38+ days success story

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Awakened & Aware, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. Awakened & Aware

    Awakened & Aware Moderator Assistant

    Hare Krushna!

    Firstly, a big thanks to the NoFap community (founders, moderators who help run the show, friends and well wishers who helped me, and EVERYONE who is here - because every additional person trying to improve himself/herself - adds to my own motivation and inspiration a little bit).

    Day 38:

    Main observations:
    1. I am definitely more healthy, cheerful, attractive and less stressed.
    2. Urges have not gone. However, I am more in control.
    3. Life's ups and downs have not vanished - but my ability to bear them has increased.
    4. Had difficulty focusing on work for one to two weeks in the middle. Things have improved since and are constantly improving.

    Some objective benefits in more detail:
    1. My day-to-day relationship with my family has improved. As one example - I used to fight with my (elder) sister a lot (despite us actually loving each other) - on small and large matters. Might seem kiddish and obvious after-effects of sibling rivalry - but these episodes would often leave a bad taste, dampen the atmosphere and block our progress. For the records - I have not fought with her even once in last 38 days - and always managed to pleasantly and amicably handle the trivial or non-trivial disagreements between us. (On hindsight I realise most issues were just self created illusions!)
    2. I fear less. I used to have many occasional fears in day to day life. Fear of mismanaging relationships, losses in business, tenant not paying rent, etc. Its not that I was always paranoid - but these fears and stresses were there. In-fact, I used to have sweat on my forehead a lot because of minor and major stresses. These fears or their physical/mental impact on me have reduced considerably - 60% to 70% I would say.
    3. Ability to maintain better health. About 2 months ago - before joining this community, I had made a resolve to improve my deteriorating health (was pretty obese with many side-effects starting to show up). I have successfully managed to reduce 6 kgs in 2 months through regular gym (mostly treadmill). Abstaining definitely had a good role to play - in terms of the time, energy and will power levels it created that allowed me to be regular in the exercises.
    4. I look more attractive. Don't know about how others feel - but I look more attractive to myself :).
    5. Ability to handle stress. Stressful situations have come and gone, but I have not lost my composure - like I used to earlier. Earlier - in a space of 38 days, I would have lost my cool and composure on dozens of occasions and at-least 5 to 10 of the episodes would be ugly. Now, I might have lost my cool and composure 3-4 times, and it has not become ugly even once.
    6. Success in one of my long pending projects. One business project of mine has been lying dormant since many years and I have not been able to launch it. I started seeing unexpected traction in that business - and was able to inch closer towards launching it as well. Directly or indirectly or both - NoFap has helped there.

    Summary & Advice:
    1. Benefits are real - go for it.
    2. One of main triggers/causes of PMO is stress. Do not look for easy escapes (there are none). The temporary pleasure of PMO will only make the situation(s) more difficult, lead to eventual mess and force you to compromise on your dreams, ambitions, ethics etc.
    3. It is important to realise and make note of all the reasons YOU are doing this. Once you identify and list the reasons down, engrave them mentally and in your heart. These reasons will help you remain focused on the goal.
    4. Urges may/will not vanish. You have to be always vigilant and wise.
    5. Browsing NoFap helps the journey. A lot. People reading my posts and their comments boosted self confidence. Many of the advises were absolute gems!
      1. There were occasions where NoFap forum was the main/only cause of me not relapsing.
      2. My knowledge & wisdom about this topic has increased.
    6. Regular Gym/Exercise/Physical exertion of some kind is a must.
    7. Regular and sound sleep is a must. Lack of sleep causes the control power of your brain to reduce. It also causes fatigue and anxiety. All of this increases chances of relapse.
    8. There will be days where you may seemingly be less productive/efficient than before. Just try your best and be patient in those times. Consider this period like a treatment/therapy. Any work you are able to achieve - treat it like a bonus and move on. Soon, brain will adjust to the new lifestyle and you will be able to work more efficiently than before.
    9. I personally am trying to follow a larger picture - of reducing dependency on all sense enjoyments and finding an inner joy (tough but possible and definitely advisable). In some sense, NoFap can be considered as part of it, although it is by all means one of the strongest or the strongest part.
    10. There is synergy between every good (or bad) habit and its consequences. Good habits result in good outcomes, forming the platform (motivation, mental & physical ability and inner joy) to inculcate more good habits. Bad habits result in bad outcomes, forming the platform (stress, mental & physical lethargy and depression) for more bad habits. Choose wisely at each step.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  2. Very well written post. Thank you.
  3. On exercise, I would like to add that resistance training (weights etc) burns fat even when the exercise session is over, so remember to mix types of exercise. And of course yoga.
    Coolyorky and Awakened & Aware like this.
  4. Congratulations brother for 38+ days. Can you explain what withdrawal symptoms you faced and how many days it appears?
  5. Thank you for the gems brother! Very motivational! Keep moving and help each other to get rid of this demon. Good luck.
  6. New_born

    New_born Fapstronaut

    Congrats bhai for your 30+ days of success.happy to know that one more guy in this world is winning the battle against the porn. Just keep it up.
    All the best for further journey.
  7. Starlord27

    Starlord27 Fapstronaut

    Congrats fellow fapstronaut.This is a very inspiring read.
  8. Awakened & Aware

    Awakened & Aware Moderator Assistant

    Hi Vijay

    Withdrawal symptoms in this most recent attempt of mine:

    1. Addiction to browse general internet - like cricket / facebook/ reddit (non porn related stuff) and NoFap forums

    2. Low productivity at work. Especially between 2 to 4 weeks - my productivity was alarmingly low. Good news - its now slightly better than what it was a month ago.

    In my earlier attempts - I had withdrawal symptoms like

    1. Lack of sleep
    2. Depression (in my first attempt). This depression lasted 3 months followed by a burst of energy
    3. Burst of energy - that I could not channelize well
    4. Constipation. Strange as it may sound - sometimes I used to get chronic constipation when I was abstaining. If I used to even think of relapsing - constipation would go. My brain used this as a trick to make me fall many times. I realized and knew that once I am truly out of PMO, my health would actually be better. In last 2 months - I did not face this problem so I guess this withdrawal symptom no longer affects me.
    5. Rationalization
    6. Excessive attraction (sometimes)
    7. Binging when relapsing
    8. High ego. This is the biggest enemy.

    I think the duration / mix of withdrawal symptoms will vary from person to person. General rule of thumb is that longer the addiction, longer the symptoms may last. So patience is a very important virtue here like everywhere else.

    Good luck bro!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  9. Awakened & Aware

    Awakened & Aware Moderator Assistant

    Thanks mate. I have mostly remained away from weights all my life - thinking they don't suite the simpleton personality of mine . But I have heard of its benefits. Will definitely try and I do think mixing will bring more balance and benefits.
    SirErnest likes this.
  10. Awakened & Aware

    Awakened & Aware Moderator Assistant
