It's a fucking dog-eat-dog world

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Bad_hombre, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Bad_hombre

    Bad_hombre Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody I will go straight out to the point.

    I'm so tired of this crappy society that we all live in. I'm an ethical person and I'm the kind of guy who tries to be as truthful as I can be, but I only get screwed up by people big time. They take advantage of my honesty. They defame me. They are ungrateful. They wish my fall and their word is as valuable as feces. It's a fucking dog-eat-dog world here in South america i don't know about you guys in other continents, but i can't stand it anymore. There is plenty of talk about honesty and truth, nevertheless, it feels like those are meaningless words. It all makes me feel so lonely for many times i entertained the thought of killing myself because i can't see how i will adapt to it. The backstabbing, the good captive of the evil, truth miscalled naivity, folly controlling the populace and so forth and so on.

    How do you guys deal with it without losing your mind?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    horny nerd likes this.
  2. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Are you somehow outside of this crappy society we live in? If you're an outsider, then why does it matter to you that it's crappy? If you are a part of society and you don't like it, then what are you doing to change it? Society is made up of many individuals. Therefore, we can change society through our own actions as individuals. Every act, every thought, every word leaves a mark.

    Sounds like you're spending time with some shitty people, dude. Not everyone is like that, but the people who are like that aren't going to leave you alone so long as they can continue to exploit you. If they're going to be shitty like that, it's not really up to them to stop treating you that way. Rather, it's your responsibility to cut those toxic people out of your life. If it's your coworkers, find a new job. If it's your roommates, find another place to live. If it's your friends, why do you call them friends? If it's your girlfriend / partner, dump their ass. You don't need any of those people. If you really are an ethical, honest, and truthful person, then there are plenty of people out there like you who are way more worth your time than these shitty fucks who take advantage of you.

    I lived with a shitty roommate for about a year, and he really started to take advantage of me (won't get into too much detail about it, but let's just leave it at this: there were some serious financial problems). I had two options in that situation: I could have blamed him for being so shitty (or even blamed society for being shitty and raising him to be that type of person), or I could have just moved out of that place and found a new roommate. I chose the latter. I don't need to live with him if they're going to treat me that way. I'm a generous, kind, honest person. I know I deserve better than that.

    They're not. They're some of the most valuable concepts we have. Don't give up on your values because of some shitty people you know. You don't have to sink to their level.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Your life is full of potential, no matter who you are.

    I focus on bettering myself as an individual. I be the sort of person that I want other people to look up to as a moral guideline. I give serious consideration about what my values actually are, and I try to live in accordance with them. If someone treats me like garbage, I cut them out of my life.
  3. nef

    nef Fapstronaut

    Don't believe on the internet that is freaking lying about everything that how the hell they are happy ,deep inside we all suffers and make a fake smile on camera to show how happy we are .Don't compare with others live life with no regrets by your own way MAKE YOUR OWN WAY .Life is hard we have to adapt it .
  4. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I can understand very well what you are saying
    I have dealt with jealous bullies backstabbers.......friends of good time.....
    I think there is a limit to everything......
    Maintaining distance and ignoring them is best.....
    World consists of all types of people
    I have also met kind.....well wisher type of people.......and I have felt comfort in their company........
    Rest is.......treat others the way you want to be treated
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    And @Ridley answer is perfect and apt
    WanderTruth and Deleted Account like this.
  6. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    You are most likely not an ethical person by choice, and that is your problem. No one respects an ethical action if that was the only possible action. If you can choose between good and bad, and you choose good than that is an ethical action. You aren't too nice, it is just nobody respects you.
  7. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    I feel just like you. Cut these people out of your life now. They most likely have issues and it is not your responsibility to have to deal with them.
  8. Gentle man

    Gentle man Fapstronaut

    I feel the same

    but I struggle to continue

    I am here if u want to talk
    Bad_hombre likes this.
  9. HybridOwl

    HybridOwl Fapstronaut

    I struggle with this a lot of the time. Some people are naturally more empathetic in life, and as a male this can be a serious handicap in a capitalist world. Some of us are even "highly-sensitive" and basically everything about the man-made world grates on us, the sheer hypocrisy of it all. But on some levels its amazing we've even made it this far as a species and that in and of itself is pretty remarkable. Capitalism has achieved some amazing things.

    I know the answer lies somewhere between transcending it all and standing up to the selfish bastards but I have to admit I haven't found the answer yet. The friction can be really useful sometimes, other times it can wear us down and make is question the point of it all.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  10. Somanyashes

    Somanyashes Fapstronaut

    My take:

    Society went to Hell in a hand basket many years ago. Good lost. Evil won.

    How do I deal with it all without losing my mind? I keep a very low profile in life and avoid people.
    Man08 and WanderTruth like this.
  11. Gentle man

    Gentle man Fapstronaut

    I think it is about maintaining your self in the right path
    and trying to be on the good side
    since life is continous battle between evil and goodness
    WanderTruth likes this.
  12. Bad_hombre

    Bad_hombre Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your thought provoking elaborated answer. This forum helped me to get some perspective on the issue that I and many other folks on this website have been facing. Sometimes we get so used to being among the shitty ones that we begin to think that we ourselves are the wrong ones. I've realized quite recently that most of my life I've been among mediocrity people, so as I started to strengthen my character in the past 2 years I began to notice how fucked up everything was and how people contribute to it big league. Now I see why our culture takes so much time to progress towards improvement and the government that we have is nothing but a mirror of the mindset of the majority of its citizens.

    It's a relieve to see other people who are as discontent as I am expressing their discomfort with this bedlam. I see that It's better to affirm yourself and pay the price than adapting to the debased standards of the bad ones knowing that you will be at a position of a disadvantage since the crooked lie and manipulate at will. We that are striving to sort ourselves out have to develop a lot of strength because those who aren't will keep doing the same wretched things over and over and invalidate people like us who are putting their act together. No more pity. No more nothing for the crap ones.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  13. Bad_hombre

    Bad_hombre Fapstronaut

    Being sensitive and empathetic as a male makes us very vulnerable to manipulation. It puts us in a position of disadvantage from the get-go there are buttloads of men who have no code and a ton of women who admire slyness in man. Some of them even appreciate seeing us cannibalizing ourselves for them. Sensitivity when not properly channeled is exhausting what I found to be helpful is focusing on developing strength above everything else'.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  14. Bad_hombre

    Bad_hombre Fapstronaut

    What you are saying is "avoiding living a fulfilling life". Unfortunately, we have to take a side there is no escaping from that. It's either you face them or their destroy you. Marcus Aurelius put it very nicely "Perfection of character is this to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense."
    WanderTruth likes this.
  15. My comment is that, believe it or not, evil did not "win". The reason I say this is because if I choose to add to life some positivity, love, generosity, or other good things, then there is in fact, less evil.

    Maybe it seems futile. It's not. If the world is a place of darkness, a light is still a bright spot.

    Look at the stars at night. Are the stars small, unimportant, useless? I think not.

    If I select a star to look at, such as the red giant Betelgeuse, it could not in any way be considered small. From here, it is a pinpoint of color. Up close, this thing is much, much larger than the sun. It's at the end of it's life, it may have already become a supernova. The light won't reach us for epochs.

    The point is this: perspective is everything. If I do not like the world, hating it has no chance to improve it.

    If I decide to put light into the dark spaces, the evil, the hatred, the misery, then the result will always be better than it was, and it can improve to whatever degree I raise the happiness, positivity, or benefit.

    And I choose to put love into the world....
  16. HybridOwl

    HybridOwl Fapstronaut

    My (current) answer to this is:

    a) Yes, we are disadvantaged if we are (to borrow the Jordan Peterson lingo) playing a game that rewards having no ethical code. There are certain games/hierarchies/job sectors out there that reward this more than others. I'm not gonna lie, I believe these are more financially rewarding in general, though there are exceptions. For example take the "knowledge expert" within any sector who forms his own niche and therefore achieves based mostly on competency. Now, providing the company/sector produces something he deems ethical, then great!

    b) Whatever game we're playing, I believe assertiveness, competency and willingness to take risks are essential skills.

    c) I don't want to be with a woman who admires slyness in a man.

    d) If we play a game that rewards unethical behaviour, then yes, highly-sensitive males will be shooting themselves in the foot (or as you said it, cannibalising themselves). And yes, the "alpha" males of that hierarchy will thank us.

    e) There is no "single" game in life that we all need to subscribe to. I know there are a lot of guys playing the "get as much sex as you can" game but there is a point at which we have to question if there is more to life.
  17. The three assholes a day rule:

    One asshole. Anyone can run into one asshole in a day. They're out there. Somebody's a dick to you. It happens.

    Two assholes? It's unlikely, but can still happen.

    Three assholes? Run in to three assholes in one day, and chances are you're the asshole.
  18. tIoD

    tIoD Fapstronaut

    We kinda sail in the same boat. Yes, society sucks in many aspects. Everyone wishes you to fall except from your loved ones (family). Rat-race, dog-eat-dog, it's harsh reality we have to face. Sometimes you have to forget your honesty, your kindness, because many people out there just can't see that in you, because they don't know how it's like to be honest and open to someone.
    The fact that society works like that makes me feel really bad, I mean, sometimes I just want to say to others, calm down, be yourself, nobody ever get pleasure from being rude, sarcastic, unkind. They act like that because of their problems. Dude, be honest, be kind, but at the same time, fuck em. Once someone deserve your true kindness, give them your true self, until then, live like a big badass kind dog who can eat any other dog, if they cross the line. All in all, fuck society.

  19. It doesn't matter if everyone in the world is a jerk. All I can do is attempt to treat everyone with some love and assistance (which is not financial) at every opportunity.

    If being like that makes ME the jerk, then I am, in fact, a jerk.

    We both know that would be impossible, under that manner of living.
  20. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Well I live in the USA and the bullies have all been kept in check since President Trump won. I felt just as bullied when obama was in office.
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