Dream you saw last night

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by IMJJHSS, Oct 3, 2018.


    IMJJHSS New Fapstronaut

    What dream did you see yesterday?
    Or the best dream you’ve ever seen.

    Mine : My math teacher teaches at English class and all students didn’t listen to him.
  2. I saw Scott Herman in my dream. The weird thing was, he was speaking my native language... And I was puzzled how come it was happening. I forget the rest. I also remember a bit about somebody wanting to go skydive, but I don't remember who it was.
    ShotDunyun and IMJJHSS like this.
  3. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Today I saw a ghost dream
    In it I was floating in an abandoned house ....and I was producing a sound to attract spirit
    The moment I turned I saw an old woman with long black hair and she started producing that same sound
    I got scared.....and I ran towards outside
    And i woke up ....and when I open my eyes .....I was still making that "hmmmmm" sound
    I checked the time on my phone ....it was 7 am
    This is my recent scariest dream
    IMJJHSS and ShotDunyun like this.
  4. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    That’s pretty damn spooky man. I’ve had numerous dreams within the course of my life of the xenomorph in the Alien movies. That may sound silly but in a dream you don’t know the difference and it’s incredibly scary.
    IMJJHSS and u376 like this.
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    The scary thing about dream is that every illogical thing seems to be true in it
    And sometimes visuals keeps on changing
    And it's a chance that someone posted this thread on the very same day
    IMJJHSS likes this.
  6. Jake Jilg

    Jake Jilg Fapstronaut

    A nympho demon was trying to make me PMO and my older brother showed up and said: "I got this bud." and the demon started on fire, screaming as she burned.

    I joined this forum for help, but thinking like novelty help or something, but it turns out to be rather spiritual help.
    IMJJHSS and ShotDunyun like this.
  7. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Some interesting dreams right here.

    Last night I dreamt that I was at a vacation house I used to go years ago. There were some girls, not relatives to me, young ones, having a lot of interest in me and talking to me all the time. It was weird, since people never approach me in any circumstances.
    IMJJHSS and u376 like this.
  8. KS1994

    KS1994 Fapstronaut

    I dreamt that I was on a bus when the driver ran it over the gutter. I yelled at the driver and told her that her actions were dangerous and irresponsible. Two teenagers in front of me called me a loser and I punched one really hard in the back of the head.
    IMJJHSS likes this.
  9. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    Lol, well done my man.
    IMJJHSS likes this.
  10. Jake Jilg

    Jake Jilg Fapstronaut

    In the theme of the Halloween season, I've been having nightmares about watching TV. My brother gave me a big TV, that I think came from a death in his wife's family. They won't tell me where it came from, but I'm having nightmares about "the haunted TV", watching Area-51 documentaries about failed reactor experiments where they just keep sending soldier after soldier to their deaths into the reactor, "no lives were enough," said the fictional narrator, and there were videos of holocaustesque piles of burning skeletons. I wake up terrified and if the sun isn't up yet, I FREAK OUT!
    IMJJHSS likes this.