Women Struggle Too..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ahfnm, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    I am a 23 year old female, who like you... Struggles with a porn addiction. From what I've seen, this group is made up mostly of men, so my hope is to be accepted into this support group with open arms!

    You see, up until about a month ago I never would have admitted I had a problem. In my mind only men had this problem, it wasn't applicable to women... But I was wrong.

    I grew up with a porn addict as a father, and saw the way it affected my family and my parents marriage my father attended 12-step meetings and sex addicts anonymous weekly. My parents were very open about my fathers struggle in hopes that my brother and I would see the dangers associated with porn, but unfortunately for me it did just the opposite. It sparked my curiosity and that has always been my down fall.

    Like I said before, up until recently I was oblivious to the fact that I had a problem. I was avidly against porn, and set it as a "deal breaker" for all my relationships. All the while viewing it on my own behind closed doors. Hypocrite much?

    The lasts three months have been especially bad. I've reached an all time low, and I couldn't quite figure out why. I wanted to be alone, I didn't want to deal with people... I even skipped out on my best friends party, because I wanted to go home and be alone... With my phone. I blamed the plumit in my self esteem, My lack of motivation, and my constant bad mood on my boyfriend and his lack of interest in sex with me, and our failing relationship.
    It wasn't until my boyfriends brother came over for family dinner wearing a "porn kills love" shirt, and shared a "fight the new drug" article on Facebook that I started making a connection. I sent him a text asking him about his involvement with the movement and what it meant to him. He shared with me his story and his struggle. He's soon to be married to the girl of his dreams and they, together are fighting his addiction.
    That's when it dawned on me, I'd been so concerned that my boyfriend had a problem that I was completely oblivious to my own. Our relationship was falling apart and porn was to blame, but it wasn't just him it was me too.

    I came clean to my boyfriend that night and told him I'd figured out the root of my depression. I apologized for being such a hypocrite and I asked for his help. We had a very open discussion about our addictions and agreed that we would both stop with private play time and save it for each other. He thanked me for being honest and told me he felt that I was very brave for coming clean with my realization.

    It's only been a few weeks, but I've already noticed a huge improvement in my moods and behavior and also my relationship.
    There isn't alot of info out there for women struggling with this addiction, and I realize it might be different for me than it would be for a man, but it's comforting knowing that there is support out there!
    So thank you for reading my story, and best of luck to you all. :)
  2. BahaiGuy

    BahaiGuy Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing. I'm new here myself, but I for one welcome the perspective of women facing these issues just as much as the perspective of men. I wish you and your boyfriend the best, and hope to hear updates on both of y'all's journeys (yeah, I say y'all. I'm from Arkansas, lol).
  3. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I really appreciate it. I was hesitant to join, and post a thread for fear I'd be seen as a trigger and I'd get booted off. Haha
    Nothing wrong with a southern draw! I've got a friend from 'Texarkana' (not sure if that's right?) but I think it's adorable!
  4. ilovetyrannosaurusrex

    ilovetyrannosaurusrex Fapstronaut

    Good story and just to clarify I am a guy and I feel pretty much the same and it sucks. Porn became a problem for me when a so called friend showed me on his phone. Now I am disgusted on how I view women and I desperately need a helping hand.
  5. BahaiGuy

    BahaiGuy Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's Texarkana. It's actually two cities that meet at the border of Texas and Arkansas. Went through it while driving with friends to Dallas.

    If you got booted for being a "trigger", I would leave these forums right away. Things like that don't happen in civilized society. MAYBE on ultra-religious forums, but even then I doubt it.
  6. Schia

    Schia Fapstronaut

    Women are just as welcome as men here. Indeed, in the journals section, there is a specific forum for women, just in case speaking about your problem with men feels uncomfortable. As far as I am concerned, I'm willing to help anyone who feels they have a problem. You're not alone!

    I should point out that I am male myself, though most of my friends are female. Of the few I feel I can open up to, I suspect at least two of them have issues that I suspect this site could help with if they admitted to themselves it was a problem.
  7. Lucas258

    Lucas258 Fapstronaut

    Welcome.....I think a woman joining isn't a trigger. It could be for some people, but even if some people perceive it as so, then that is just a sobering reminder of how much porn really warps our sexuality!
  8. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    You guys are awesome! Thank you for the support. :)
    I have a beginners question though, aparantly I'm not up to date on the forum lingo. What does MO stand for??
  9. ilovetyrannosaurusrex

    ilovetyrannosaurusrex Fapstronaut

  10. ilovetyrannosaurusrex

    ilovetyrannosaurusrex Fapstronaut

  11. BahaiGuy

    BahaiGuy Fapstronaut

    The main website has a glossary, in case any other terms confuse you. :)
  12. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    Well, that makes sense. Thank you!
  13. M L

    M L Guest

    I'm a woman, and new here too. Facing the problem is a big step - yay for us! PMO has negatively effected my marriage, but rather than causing us to be less frequent with sex, I sought it out more because of the enormous fantasy bank I had in my head. Physically intimate often, but sometimes mentally I wasn't even there. That's why I'm doing this, really - it's a journey to connection. All the best to you:)
  14. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    Married lady, it's weird... It seems to increase female sex drive, but to decrease men. I was wanting it more, and getting mad that he didn't. So I'd go off on my own.. I it's a vicious cycle really.
  15. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    Welcome on NoFap, sister! And great that MarriedLady and you have already connected, I'd have pointed her out to you otherwise.

    To be honest, I'm a little shocked about your story. When I read about your father being a porn addict, at first I thought, poor girl, you must've found out about his secret and how he desperately tried to keep it all from you while not being able to stop (the classic scenario, if you will). But no, he's open about it, going to 12-step meetings and being on a healing journey himself, and yet, his damage lives on in you. Don't get me wrong, this has very little to do with you, I'm just shocked that being honest about his struggles didn't have the desired effect at all (protecting you from repeating his mistakes). I'm not a father myself (yet), but if I were, I'd probably have done the same thing as he did. But if secrecy won't help and honesty won't either, what other path is there? Makes me feel sad.

    The very best of luck to you!
  16. Mojohn

    Mojohn Fapstronaut

    I'm a man but that has been my experience. The problem (that I found) is that porn warps one's expectations about what sex is. So even though you seek it out more, you have to ask, what are you actually seeking? In my case I found myself seeking the exact kind of things I would see in porn. That's not what sex with someone you love is all about, IMO. Anyway, good luck!
  17. atridue

    atridue Fapstronaut

    Guys this is one thread I thought I would never find from a woman. It does help a lot to know we are in this together. I am already 31 and this took too much time of my life away. I wish I had realized I was an addict when I was 23. I think you are much stronger mentally than I am by recognizing at such a young age and specially as a woman so please accept my token of admiration. I wish you the very best in your journey.
  18. M L

    M L Guest

    Ahfnm - it is a viscous cycle. You are doing great to try and break it. Sounds like lots of people want to help us for which I am very thankful:)
    Mojohn, I agree that porn mode sex in an emotionally intimate relationship is not really what's called for. I'm going to try, really hard, to just respond naturally to intimacy, and not try and "improve" it in any way..

    Seventyniner, it is such a hard decision knowing what and when to share with your kids. Things could go either way, as you say. Each parent, in love, does the best they can with the children they have. I'm so proud of this young woman reaching out - that's amazing maturity:)
  19. ahfnm

    ahfnm Fapstronaut

    Seventyniner- I was a unique case. My whole life my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I grew up in a very LDS (Mormon) house hold, and although I appreciate my parents honesty I was the type of kid that would purposely go against EVERYTHING my parents said. To the point where I even refused to brush my teeth because that's what I was told to do. I definitely think honesty is key, but I also think there has to be a certain bond that my father and I lack.
  20. sstof

    sstof Fapstronaut

    Welcome, I hope you can get the support you are looking for. I just started on here myself.