Can PIED be in your brain x months/years before seeing it with your penis?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Depressed&Out, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut


    Say for example the first sign of PIED was experienced in 2015 in the form of softer erections - is it possible that PIED started taking hold of your brain x months or years before that? And that it only manifested itself physically a few years later?

    Or is it a case of PIED happens (in your brain) and that you would see it almost immediately manifest itself in the form of softer erections, lower libido, etc?

    Not sure if my question made sense.
  2. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    I have no idea, but my wild ass guess is that it happens gradually in the same way that you don't become an alcoholic after one beer. If anyone has any data I'd appreciate it because analogies are not arguments.
  3. I think I understand what your saying
    And if I do, I’d say yes it does
    At least it started showing with me
    I’t is all to do with dopamine
    About 3-4 years ago I noticed I had to use porn before I had sex with my wife, I also watched porn whilst edging and cyber chatting, I was escalating the behaviour because my dopemine receptors we’re slowly shutting down, then I started to notice softer erections, then sometimes occasional ed.
    Also I started to become depressed.
    I also started to exhibit adhd symptoms, no focus, could follow stories in films, manic talking, constant figits.
    Then one day wham!! Flatline............
    Severe depression and pied
    Wake up call
    Now slowly dealing with the depression, slightly less
    And I now get nocturnal and morning wood, at first as soon as I’d wake it would diminish, after 60 days it got better, it lasts for about a minute after waking now, sometimes I ask my wife to hold it, it makes me feel like I’m getting somewhere

    Also the anxiety followed similar line, slowly progressing, then wham, totally extreme to the point of psychotic paranoia, at the mo I’m medicating with kratom to help the anxiety
    I’ve stopped cannabis and alchohol

    Onwards and upwards
    Coolyorky and Anonymous86 like this.
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Are you saying that you're not able to follow stories in films? Because I am suffering the same symptom.
  5. Yup that’s exactly what I’m saying, and I couldn’t read either, had like a few seconds of concentration span
    I also would shake a lot
    Basically had adhd symptoms
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  6. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Yeah, me too. I quit watching films about 5 years ago and so I can't compare it now, but back then I had trouble following the plot of films. I then lost motivation to watch films (but I'm not sure if this is related or not).

    I also have trouble focusing when reading - sometimes I spend many minutes reading the sentence over and over again in order for it to be comprehended by my brain - and I also sometimes forget that I have a book infront of me and simply start thinking about something else.

    Hell knows how I'm currently managing fine completing my degree!!
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    This is why I think that I have PIED. I can’t think of what else would cause mental brain fog and adhd symptoms accompanying an ED symptom.
    Coolyorky and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Yup, dopamine deficiency
  9. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    This is what confuses me, I thought Porn was supposed to overload your brain with dopamine?
  10. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    Think of it like your phones battery. If you have the brightness turned up to max and are running a lot of apps you'll use it up quickly and need to recharge.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  11. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    It does. Hence, why I have these mental brain fog and adhd symptoms with ED.
  12. Yes P does, what happens is that over repeated dopamine elevation our brain tries to rebalance by shutting down the receptors that receive the dopamine because it thinks it’s out of balance, which it is. Then at first we elevate the behaviour to compensate this, the brain shuts down more and so on, until we hit flatline. The best way is to then starve the brain of any artificial hit of dopamine. Eventually the brain then rebalances and starts opening the receptors up again
    Depressed&Out likes this.
  13. Same situation , first sign of PIED in 2015 , i realized i was degrading myself daily but I not stopped from PMO .In 2016 following several failures, I realized that I was a pied and I finally stopped PMO.
    From 2016 until today without the pmo, but I did not heal myself,in fact nothing has changed, except I started using pils and it's a bit better, far from good....i have flatline more than 1 year no libido, no random erections, only I have nightly erections for hours..., but with awakening it becomes soft and no longer gives signs of life all day.
    I am very curious if I ever heal myself, for now nothing makes me optimistic.
    I make pmo more than 10 years without any problem, but the last 2 years we escalated and it was enough 2 years to develop pied and it seems there is no way back.
    Good luck everyone.
  14. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Wow holy crap, you haven't fully healed since 2016? Have you noticed any sensation of brain fog lifting? How long have you been abstaining for?
  15. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    My erections are better after a hundred days of no pmo. I got a bj yesterday which was good but going back to no pmo now. I don’t think I’m completely healed. Even I was healed I still wouldn’t use P. It’s rubbish. It’s junk. It’s a waste of time and energy

    Stay strong bothers
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. I do not watch porn in 2016, it's true that we did not make hardmodes for more than 1.5 months.
    There are 3 possibilities:
    1 That's not the problem ... but then what is it ??? I am perfectly healthy, I make sport ... I have gone through all phases described .... For more than 10 years I have done pmo daily .... and yet until 2016 I had no problem with the erection when suddenly neither on porn did not work anymore.
    2.something does not do well .... maybe I should stay in hardmode for more time .. but i read many stories when after months and months of hardmode it felt healed and after some orgasms, flatine again for months ..
    3. In some cases this can not be healed ... I spoke with a girl who worked on a webchat site, she told me that she had more clients who have suffered so and have never cured, now just looking to talk.
    I talked to one tantra teacher, he asked me .... did you hear anybody out of this to heal ??? I do not know what to think...