Fantasizing about having sex with a woman is much more pleasurable for me than actual sex

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ultrafabber, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    So yeah, that's it. I've said it. Those nice anticipation and butterfly-like feelings you should get when real sex is about to happen? I get that from fantasy/porn exclusively. That enticing feeling of power/domination you should get during real sex? I get that from fantasy/porn exclusively. That satiating, pleasurable, silky sexual feeling you're supposed to feel during real sex? I get that from fantasy/porn exclusively. That feeling that you want to get her pregnant? I get that from fantasy/porn exclusively.

    They never, ever, came close to providing me the same feelings being stuck in my own head and fantasizing, masturbating, watching porn can provide.

    Not even close. If sex the way i wrongfully perceived it (fantasizing visual etc) can feel good or even great sometimes, sex with them never did. I just went though the motions because that's what people should do.

    I guess my brain bonded to visuals/imagination instead of actual physical feelings or women, since i started masturbating at a young age and basically just fantasizied and watched porn up to 20 yo. All my orgasms, oxytocin, dopamine and other chemicals told me "this is it, this is real sex".

    No matter the feelings real women can provide with their bodies, my own body does not care, it's stuck in a loop of rejecting outside stimuli while generating it's own imagery.

    You can give me the best looking, greatest skilled woman that's head over heels for me and wants sex with me 24/7... i'll just do it cause that's how it's supposed to work. I won't feel anything and most likely i'll just go and masturbate after.

    **I'd also strongly prefer fantasizing about having sex with her (or seeing a movie of me having sex with her) than actually having sex with her.** That is much more arousing and pleasurable for me. I wish I was joking but i'm not. It happened already with other girls in the past.

    My imagination is better than real life. My brain rejects real life. My brain is telling me lala land is better than real women and it sure feels that way.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
    Arghy likes this.
  2. Everyone has felt that way and it's what makes porn so addictive.

    But porn is also a drug, a depressant. Much like opioids or cocaine. Watching porn is one of the most arousing things anyone could ever experience in life, but if done enough times in a row, it starts to affect your entire being. Coming down from that high can get pretty ugly.

    When someone watches porn they are using/abusing parts of the brain that have a direct link with negative emotions (fear, stress, shame, sadness..). Over time this habit of watching porn and masturbating can become a necessity to suppress all of this negativity.

    Porn sites should come with that kind of warning. Clinical depression is no joke. Every time you waste your seed over a bunch of good looking pixels, part of you is drained.
    Arghy likes this.
  3. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you got into shit deeply man.
    Good luck on your reboot, it's the only thing that can get you out of this mess and I promise it's worth pursueing.
  4. MJ225

    MJ225 Fapstronaut

    Jesus Christ that describes me to a tee, never seen it spelt out clearly by someone else especially the "I just went though the motions because that's what people should do", dating kissing etc all feel that way for me, just going along with the motions because that's what you do, I've never felt that raw attraction, desire or lust for girls, that's what I;m hoping to get from NoFap, the last time I felt like that was around 12-14, we can do this bro, fck porn
  5. Arghy

    Arghy Fapstronaut

    It s perfectly normal.

    Go for the 90 day reboot :)