Put your porn addiction into perspective.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by vitatertot, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Here's a thought that's kept me motivated to quit:
    You are not an exception to the rule.
    For EVERY man that is addicted to pornography, there is a female counterpart that will either never have a relationship, have a toxic relationship with someone who objectifies her and doesn't know how to have love and intimacy, or will get married to someone who is unfaithful and watches teen girls online rather than love her.
    It's SO easy to view our addiction as an individual problem. Don't. View it as a mass problem. As a societal problem. View your recovery not as YOUR recovery, but as the recovery of a nation. Of a people. When you recover, for each person you help recover, that quits porn forever, that's also one girl, one woman that you're giving the opportunity for a lifetime of love and intimacy without breaking her trust and heart.
    Yes, it is important that you quit. Never give up. You're not fighting for yourself, Your fighting for millions of people, men and women around the world.
    Love you all. Love others. Value them above yourself, and you will see love flowing out of you.
  2. I kind of agree with this, but I think the individual's recovery is as important as the collective recovery you're talking about, not less.
  3. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah, I agree for sure. But what I'm saying is that you need to take your recovery seriously because it's not just you you affect. You affect others in their recovery, help them along, and your singular progress and recovery could have rippling effects. Think of Gabe. Ya know what I mean? What I'm trying to say is that your fight is SO MUCH MORE important than to just yourself.
  4. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut

    Amazing Thoughts . . .

    Thank You . . .
  5. steveo2312

    steveo2312 Fapstronaut

    Its an interesting post but I'm going to leave you with this....put women on a pedestal at your peril.
  6. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Oh 100% true dat. I completely understand man. I'm not idolizing them or anything of the sorts. They're just people too. I'm 100% for focusing on making sure you're the best person you can be in every aspect of life before dating. I'm not in any rush to get into a relationship. What I am recognizing is that they're human too. They're people too, and just like we have millions of lonely dudes (mostly their own fault. No hard feelings), there are also going to be millions of lonely women out the because as a whole, guys watch porn. Ya know what I'm sayin?
  7. steveo2312

    steveo2312 Fapstronaut

    Yeah i know what you're saying but also keep in mind that nice guys get rinsed, used then dumped for alpha males who fuck them in ways you've only seen on the discovery channel. They're are a lot of lonely women out there because no man was ever good enough for them in their younger days then they missed the boat.
  8. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Lol whatdya mean? clarify?
  9. Good way to look at things