Need to stop

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Man Without Fear, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. Man Without Fear

    Man Without Fear Fapstronaut

    Hey, guys its been a while since I have posted on it I just need help five minutes ago I fell to pornography again. But it time to fight back I'm tired of this having a hold of me I was just thinking the other day pornography has no pros and so many cons. Anything you guys can say would be great like for instance strategies to avoid it when the temptation comes. To be honest it's that bad that I'm forcing myself to get on here because a part of me doesn't want to stop but I know ill pay for it in the long haul mentally and physically.
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  2. Man Without Fear

    Man Without Fear Fapstronaut

    Thanks happysloth i will definitely check them out
  3. Good links, Sloth, these really helped me the other day. Im taking on that "No Matter What" mentality after reading the 100 mindsets post. Really really hit home for me. I always make these dumb ass excuses like "I just did two seconds ago" and blah blah blah stuff. Really good reads here.

    I also recommend reading the YBOP book. It was real informational and inspiring. Dont beat yourself up, OP, just keep on keeping on. Everyone on here slips up. Failure is almost guaranteed. But you have to be consistent with recovering every day.
    WillFightOut and happysloth like this.
  4. My problem is sometimes seeing pornography with girls that seem absolutely fine with it. But the issue is that it doesnt help me to watch it on a computer screen as that's just my animal brain thinking it is seeing real possible breeding partners.
    It's just pixels on a screen.
  5. idontwanttoreveal

    idontwanttoreveal Fapstronaut

    Try redirect your energy. Leave the room. Turn the computer off.
    Brush your teeth, clean your house.
    It is one small action at a time.
    SirErnest likes this.