About Me

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bloch1, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. bloch1

    bloch1 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am a 17 year old male that has tried to deal with pornography for four years now. Unlike people who were shown pornography or accidentally stumbled across it on the Internet, I went searching for it and have regretted it ever since. There was one time I went for a period of nine months without PMO (I guess it is called?) but soon relapsed back into it. I also should mention that I am a Christian. While I know a lot of people will disagree with this, my life objective is to glorify God in everything I do. Watching porn/masturbating doesn't help me to to that. In fact, the main place where I heard about NoFap was a Catholic Christian website that recommended this to help overcome porn addiction. (Could someone who is a Christian or has been here a while direct me to where groups are where I can find other Christians, if that is possible? Thanks.) I also want to have a good relationship with my future wife, not tainted by PMO, and I believe that starting early will help me to begin this process. I would definitely appreciate hearing from veterans who have stopped for a long time and am open to getting connected with an accountability partner.
  2. First, good for you for understanding how destructive PMO is for you. There's an open group called Christian Fapstronauts, it's filled with people who are believers of Christ but also suffer from the bondage of PMO addiction. One thing I suggest is from now on take only cold showers, not just when you feel the urge but whenever you go for a regular shower make it cold. It definitely helps, you can't be thinking of PMO when you feel like your swimming in the Arctic.

    Also, when you feel the urge pray to Jesus to deliver you from the urge he will help you when you ask just as it says in Hebrews 2:18, "Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."

    And like it says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

    Also if you need an accountability partner I'd be more than happy to obliged, rebooting is rough and I still have only gotten to 11 days as my best streak. But through faith in Jesus, I know we can overcome this addiction and glorify our Lord.
  3. bloch1

    bloch1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice! I read through the Guide for the NoFap Website and learned a little about how the website works and some of the ways to counteract PMO. I also asked to join the Christian Fapstronauts group and am looking forward to learning and growing with my brothers and sisters of Christ.