How to recover masturbation damages?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Sakhi, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. First of all the people who says masturbation is normal kindly dont even comment here. Im asking it from the ones who think the same as me. I absolutely know its harmful to masturbate even once a week. And masturbated for more than five years. I started masturbating little more and more at the age 17 and increased so much in the last 3 years. I have even masturbated seven a week.. now im 23 and its been 2 or more than that im doing nofap and started weaning method and have seen so manny changes in my life... but masturbation made me so weak and I look like 30 years old man at the age 23. I also lost some of my hair in the M shape of my head and have thining hairs.... so how long does it take to recover? How to recover fast and what to do? Will I fully recover???
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  2. ahtisham

    ahtisham Fapstronaut

    believe in god and keep going
    my conditions are worst i am suffering from chronic ed from last 1 year and on no pmo from last 156 days a single sign of recovery is not shown yet frustation is increasing day by day.
    but i dont worry about that because anyone who is on nofap is suffering from something and everyone has hope so you also dont worry have faith in god and good days are waiting ahead for all of us.
    Deleted Account and Sakhi like this.
  3. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Masturbation is life drainage and life wreckage.
    2525, Clean Plate and Sakhi like this.
  4. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    It takes about 2 years to completely recover from an addiction. I used to masturbate to porn 3+ times everyday. Don't worry about the goal focus on the journey my friend.
  5. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    How about my age Im 23
    Will I recover well???
  6. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    The only thing that made me masturbate much was these fucking medical websites observing masturbating as a normal and beneficial thing...
  7. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    I'm the exact same age as you, and we have been clean practically the same amount of time from PM. Me and you have a long way to go until 2 years abstinence. I know youll get better because ive been clean and sober from drugs (my other bad habit) for 19 months, and Ive felt like Ive started a new chapter in that aspect of my life as well. Just be PATIENT, enjoy the ride, ups and downs included.
  8. Start exercising. Don't sorry about your hair it'll grow. I think right now you need a long time abstaining from Masturbation.
    Sakhi likes this.
  9. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    What excersices should I do most?? And how about meditation to help me recover fast?
  10. I don't meditate so I can't give you an answer. But if you're starting out exercises do push ups and sit ups at home for a while and after that you go to a gym or invest in weighs to turn your home into a gym
    Little kid5 and Sakhi like this.
  11. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Sometimes, rebooting takes longer for some people. And I get what you mean, because my PMO addiction led to me developing a fetish of getting aroused by girls peeing on the toilet, and girls peeing in general :(. I realized that having masturbation and PMO addiction messes up your brain, confidence, mood, and overall self-potential. Just keep going at it, until you're completely recovered, and don't relapse! :)
    Sakhi likes this.
  12. peter311

    peter311 Fapstronaut

    1. Start eating vegetables, seeds, nuts, honey, natural things. People underestimate what nutrients do to your lower body.
    2. Start enjoying things that take long time to achieve, which requires patience. Your life gets better. It becomes more meaningful.
    Sakhi likes this.
  13. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Guys stated cold turkey 13 days ago. But just today after watching alittle porn my progress broke. It was the longest that I went without masturbating. Now im sad that why I did that. And also my desire now for releasing is even more just like the days befor nofap. Dont know why. Someone had post a porn video on a facbook page. That made me break my progress...
  14. Do things that make you forget PMO and distract you from temptation. If you're religious, the bible is your friend. Read through it and gain motivation. Exercising is also a fantastic way to recover. I do karate 2 hours a week and crossfit 1 hour. Not only that it completely distracts you from PMO it also enhances your overall health and makes you a better person in general- it is proven to improve your mood, thus preventing any unholy thoughts.

    I also suggest that you go to sleep on time and try not to stray from your schedule. Also set up a reward system: Let's say, for each 10 days you went through without PMO'ing, go buy yourself ice cream or something. That's just a silly example of course but I'm sure you get what I mean. I hope my advice helped, now go out and make it count. We're all rooting for ya ;)
    Sakhi likes this.
  15. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    Really agree, exercise helps. But if you get into a habit, and then miss a few days the desire to masturbate can be huge (personal experience). I managed about 25 days around a month ago with no masturbation or Porn, on my own, bit of a record for me. but I missed a few sessions at the gym, saw a few hot girls out and about, and thinking of some of the hot ones that I see regularly at the Gym and then boom, straight to porn!

    You need to find other outlets, get motivated about something. I find the fact my muscles are building, and I can lift much heavier things (I quite often now have to increase the weight on machines rather than decrease it ;-)), and really enjoy going to the group exercise classes, both to increase my activity and meet other people.

    I think creating a life you can love, and be proud of is really important. Look into some hobbies, ideally physically active ones. Find something you haven't done before. Go for it!

    P.S. Let me tell you, I get much more attention now I am bald and proud than I did with my full head of hair! I think as long as you aren't trying to hide it, most girls think its quite attractive, or atleast not put off by it.
    Sakhi likes this.
  16. N M

    N M Fapstronaut

    Totally agree. Particularly modern doctors...All propagate masturbation is harmless and that motivated to do more
  17. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    It is just harmful if you are addicted imo
  18. Vedas

    Vedas Fapstronaut

    Same here bro, I look like i am 40 years old at the age of 28. Trying my best but still not recovering. Doctors are not ready to accept that it is being caused by masturbation.
  19. The 66 books of the Bible do it for me.