Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Saracen, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Saracen

    Saracen New Fapstronaut

    That's how i feel before and after i watch porn jerked off. I waste hours watching porn searching for something different but its all the same. and i end up feeling super depressed & mentally sick.

    I've just wasted three hours instead of working and feel like a complete shit

    I wanna start my NoFap now . My whole life is passing me by and opportunities are being wasted .

    Good luck to me.
  2. beck

    beck Fapstronaut

    Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde describes perfectly how i feel too.
    Wish you good luck, and perhaps you'll get very productive after a couple of days.
    Just don't blame yourself, perfection doesn't exist. It's striving to perfection that makes us what we are and makes us better people every day.

    For myself, i use all the internet seach time to play my guitar and got insane improvements in short time, comming both from more motivation and from additionnal play time :)

    Again, good luck man !
  3. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Hmmm... same here. Like you're a different person when you binge and abuse PMO. Just stop and gain control of yourself. Gain momentum in this journey and you'll be surprised with how much you'll learn about yourself.

    I wish you well in this journey.
  4. yeah, it explains a lot, same feeling here.. But we need to accept that the "other" is "our-self" and decide who will be the controller of the body and mind.