LDS Young Man

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by strongman23, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. My personal relationship and intimacy with Jesus is what is preferable to porn for me. The more her becomes everything to me the less I want PMO and He is giving me the life he wants for me where I have normal intimacy with my wife back as God intended. I also get my brain back working the way he intended.
  2. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    That’s great to here. Cherish your wife until the extent of time. I really hope that I can quit so I can be worthy of my future wife.
  3. If you are young and unmarried. Definitely stop I know firsthand that PMO messes up the real thing. Makes sense because that is how the enemy would want it. He ruins your relationship with your wife and destroys the family. Not to mention robbing you of the most pleasurable experience available this side of heaven.
  4. dudeface

    dudeface Fapstronaut

    I agree. Ditch this now, before you get married. You should also prepare for marriage in other ways. Try to get yourself as financially stable as you can, it'll help smooth out the first few years as money troubles can really put a strain on a marriage. When you find some one, don't get caught up in an infatuation. Marry someone you love, but don't marry her because you are "in love". Keep your head strait. Talk to your chick, talk about all the mundane everyday stuff, before you marry her, figure out how you want to handle finances, how many kids you want (you want a bunch! you do, trust me I speak from experience and it's awesome!), is she going to work, what are your life goals, where you want to live, etc, etc. Most importantly, the woman you marry should be your friend. I married my best friend and I don't regret it for a moment! Anyway, just my two cents. I know everyone is different but that's how me and my wife rolled and 15 years and 5 kids later, we still like each other.
    Myfortress likes this.
  5. That is very wise advice.
  6. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    Well. I’m back to Day 1. Sorry I’ve been inactive in posting. Been busy. And TBH just not wanting to log on. Don’t worry I’m not giving up!
  7. I hit 93 days after several relapse. With God's help we can do this. Praying for you.
  8. dudeface

    dudeface Fapstronaut

    Dag yo. Keep at it though. I'm praying for you. Try posting as often as you can, it seems to have helped me so far. So much of this is building habits. I'm starting to see patterns of habit and behavior that make it easier to slip up. Praying first thing in the morning is a good habit to work on. I'll be honest this morning I was practically planning on PMing. But, I'd committed to posting here everyday, and to the Rosary daily. As soon as I came out of my bedroom there was the Crucifix on the wall opposite my door. So, I decided to pray, but I didn't have to mean it, I could just rush through it, you know... but as I went on, dude, it's hard to rush a rosary... and the mysteries wear on you. How do you reflect upon the birth of Christ, and his presentation at the temple, or how do you ask for the grace of humility, or obedience, or love of neighbor all while still wanting to sin.
    I don't know if Mormon's have formal prayers, but if they do, get hold of them, memorize them, and pray them every morning when you wake up (or whenever you tend to be tempted most). Make a habit of it, do it legalistically if you must. The heart will follow the habit and even if you half mean it, Christ will begin to work on your heart and Its a good habit that will stand in opposition to this bad one. Christ be with you. Keep at it!
  9. dudeface

    dudeface Fapstronaut

    Also, reset your counter. You are still showing 12 days. You should be able to find a button under your profile.
  10. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve done this. I haven’t logged in in forever. I just hit my 12th day PMO clean. I’m trying again.
    hope4travis likes this.
  11. dudeface

    dudeface Fapstronaut

    Welcome back good buddy! Don't be afraid to post even if you are struggling. Few of us here have any pride left. We just want to see you succeed!
    strongman23 likes this.
  12. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

  13. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Welcome back !

    Make some time to reflect on what worked well for you in the past, and also reflect on what didn't work so well for you. Keep the things that worked to strengthen your foundation for success. For the things that didn't work ... don't entirely forget them; you don't need to repeat things that were a problem, or didn't work before and remembering what DIDN'T work will keep you from wasting time on that pathway.

    Reflect on what brought you here the first time. Are your goals, objectives, and "reasons why I am here" still relevant and meaningful today and are they still what you are prepared to work hard towards ? If not, adjust as necessary to reflect your current life situation. Then think about what you will do each and every day to keep your goals, objectives, and "why's" fresh in your mind. When we lose sight of our goals, motivation weakens and resets and relapses often follow.

    You made a good decision way-back-when to come here. You made another good decision to return here.
    So you KNOW how to make good decisions. Go make some more.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    strongman23 and hope4travis like this.
  14. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the positivity guys. Today marks a 2 week period. I haven’t ever gone this much without PMO for nearly 5 years. I truly think that as I keep myself busy and focused away that my urges will weaken and go away.
  15. Souvent08

    Souvent08 Fapstronaut

    It was motivating to read your thread. Keep posting and moving forward my friend! Keeping my focus on God has helped me tremendously too.
  16. hope4travis

    hope4travis Fapstronaut

    Awesome!! I’m in for another day, you? It’s one day at a time. One hour at a time. One choice at a time.

    It feels good when you’ve been able to go a couple of days like you have, because it builds confidence. It’s like the little engine that for a while chanted “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can” and now having proved to yourself that you can it becomes “I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could.”

    Now the enemy becomes complacency and over confidence. The temptation will be “hey, I’ve proved I can do this, so why not just indulge this once and then I can demonstrate a few weeks of self control again.”

    It’s been my observation that if nothing changes, nothing will change. IOW, if the only change in your life is that you practicing a white knuckles sort of abstinence, then eventually, the need to fill that void will pull you back in. So... what else are you changing in your life now that your enjoying the freedom for PMO addiction?

    Lots of positivity at you brother. Enjoy the journey.
    strongman23 likes this.
  17. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much. Day 16! I almost relapsed. I started looking up keywords and almost viewed. Luckily I didn’t. Resisted the temptation.

    I agree. Everyday that I fully stay away it very slowly goes away. I think as long as I can make my 3rd week, and then a month, I can really have the strength to resist. I won’t ever underestimate the power of lust. That would be a mistake.

    But I do know what I want in life. And my changes have been starting. This Sunday I am going to become even more active in the Church. Sharing my thoughts and feelings on topics of family and the Atonement. I am very excited. My habits are becoming better too. Doing homework better and sleeping better.
  18. strongman23

    strongman23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks I absolutely will.
  19. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Good ! Remember what you want in life when you are facing urges and temptations. Knowing you want - and need - something that is right and good in your life will help you get past rough times.

    Stay strong and be well.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.