Do you guys think god has made penis for hand or vagina?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Sakhi, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Is this really logic that the culture today suggests that everyone of us should release and fulfil our sexual urges with 'hands'? Once I was reading the webmd website topic on masturbation. They claim that masturbation is good.then they say that masturbation has none of the benifits sex does
    I have masturbated more than 5 years. I totally experienced all of the harms with masturbation. Im really sure the science have discovered and proved all of its harms, but the hide every thing.
    How silly guys. If doctors say fapping is harmful, all of porn industries colapse. Politics are also involved here..
  2. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    I love the question it's very witty and yea I do agree with everything you say.
    Sakhi likes this.
  3. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    You must brother. Until when do we have to believe this fucking science involved with political issues and money?
    Flyhigh likes this.
  4. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    It's fake science, God is the real science.
    Hosseink and Sakhi like this.
  5. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    What's more important is we know the truth.
    Sakhi likes this.
  6. We live in a world where porn is free and a cheesburger costs less than a salad. How as a political elite do you control the masses...? You turn them into sheeple by hacking their brain's healthy reward center. Give them smartphones, pc's and a shitload of porn and they won't protest when their next bill goes up in numbers. How's freedom for ya?
  7. Hosseink

    Hosseink New Fapstronaut

    Science and money are related.
    Porn and Money also.
    Prostitute and money...
    Masturbate and porn also.
    and all of above relate with politics.
    and We believe their so-called "Research" despite We feel and touch their side effect But Media deceives the people.and people(we) believe Media and not believe Our feelings and not believe that the devastating effects on us.
  8. Mmdcroft

    Mmdcroft Fapstronaut

    I don't know about other religions but in Islam Imam Sadegh says people who masturbate is like they are married with their hands and it's a GREAT SIN and if I found out that anyone does such thing I never eat with that person

    Also prophet Muhammad says : The one who does masturbation is cursed !

    One of Imam Sadegh fellows says : I heard from Imam Sadegh that God doesn't speak to 3 kinds of people in the judgment day one of them are people who masturbate
    Hosseink likes this.
  9. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Bread and circuses — Juvenal [1st century Roman poet]

    It is a figure of speech, specifically referring to a superficial means of appeasement... In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace - by offering a palliative: for example food (bread) or entertainment (circuses).
    Ridley and aspiringwriter1997 like this.
  10. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    How about: mastication and masturbation, lol. Clean Willy [21st century wanker] :p
  11. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    Personally, I have never been able to shake the idea that sex makes babes. Masturbation does none of that.

    @Clean Willy Your username, now that's a pun. :D
  12. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    The penis is definitely for the vagina.......and dare i say ass
  13. Don't forget that it's Latin form is Panem et Circenses. This is one of the few Latin phrases that I've read about in both works of literature and in some of my classes. I first saw it in The Hunger Games trilogy and it fascinated me very much that I frequently wrote down the phrase and my school notes would full of my observations on it and what it meant not only to me but what it could mean to all of us individually. I might be taking Latin this fall and so this would be a good chance to re-exam this and understand how offering the populace bread and circuses would distract them from the questions and issues going on- but I digress.