30 Day Challenge For Myself

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by milato, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    I've been seeing escorts on the side way, way back in College and for a period of time my addiction to porn changed. It took the form of seeing high class escorts. It's been hard to quit cold turkey on it but when i feel like i do i just go back to porn. When im back in porn and i do it too much then i want to seek out an escort, one that look somewhat similar to the chick in the video i just watched.

    It's a vicious cycle

    Which isn't hard to do. Buying a women is almost like ordering pizza in this day age. IM DEAD SERIOUS, But i'm trying to stop and i've tried to stop before and i'll make significant strides but i just fall apart when i get bored because then i'll masturbate again just to make the day go by faster to alleviate the boredom.

    Too myself:
    I'm going to try this again cause im not afraid to admit how much time i'm wasting , and how dumb i've been for not using the tools around me, and being a pussy and putting a stop to this behavior way earlier.

    DAY 1/30
  2. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    good luck in your path fella!
  3. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    Day 2/30


    You did good on the 2nd day , but you gotta take the day head on and that means don't shrink at the thought of cold showers. Yeah it's going to fucking shock you , you may even scream but you gotta do them. That Jolt will empower you take on the day, aim for 5 minutes but if your daring go for 10 min. Tomorrows mission after the gym is taking a cold shower. It's going to fucking suck but you can't be a pussy about it, you have to face the suck head on and keep it moving.

    The best version of yourself that you imagined takes cold showers , even incorporated ice baths. If you want to be fucking insane and take on the day like that, then start the morning right with a 10 minute cold shower and continue it. The habits that the best version of myself has are extraordinary, be extraordinary!
    Linda54 likes this.
  4. Linda54

    Linda54 New Fapstronaut

    You can do that
  5. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    Day 3/30


    Your doing good, you did 6 minutes in a cold shower , felt like your body was screaming and everything was out of whack but you did it. NOW DO IT AGAIN, 1 day isn't good enough. Also i almost caught you slipping today, not on porn but on Listcrawler, i saw you almost get up to your old habits. Finding a hot chick who used to sale her videos turn escort, willing to let you do anything for a price.

    You couldn't come out an say no i won't go! That would've been the manly thing to do. Instead your just going to ignore the text tomorrow, and act like you didn't try to go fuck this chick. STAY OFF THOSE SITES , they are a detriment to your health and well being at this point. If you want to be the best version of yourself grow some fucking balls and if she text tell her no i won't be seeing you. If she calls tell her to fuck off!

    Your 3 days in pussy it's to fucking early to fold. Get ready for the gym, and a cold shower tomorrow, continue to move forward.
  6. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    Day 4/30


    Keeping up the good work, 5 minutes in the shower not bad. Meeting the milestones in the gym as well. Keep up the good work, staying focused. Try to incorporate some more studying though you need to go hard for the Security + certification. But your doing good, keep it up.
  7. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    Day 5/30

    Too Myself

    Going strong but i shouldn't have to reiterate this don't go to websites that are going to trigger you to get in that loop. Even though it didn't bother you or give a reaction there's still a longing or feeling you want.....and all that is loveless sex with multiple women. It sounds appealing but right now stick to improving yourself and controlling your urges and mind.

  8. milato

    milato Fapstronaut

    Day 6/30


    Keep it up the cold cant stop you! :emoji_snowflake::cool: