Is it Rude to ask someone their age? - I don't think so.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Millenial, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    I am 35 years old. I like to bluntly ask people's ages early on when I meet them to get a more accurate picture of what stage of life they have reached.

    Some people:
    A. Get offended and think that's a rude question.
    B. Say that age doesn't matter ( Er, right.).
    C. Claim they are younger than they are. ( I've found out later they lied ).

    Why are some people so hung up on their age? I'm getting tired of tiptoeing around people's sensibilities when I mean no harm at all and I can't see why people can't just accept their age.
  2. be careful with it from women they get sensitive about it, I thought one time a women I was talking to was about 40 and she turned out to be 26 must be a rough life
  3. It’s pretty ridiculous for people to get offended, that’s very childish. For women I guess you could ask them by first guessing how old they are and go decently below how old they look/ you think they are?
    Millenial likes this.
  4. I personally think it's more rude to guess someones age as theres always a chance you might be incorrect. People guess my age all the time and get it wrong, it's sort of depressing..
    Deleted Account and Millenial like this.
  5. I don’t get what’s depressing about it. But you’re right, guessing shouldn’t be the way to do it, simply asking should be enough. Just asking surely shouldn’t elicit an offended reaction from a woman who is confident in herself.
    Millenial likes this.
  6. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Yes I know that sometimes works. My problem is that anyone who cannot accept who old they are ( man or woman ) is anti-logic. I don't like having to play games just to get extremely basic info.
  7. LOL Of course they say that.

    By the same logic, being a pedophile is perfectly okay. I swear, more often than not, people don't think before they speak. (saying they could care less when they mean "couldn't" or stuff like "1-month anniversary") But that's besides the point...

    Anyways, no, I don't find it rude at all. In fact, I'd rather people know my age than not. It's why I have my age posted freely on this site.
    Millenial likes this.
  8. People who guess ages can be obnoxious. most of the time, and it's not the case that they actually are, they basically think that they're soohoo great at guessing someones age that when they get it wrong its like your problem (like theyll say oh, it was your low or high voice that* made *me think that [they just have to comment about something that makes you seem younger or older])or they get quite shocked/embarassed because they were sooo sure of themselves for a while before they had to ask. Has anyone ever considered that the person to which you tell them when you think their younger or older than you thought gets that quite often? Save their feelings and just ask their age upfront, dont presume , and dont guess. Just ask if you must ~ is it too hard to ask :rolleyes:
    Deleted Account and Millenial like this.
  9. I can guess the age of someome exactly :p but I don't tell someone unless we speak generally about it. But is asking about someone's age is impolite? If it has no purpose then it might annoy some people, eventually different backgrounds, cultures may also effect in such things.

    There is a story of someone I know who was showing some products to a lady in a shop, she seemed an adult and as a respect, that perosn called her "aunt". And she got angry and left the shop. So it depends on different factors, in my opinion it is better not to ask such questions if they had no purpose.
    Millenial likes this.
  10. Yeah, that's pretty harsh. I'm sorry that they're so rude to you..

    People usually figure I'm younger..usually they presume it for a while before feeling confused and needing to ask and upon asking they usually just have to say something like "oh i thought ___" its like if they dont give their opinion or express their opinion in some way about what they personally think or feel about your age they'll just combust or some thing!

    Uuuuuugh lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. You’re being a tad sensitive I think when it comes to age. Women....
  12. I’m just a daft bastard I guess
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Ya, I've gotten that expression once and I almost cried. I hate seeing it. So I know what you mean..:( Haha I think that expression is soooo rude.

    Personally it was hard for me to decipher what the woman was feeling when she gave me it, it was sort of like ...Her entire face basically changed when she heard my age (once she finally asked)into this sort of grimace like as if I should be ashamed for being perceived as younger. It stung.

    I really wish I couuld blurt out my age (without being asked)once I introduce myself so we can just get it over with and out of the way. lol.

    We'll survive this!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. So you get upset that people think you look younger than you are, then make a face when they find out youre older???? Yeah this is too much.
  15. According to body language and communication with the person, you will know whether it is appropriate to ask him / her or not. And I think if you explain to him / her why you are interested, they can not offend or get it wrong.
  16. lucentio

    lucentio Fapstronaut

    My son tells me that he got called an "older man" for the first time. In his mid-20's, he is the owner/operator of a restaurant. One of his servers, a female in her early 20's, was upset with a remark from a dishwasher, a boy in high-school. My son listened to what each of them had to say and then told he boy "You don't say things like that to a woman" (He never did tell me exactly what was said.) The server looked at the dishwasher and triumphantly declared "See! An older man understands these things!"
  17. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I used to be a baby face. People would think I was 18 or 19 when I was 21. After I grew a beard people thought I looked 25 and I loved it.
  18. lucentio

    lucentio Fapstronaut

    I was a baby-face also. I'm 6 years older than my wife. When I was in my 30's and we would go out it would annoy her when I would get asked for I.D. and she wouldn't. She matured early. Tells me that she got served in a bar when she was 13. I used to check I.D.'s at the door of a bar. Had a much harder time guessing the ages of women. I think make-up is part of the reason.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  19. I'm pretty baby faced/voiced and people give me a hard time
  20. Really, thats weird. I don't think anyone reacts that way around here lol. I can see why that would get frustrating. People have thought i was way older than i was most of my life, but being a man i don't really mind. It made it easier to get respect on job sites and things.