Porn is supported by the Elite to make us weak.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jackb97, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Okay, I see. It is indeed a problem that the Western nations (plus some developed Asian nations) still don't send any kind of birth-control supplies to the third world. The problems these poverty-stricken nations have today will just accumulate and be way worse in the future if the population explosion continues.
    Other than that, I do consider birth-control should be accessible to anyone but it should be used more carefully and sparsely than it does today. With that, I mean people (at least in the West) should overall reconsider the primary purpose of sex being reproduction and not maximizing pleasure by sleeping around with multiple partners every year. Also, people would overall be more productive, creative and feel more satisfied if their lives didn't revolve so much around sex and lust and chasing that next orgasm high.
  2. Yeah we all have different goals. In my opinion we can all get there by accepting the hard shit that comes with it and doing what we need to do. thanks and thats great
  3. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I don't think the reason birth control is inaccessible to other countries is because the west has failed to distribute it. I think the cultural barriers are much more effective at blocking access to birth control. There are many cultures (even some prevalent in the west) that are adamantly against the usage of birth control.

    In my opinion, you can't be too careful with birth control. In fact, I think people tend to be more reckless about having children than they are about preventing pregnancies. There are too many people (as others in this thread have mentioned) who are making the life changing decision to have children without having the experience, the desire, or the finances to do so.

    Indeed, one of the primary functions of sex is reproduction, and I agree that much of the western world seems to have forgotten this. However, there are other functions of sex as well, including social ones. Sex brings people really close together, and not just because it feels good, but because it's a vulnerable, intimate, shared experience.

    I completely agree with what you said about chasing an orgasm high. Sex is about so much more than that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. hope2overcome_

    hope2overcome_ Fapstronaut

    Here is the big shocker. Liberal media supports porn but liberals do not support it.

    Liberal mdeia such as CNN money, Buzzfeed, huff post etc all support porn pays them in ads. Wall street investors invest in porn industry shares. Why? Because porn is watched much more than all major sports combined.

    Here is the weirdest thing of all. Conservatives, liberals, the vast majority of people in the US do NOT support porn but are against it. Yet, it is not dead. We, the people, need to warn these liberal media outlets to think of the public rather than their bank accounts.

    PS: It has nothing to do with depopulation, mass control or other absurd conspiracy theories you guys believe in. Seriously?
  5. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Agree with ya there. There's no conspiracy, really. Just business as usual. Investing in the porn industry is a highly effective way of making money, and I think that's what it all comes down to.

    Don't forget to mention Psychology Today. Not only do they publish articles supporting porn, but they also publish articles arguing that porn addiction isn't even a real thing. All of it comes down to money.
  6. m@fia

    m@fia Fapstronaut

    it is weapon to take our mind away from healthy state and making all the elite as role models for us
  7. You know you should always put shirtless pictures in a spoiler. A Fapstronaut ought to be careful when sharing potentially triggering material.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2018
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Although the media doesn't support pornographic material directly, they do it indirectly by heavily sexualizing much of their content. These hyper-sexualized images and programs that the media broadcast will eventually lead young and gullible consumers into the world of pornography. Simply because it triggers them to look up for more stimulating content (i.e. heavier sexualized content) over time as they eventually will need it in order to get their endorphine-rush. This is an easy trap for young people to fall into as it might seem like a rather harmless thing in the beginning.
    Mattew likes this.
  9. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I agree with that.
  10. DoGoodStayClean

    DoGoodStayClean Fapstronaut

    The original poster didn't speak of conspiracies.

    He spoke of support.

    Pornography is largely supported by almost all governments by relaxing or removing old laws against it.

    Just think about it: purchasing the services of a prostitute, or even just attempting to do so, is severely punished on many places in the US. On the other hand, the production, distribution and consumption of pornography is absolutely legal. How can that make any sense?

    We now know that porn can destroy families and leads to the hedonistic single life pursued by many city dwellers. People work like robots, get home, fap a few times and besides numbing their testosterone receptors, their own lifetime passes by.

    There is a single pattern across all addictions: the addicted wants to have his substance, his "peace of mind", and will do almost anything to get it. In this case, withdraw from everything beyond the own dick and be happy with a short moment of joy which is always within reach (even on workplaces there are toilets..).

    This is a dream come true for the IRS.

    So, there is no "conspiracy" in the James Bond Hollywood action-drama movie sense, but a huge support by most governments to keep the pornography industry intact.

    They are happy with effeminate, socially anxious robots that pay taxes.

    Call that conspiracy, support, or whatever you want, but don't ridicule the guy who noticed it. It's true.
  11. hope2overcome_

    hope2overcome_ Fapstronaut

    day 1 - 6:10pm sunday

    I wanted it so badly but now after the fact, I hate that I did it and back to depression and withdrawal from the outside world. Gah, I need help.
  12. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I know you might have heard this many times before but the single and most important factor with success in quitting PMO for good is to have productive and meaningful activities as alternatives to PMO.
    Think about what kind of activities, interests or hobbies that you find interesting and are meaningful to you and try to develop and grow through any of these instead. They will be your permanent substitutes for PMO in the future.
    Even fatiguing and physical activities that you might not find as tempting in the moment you feel an urge coming up could help you a lot. For example, do twenty pushups, sit-ups or lift some heavy dumbbells.
    Also, cold showers, spike-mats and meditation will help you redirect and redistribute your sexual energy into other parts of your body as well.

    I wish you best of luck mate!
  13. DepressedTuna

    DepressedTuna Fapstronaut

    Even the pirated version of porno movies are so easy to find which makes it suspicious if there's a conspiracy behind all of this.
  14. If you really think that I will think you are crazy.
  15. :)
  16. WasZeusWrong?

    WasZeusWrong? Fapstronaut

    Not sure I'd think of the porn producers as "the elite" (simply because I don't think they're that well organized), but I do believe that they're profiteers. They exploit a weakness/vice/craving to make money. In that way they are elite, I guess, because they get money while we get "pleasure," followed, for many of us, by the pains of this addiction. A bit like dealers, both the petty kind and the cartel kind. A bit like pimps, too. I used to think I'd like to own a business that profited from people's weaknesses and cravings, but now I realize I probably couldn't do it. Drat! :)
  17. Budh

    Budh Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I have to agree with the title of this post. Porn, meaningless sex, alcohol, drugs, binge on demand video etc it's all there to control us and dumb us down. It all changes the neurology of our brains over time and makes us more docile and it's getting worse. I for one can vouch at how lazy technology and had made me, I'm only now starting to recover.

    The aim is to make the greater population so docile that we don't know what the heck is going on around us.

    Virtual Reality is the next big technology that's going to cause immense mental health and social issues. VR sex is going to be one of the worst things humans have done to society.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  18. Budh

    Budh Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The elite use the adult entertainment industry etc as a tool to control the masses. A more docile population is much easier to control.
  19. DoGoodStayClean

    DoGoodStayClean Fapstronaut

    Yeah and the thing is, the government won't let you pay virtual taxes or do work only virtually, but they will happily let you spend your private (read:non-work) lifetime in a virtual "world".

    Whoever wants can just go and watch TV, NetFlix or all those other time wasters. Your time spent there will never come back, it is wasted, down the drain and gone. Porn is also one of those time wasters.

    A "friend" of mine even used to call his hobbies like watching TV series, porn, computer gaming and so on a "time drain". He managed to finish university and is now a "scientist" but yet he is a complete retard who has not even understood his own life!

    He will do research and work like a donkey because his superior (which, in this case, is the right word) told him so, then he will be old some day, befallen by the calamities of age, and looking back will have nothing he can call his own.
  20. JayMack

    JayMack Fapstronaut

    This is, to me, looking for a scapegoat where none exists. A plan like people are talking about here would have had to be too big, too complex for a vaguely defined "elite" (who are also coincidentally blamed for most of the world's problems) to carry out.

    You know who did this? We did. Us. People started posting pics of naked women online, and guys liked looking at it — so they did more. And then it escalated to videos, which more guys flocked to. Next thing you know, guys have become incredibly addicted because of how common porn is, which only further escalates the problem.

    We are all here because we made the choice at some point in our life to start using porn. We were part of the problem, there is no need to look to an "elite" to blame. We need to fix it by standing up to this porn-addicted society we live in.