Any input on rebooting during relationships?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by canstopwillstop3, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    So I've been with this girl for awhile now and things are starting to get sexual. I'm in my early stages of a reboot from PMO and I am wondering how to handle this situation. One of my biggest problems at the moment is that when we hangout, I get blue balls pretty bad due to all the fooling around which makes me really want to relieve it the one way I always have. I also want to make it the full 90 days without O's (even with a girl), and it's getting more difficult since I am starting to get more sensitive down there and I won't last long when she is starts trying to get physical. Does anybody have any advice?
  2. Icemelons

    Icemelons Fapstronaut

    Maybe let her know about your how you feel about your blue balls. It's good to be honest and I'm sure she'll respect that.

    It's awesome that you wanna go 90 days without O. I'm a bit new so I don't wanna give the wrong advice but would having sex with her go against why you're doing NoFap in the first place?
  3. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    My goal is to make it 90 days even without O, even if with a girl. I think having that kind of self-control to resist it no matter what during the 90 days is what I need. More for the psychological part. So I will be disciplined enough to overcome other urges once the 90 days is over.

    And the main problem is that we aren't dating. So we aren't close enough yet to where I'm comfortable enough telling her my problem. She goes to college like 4 hours away and she doesn't get to come home much (which is good for my reboot situation). So I just have to deal with it every once in awhile when she comes home. It just sucks getting all backed up and having to avoid jacking. I know there are other methods of relieving blue balls, I just wonder if any of them have worked for anybody else or If someone else has a different way they handle blue balls during a reboot. Thanks for the input btw!!
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