No more Friend Zone but need YOUR advice

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by mirx88, Oct 5, 2018.

  1. mirx88

    mirx88 Fapstronaut

    heu guys, so there is a girl that i know for a while - i decided to ask her out and she said okay— here is my problem.. since we know alot about each other, i suspsect this first time we sit together alone will be awkward if we dont have a good convo...we never sat alone but were part of groups.... what should we talk about—- your advice is appreciated
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
  2. Burrich1

    Burrich1 Fapstronaut

    You can probably begin the conversation with just talking about the last time you were together as a group. Maybe talk about some of the people there and ask how she knows them, etc. then see where the conversation goes from there. Plus, if things start to slow down, you can always use tried and true backups. ask her about her hobbies, her work, books she reads, music or movies she likes, and let the conversation progress naturally. People love to talk about themselves. Just ask open ended questions. Nothing with just a yes or no response.
    mirx88 likes this.
  3. mirx88

    mirx88 Fapstronaut

    Thanks alot —- i m wondering if any girls here have additional responses thanksss
  4. mirx88

    mirx88 Fapstronaut

    Advice from girls neeeeeededdd plz
  5. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I’m a 40 year old woman but I’ve dated a lot in my lifetime and in your age range. The first thing I think I would tell you is that it’s not your responsibility to keep or make conversation. So don’t put that on yourself. I’m willing to bet she will have no problem carrying the conversation herself. Two people that are compatible even just as friends generally don’t have a hard time keeping up the conversation and since you are already friends you are several steps ahead of the game. Talk about the same things you talked about before. Don’t force conversation or feel the need to pre plan what you are going to say because if she enjoys your company you don’t need that. She already likes you as a person so go with that. If there’s an awkward silence call it out in a funny way. But I suspect there won’t be. I am sure plenty of people can give you a script of what to say but 99.9% of the time that’s not how things go.

    Be yourself . Talk about the things you would want to talk about with someone you are interested in dating. That’s how you find out if you are a good fit. Remember dating is not about winning over someone. It’s about figuring out if that someone is a good partner for you. If the convo does not flow then maybe she’s not your match.
    Men focus a lot on this friend zone thing but the truth is you have little to no control over whether a woman puts you there. You think you do but you don’t. Don’t twist yourself into a pretzel to try to be the guy she may like because guess what the guy she likes is you! And if for some reason she does not then onto the next. Good luck!
    mirx88 likes this.
  6. mirx88

    mirx88 Fapstronaut

    Wow - great points —you are awesome thank you... girls do friendzone guys may be u r not that way tho.. but it happens to me and others and like once girls talk to u like u r ur girlfriend its hard to get out.. in my case i kinda made it clear its like a date and she was ok with it.. so i guess in my case i was in an intermediate friendzone area haha?
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Oh girls friend zone guys all the time. The mistake guys make is thinking that a woman’s choice to friend zone them or not is something they can control but it’s not. She either likes you the way you are or she does not. With women desire can grow. They always say men decide within 10 min of meeting a woman if they want to sleep with her but women decide if they won’t. If a woman does not find the idea of sleeping with a man repulsive and she likes the guy she will give him a shot to see if it grows but whether it goes into friend zone territory or not is rarely anything the guy does or does not do. I read all this advice like move faster with her show your manliness let her know you are into her or you will get friend zoned and just laugh. My point is you can’t control how she feels. She clearly likes you now. So go with that be yourself. There are no tricks or secrets. You could be the most perfect guy in the world and she may still friendzone you. So just be you and let the cards fall where they may. She likes you and wants you so give her that. Be who you always were with her.
    mirx88 likes this.
  8. mirx88

    mirx88 Fapstronaut

    Thnks so much you seem wise haha