After how many days you had you first wet dream on NoFap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by LuisGuev, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. LuisGuev

    LuisGuev Fapstronaut

    This is something I'm interested in. My longest streak was 44 days and I never had a wet dream, so I want to ask you guys, how much was your streak when you had it?
  2. FeelTheThunder

    FeelTheThunder Fapstronaut

    Had my first wet dream on 9th of december, i.e. 41st day and it was not as much as i expected, It was short, i woke up in like 5 mins and had nothing but a drop of wetness in my underwear. But yeah hoping for the wet dream that many people experience.
    LuisGuev likes this.

    THEBEATPOLICE Fapstronaut

    my longest streak was like 30-40 days and I never had one =(
    LuisGuev likes this.
  4. Theamos

    Theamos Fapstronaut

    9 days
    If I don’t m I have them in about 2 weeks every time even at 55 years old
    Deleted Account and LuisGuev like this.
  5. FeelTheThunder

    FeelTheThunder Fapstronaut

    Keep on going till you achieve your dreams, Few things that helped me overcome the addiction were:
    1. Stopped using PC and mobile for a month (due to exams but now i'm using them again and I don't have urges to fap anymore)
    2. Go for a morning walk or jog, i personally go for cycling to some places since cycling around the same place gets boring.
    3. Remind yourself of the superpowers you'll have if you become PMO-free.
    4. Try new things, try those things which you could have done if your life hadn't been wasted mostly on PMO.
    5. Try to keep yourself busy, I had exams so I was able to just wake up and study everyday.
    That's all I can say right now, but trust me man, Life feels much more amazing without PMO.
    LuisGuev and Theamos like this.
  6. TheBarbarian

    TheBarbarian Fapstronaut

    I start having them after a couple of days. Two in a row this week. Makes my nights a little more interesting
    LuisGuev likes this.
  7. LuisGuev

    LuisGuev Fapstronaut

    I want to experience that wet dream as well, But I haven't experience one, So the only thing I can do is waiting.
    By the way, congratulations for your streak, 61 days, you're a beast. You almost reach the 90. Keep it up!
  8. LuisGuev

    LuisGuev Fapstronaut

    I'd like to experience one every two weeks as you do haha
  9. Theamos

    Theamos Fapstronaut

    I like them but a messs to clean up
  10. I'm 60+ this streak and while I've come really close, I always stop myself in my dream because I tell myself I'll break my streak and I wake up.
  11. It varies from person to person. And nothing is wrong with you if you don’t experience.
  12. Theamos

    Theamos Fapstronaut

    I truthfully thought they stopped after teens. But when I have gone for any leaght of time I still get them
  13. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    I have them everyday. Really sucks.
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  14. FeelTheThunder

    FeelTheThunder Fapstronaut

    Thanks Man, appreciate it, This is my 2nd attempt at NoFap, How i succeeded was due to 3 reasons.
    1. My PC broke due to voltage stuff, by the time I got it fixed I was out of PMO
    2. I wanted to fap so I took the phone to the bathroom and dropped it in water and oh boy, I decided to take that as a warning and did 50 pushups (aimed for 100 and lost at 50) as a punishment and woke up with muscle pain the next day
    3. I used K9 Web Protection as some user suggested me.
    Also I remember a thread where a person said this NoFap stuff ain't about completing 90 days. Its not about resisting the urge to fap forever. Its about getting rid of the addiction that is causing the urge to fap.
    Also reboot period differs for different individuals depending on their period of addiction etc. I have been addicted only for like 3-5 months so I guess that's the reason I was able to overcome this addiction (atleast i think so) in just 2 months.
  15. It seems pretty consistent with me usually after a full week