Just discovered this community

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by golfer2609, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. golfer2609

    golfer2609 New Fapstronaut

    Ok I am 38 years old and since about 12 years old i have been fapping. I have always been successful in life and with women.... I just loved that rush. It was almost like a drug when i got done work go home and load up pornhub and then go workout. I have a gym in my house and when i was done with my deed. I would go workout. As of late my workouts have been horrible ! I felt fatigued, unmotivated and completely drained. I wondered if my " Habit" was contributing to this. My last fap was on Saturday and what i am experiencing is somewhat mind blowing. On Monday i had the best workout i have had in years. I had an insane amount of energy and motivation. This has carried over to everything i am doing in life. At work i feel driven while before i just wanted to get through the day and go fap. I am excited to deal with conflicts and issues that arise at work... where before i just wished they would go away.

    I have always suffered from a degree of social anxiety and it had been getting worse. Since NoFap I want to talk to people. The little conversations that used to drive me insane energize me now. I am excited to go do things with my friends. I am also sleeping right through the night and waking up completely refreshed.

    I have been fortunate in life that girls have always been attracted to me. If i did not have my looks i would probably have never gotten chicks... because talking to the attractive ones has always petrified me ! They usually make the first move.... and keep it going until i settle in and know its a sure thing. Since stopping, It is like i have a spider sense and immediately notice when they are flirting with me. I now go up and have NO issue being playful and flirting with them ! I also notice since I have stopped that way more females are flirting and giving me signs.

    It seems this is what everyone else experiences?? Is there anything else i can look forward to as i progress in this journey.
    SpaceChickenMonster likes this.

  2. You’ll see me link this video everywhere. It’s a great video on what exactly happens to your brain while on porn and during a reboot.

    It’s cool that girls are flirting more, I think that has to do with us feeling better about our life which girls can sense. Therefore they like us more.

    Stay strong and keep going man!
  3. golfer2609

    golfer2609 New Fapstronaut

    This has completely rewired me. When I was in high school I had insane.... absolutely insane energy. The last few years i have found myself wishing to experience that once again ! Since NoFap i have that energy! I feel alive again ! I no longer hide in my office at work and pray no problems arise. I actually feel more equipped to deal with problems now. I am going out with my buddies on a Thursday night and am actually excited about it. Last night after my post I had an insane workout and literally had to cut myself off on the treadmill at 4.5 miles. I felt like i could have gone another 30.