks to sites like this one, I learned, not only that it was possible, but how to do it. But, in order to be successful, I had to endure a tremendous amount of pain, uncertainty, turmoil, mood swings, hormonal swings, and pretty much every kind of miserable discomfort I could think of. I also had to learn everything I possibly could about the brain, dopamine response, uptake inhibitors, serotonin etc... Then I had to teach myself about anabolics, testosterone, fitness, weight training, the adrenal gland and the wide array of male hormones that go absolutely crazy when I quit PMO.

    The only way I was able to quit was from educating myself using the information available on the internet and sites like this one that offer the support to those struggling.

    I Intend to do my full reboot report at 120 days detailing the experience. So watch out for that in success stories.

    I actually started out thinking that I would quit MO and remain sexually active, then I decided to try Hard mode at Nofaps recommendation, and I have not looked back. Today, I do not miss sex at all. I honestly think very little about it. I no longer pine over women or ogle them with my eyes. I am never ashamed, and I never back down. The best part, I am completely able to put women in their place if need be, without hesitation, without over-reaction, while before I may have endured them for the sake of getting laid. Having said all that, I'm planning on pursuing a non-religious form of celibacy as I continue to move deeper into my own potential.

    Again, thank you Alexander for maintaining the site, and everyone else for your support, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask as a big part of my recovery process has been helping others.
    Kenji, Deleted Account and PotentLife like this.
  2. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut


    Massive congrats!!!!
  3. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Hey Diesel74 Congratulations from me too! Keep Going man! :)
  4. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Great Job Diesel! Stay strong!

    One question. How long did the withdrawals last for you?
  5. docker

    docker Fapstronaut

    Diesel that's great. Congratulations!

    Would you like to share with us what have you earned from spiritual perspective?
    Kenji likes this.
  6. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    @insanezombieman- The withdrawls...hmm...I would say around the 2 month mark, they become pretty manageable. The three month mark, I would say Im 85% of normal. But, there is plenty of difficulty, but in other ways. I'm still trying to get a handle on things...I mean, EVERYTHING has changed.

    @docker- I can say that, I've been going to church every Sunday. Not because of the religous propaganda, but a strong desire to be around people. I've gone from a complete loner, to a people person in just a few months.
    Zinc and PotentLife like this.
  7. docker

    docker Fapstronaut

    That's incredible.
    Thank you for sharing that.

    Keep going!!!!
    Kenji likes this.
  8. M L

    M L Guest

    Congratulations Diesel - you have been a help to me already:) I aspire to 90 days - your example helps a lot.
  9. Way to go, Diesel! I second M L's sentiments in that you've been a help and an inspiration. Congratulations on your 90 days, and here's to 90 more!

    Paul (Who is almost at his third 7-day goal).
  10. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, glad to know I'm being helpful.
  11. atmatm23

    atmatm23 Fapstronaut

    Congrats man working on my 90 days right now. I'm ready for the battle.
  12. iwillstop

    iwillstop Fapstronaut

    Your story is awesome cant wait to hear your detailed report at 120 days. I hope I can succeed like you aswell. Just on question did you ever relapse? If so how many times? Cheers

    Stay Strong - iwillstop
  13. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    @iwillstop yes I relapsed a time or two but, it didn't bother me, because it didn't change the fact I had to stop.

    The way I stopped was a diiferent than most on here just going cold turkey. I decided to tapper off. Plus I did my prep work. I quit sugar and alcohol beforehand because the withdrawls of both are sexual stimulants. Quit sugar was hard, but made quitting PMO much easier. Once they were out of my system, I stopped looking at porn completely and threw it all away. I then taught myself to dislike MO. I did this by only making M as fast and uncomfortable as possible. I stood in the corner with a tissue. Then I started tappering off. I knew I could make it 7 days without MO. So I decided, I would start with MO only on Sundays. The first week was the hardest, the second, slightly easier but I did relapse and pressed on, the third, even easier. After a month, I decided to go to once every two weeks. The first was tough, but the second was easier, but I actually had to force myself to MO. Then, at the end of my next 2 week period, I just did not want to MO. So, I didnt. That was almost 3 months ago.
  14. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations Diesel!
  15. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    Congrats Diesel. I think I remember you from the beginning when I was starting my journey last summer. Well done. Keep going. you are an inspiration to all of us.
  16. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this.
  17. congrats man...! All the best for 120!
  18. SkyBlue

    SkyBlue Fapstronaut

    Congrats! Great to hear some positive success story's. What's your plans on the celibacy front are you not engaging in any types of intimate relationships and if so how long do you plan on doing this for? How do you feel that no sexual relations with women will benefit you? I think it's great that you seemed to have owned this shit just interested in your thoughts behind abstaining from women.

    Best Regards
    Kenji likes this.
  19. Taqwaman

    Taqwaman Fapstronaut

    Great man, i am happy for your success. Keep it up
  20. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    YA BRO NICE TUNAGE! (Your sig link)
    Indignation likes this.