Science in Adam and Eve?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. Let's be honest, if I provided evidence of macroevolution you'd probably just hand wave it away as pseudoscience anyway so what's the point in showing you any evidence anyhow? You're gonna believe the Genesis account of creation no matter what. You accuse me of wasting your time for asking a question but can't see that you're wasting my time too by asking for evidence of macroevolution when you'll just believe creationism anyway.
  2. And it's hilarious that you accused of me of being arrogant earlier when you yourself claim to somehow know more about macroevolution than scientists who have studied it their whole lives. And I'm the arrogant one?
  3. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I'm not one of those Bible thumpers. I've got plenty of questions. You should hear the conversations I have with people I know. They get fed up with me because I just can't blindly believe everything in the Bible. That I can't just believe and trust God and let things be. So before you go accusing me of anything maybe you need to know who I am. A person with tons of questions about why there's all this hurt and evil in the world and why God didn't stop it before it happens. I have many things that I don't agree with and don't believe in. But yes, I do believe God created humans and everything else that is in the world and of the world. I will not believe that we evolved from apes. That's so ludicrous in my way of thinking. Also, there are many, MANY, people that claim to be Christians who truly aren't Christians for one reason or another and when the judgement day comes God will say "Away from me, for I never knew you."
  4. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I don't know a damn thing about macroevolution and have never once claimed that I did. All I've ever said is that I don't believe humans come from apes. But I assume that macroevolution refers to things such as humans coming from apes and I don't believe that for one second.
  5. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    Why do you believe that god created humans? answer me this honestly please. have you ever seen or heard from this dude?
  6. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna pretend adam and eve and the garden of eden are real for a sec. You say everything in this garden when he created the earth was perfect, and he gave those two the oh so simple command of not eating the fruit from the tree, because when you eat the fruit from the tree, it took away your ignorance and gave you knowledge of right and wrong. The fruit is literally called the "fruit of knowledge of good and evil." adam and eve had zero way of knowing it was wrong to eat that fruit, which "made the world sinful." also what kind of story is that anyways? why would he put a big tree with fruit in the middle of their garden for them not to eat it. i can not see the logic in any bit of how "god created the world" how he did. none of your points really have any backing behind them besides "well god made it like that." if you want to sound smart, try to argue using real things that can be proved, not something from a fairy tale, because then you might do better in these arguments.
  7. Because human beings are far too complexly and intricately designed to have sprung up on their own without a creator.
    Hros likes this.
  8. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    Imagine a puddle of water sitting in a pothole saying “wow, I’m here, so this pothole must have been intricately made just for me. It’s amazing how thought out it is that I am here, this can’t be an accident.” While saying this, the puddle doesn’t realize that soon it will dry up or something will fill up the hole, and the water will disperse or evaporate, because it is not intricately made, but it ended up there in that point in time. Do I need to explain this analogy any further?
  9. That's not even slightly equivalent to anything we are discussing. Human beings are not puddles.

    And while we're at it, God also created water, so yeah, He created the puddle too... not sure what this silly analogy has to do with anything though.

    Also, water is absolutely an intricate design. Just because it evaporates doesnt make it not an intricate design. In fact, that ADDS to its intricacy. Water is pretty freaking cool, actually.

    Your analogy makes no sense. You're mixing up God creating something with things being in a specific time for a specific purpose or something, which is not the same thing and a completely different debate. Do I believe it's some mystical sign that a puddle ends up in a pothole? No. Do I believe God created water and humanity? Yes. These are completely unrelated thoughts and have nothing to do with each other.
    Hros likes this.
  10. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    Imagine a Muslim saying “allah is real because humans are intricately made, life can’t be a coincidence.” And then a Christian comes along and says the exact same thing. There a billion Muslims as well as Christians. So who does this fine tuning argument prove correct? I could simply say “humans are so intricate, it’s impossible a dude just snapped his fingers and they sprang into existence. There must be some million year process they went through to become so efficient (evolution).
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. The fact is, all of humanity around you points to the fact that a creator has to exist. If you know anything about the intricate and beautiful designs of the universe, you can plainly see that there's absolutely no way all of this could have just happened on its own. No way. To ignore that obvious fact is just ignorant. I can't see what else there is to say on the matter. You don't need me to provide you with evidence. The evidence is right in front of your face, and in your very body. If you can't see that yet, then nothing I can say is going to convince you.
    Hros likes this.
  12. So now you're again changing this into a completely different discussion... we arent talking about which religion is correct over the other. We are talking about whether or not the earth created itself, which it did not, because that's impossible.
    Hros likes this.
  13. Look man I'm sorry for things getting heated between us, the anonymity of the internet can make you do crazy things. I need to stop getting so upset over debates like this. I might or might not respond later to the other posts but I'm sorry for everything.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  14. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    every single thing you just said is so very stupid to me. I feel like not even bothering I’m going to respond to each thing you said. First of all you ignored my previous post. If you continue to disregard what I say and just say “how can you not see it” I’m going to leave because that’s boring and annoying. Ok so. 1) “the fact is that there’s evidence of a creator all around you.” Evidence? Like scientific studies?? Or like a source from someone who has qualification to be speaking on such matters? I haven’t seen a single proven fact that there is hard evidence for a creator. Please give me some of this “evidence” though. 2. “Beautiful designs of universe, couldn’t happen on its own.” You’re the one saying it just magically happened in a matter of days. The universe wasn’t created for us. We came to be because of the universe. You have it mixed up. We adapted to live on this earth, and it’s not “perfectly designed for us.” The same sun that sustains us also gives us cancer, 70% of our water is undrinkable, and there are natural disasters and more. The earth and humans came to be from 100’s of millions of years of failing and adapting to survive. Next post I’ll do more points or elaborate on these
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Really? Tell me, do you need a scientist to write up an official document telling you that the apple you're eating came from an apple tree? And that came from an apple seed? Do you need a scientist to tell you that apple didn't just spring up out of thin air? No... you know it didnt, because you have a brain and common sense. You dont need a scientist to tell you things cant create themselves out of nothing. That's an obvious fact.

    Clearly, you are very set in your beliefs and have no interest in actually listening to what I have to say, so I'm going to leave it at that. There's no point in continuing this conversation unless and until you understand the very basic fact that matter can't just create itself.
    parkurman123, Hros and AUTiger7222 like this.
  16. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    3) “you are ignoring the beautiful designs of the universe right in front of your face.” No. It’s pretty cool that humans are now sentient enough to appreciate beauty and to see what this universe has become. I love how beautiful the universe is, and yeah, humans have evolved to be really complex creatures which is cool. What does that have to do with a sky dude though? Also talking about the big universe helps my point. Why would a god make a gigantic universe, with billions of planets way bigger than earth, like seriously there’s so much out there, but then only place his precious humans on one single tiny rock. Was this one his favorite? Why doesn’t the Bible talk about the other ones? 4) seriously bro you act like there is 100% credible evidence for god just right there in my face like it’s common knowledge he’s real, show me some of that evidence. Give me some of that juicy truth, if there was a god that’d be cool to know about him so tell me. How can you prove he’s real?
  17. Um, I did not say that. Please don't put words in quotes that I didnt say, thanks.
  18. _jeremy_

    _jeremy_ Fapstronaut

    there is scientific proof for all of those things, and the difference between god and an Apple is that I can see it. With my eyes. I am done arguing with, I feel bad. I’m kind of in awe of how you take what I say, ignore it all because you have nothing, and then insult my intelligence lol, saying “how can you not see this,” or “you don’t have common sense”. Yep, that does a good job of proving me wrong. god is not real buddy
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. We will have to agree to disagree. Have a good night.
  20. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    It's my own personal belief. You're free to believe whatever you wish to belief.
    Deleted Account likes this.

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