Finally i did 90 days, Experience sharing & Advice.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by stevielollol, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. stevielollol

    stevielollol Fapstronaut

    I did 50, 60 and now finally 90 days nofap, i have only fapped couple of times in total 200 days. lets talk about real deal. i will keep it short and real. please ignore grammatical errors, and absorb the real meaning of it. read it with neutral mindset, if in hurry, bookmark it to read it later.

    My pre nofap thinking?
    how i did it?
    how i am feeling, what are the changes in me?
    whats my future plans about it/my post nofap thinking ?

    My pre nofap thinking?
    Yes i am a weak soul, i love that sexy hot chick on my computer screen, yes that sexy body, ass which i can never get in real-life. so what, i can enjoy her in my computer screen? and bang her. who cares if i don't get her irl. So many hot chicks porn world have for me, even if i had an age of 10000 years, i might get a new girl to fap everyday. that pleasure i get from nofap is the only pleasure i get all day. I dont need to give attention to real girls (pretty narcissistic i am), I am so judgmental when i see other humans i judge them by looks, judge women body, flat ass, no tits, oh yes, that porn i have watched raised my bar of choosing girls, irl girls are dull for me now. I DONT LOOK MYSELF IN mirror, Dull face, a fap addicts, in reality i am just a looser.

    All those various jiggling thoughts, same routine of life everyday, boring, lethergic & miserable life, illusions had a permanent residency in my mind.

    how i did it?
    MOST IMPORTANT THING and most difficult part was to realize that i seriously had a problem, and being serious about it & solving that problem. we do fall on urges, because we aren't serious about nofap, we dont take it as important as other part of our life. I falled various times, 1 day, 2 days, week, rinse repeat, rinse repeat. because i wasnt serious, my thinking was, i will be serious on nofap later?

    WE NEED TO BE DEAD SERIOUS about nofap. Imagine a situation, if i had a gun on your fetish girl forehead? and Think of me saying "IF you fap, i will pull that trigger"
    will you still fap? That sense of urgency, that sense of importance we should give to nofap.

    There are tons of nofap advice thread, tons of videos about porn addiction, nofap guides, we are very lucky we are in era, were we get the helpful content too. I FEEDed THEM in my mind, READ Guides, WATCH videos, keep on repeating it. daily, regularly, everyday it was my routine, and eventually, my mind gradually became stronger gradually to resist urges. LISTEN To self improvement audiobooks, feed positive content in your mind. keep on repeating it, feed those content, daily, regularly. Give it a try for 21 days, and you will see the change.

    feed the content with neutral mindset, There might be cases, when some say, tracking is important, some say it isn't, every individual is different, things which worked for me, might not work for you. so keep on trying until you succeed, life is a journey, and experience is our best teacher. but always remember, basic principle of concept always remain same for every individual, like laws of any country? which are usually same for every citizens.

    I have added few content/resources at the end of the video. must watch for nofap struggler. They are my personal fav. such content we should feed our mind to make it strong. Its an example :)

    how i am feeling, what are the changes in me?
    We all human, are always fascinated with results, pleasure, quick fix, and we always expect things to happen quickly, instant gratification.
    and we usually see post like "I am looking attractive after nofap", "women came and asked me my phone number" , "I got a girlfriend, due to nofap" , and "I lost my virginity after a nofap"

    I am not trying to offend those poster, and it might be true too.. but what i am saying it, DONT get your hopes high on nofap, like you will be superhero or superhuman after doing few days or month nofap. and if we dont achieve that, we loose hopes. The real two changes i can guarantee everyone to feel are

    1:) Great energy level
    2:) Clarity in Thinking

    High Energy level, i started feeling energetic, same level of energetic when we do exercise and after-affect is that energy which flows all day.
    I am not joking, i been fapping since long 15 plus years, pro fapper, fapped daily, many times twice, thrice or even more. now i realize what i have lost. I always lived that lethargic/miserable dull lifestyle, i can see a change in me, in past recent few months, i also did running,6 months, almost 30 mins daily so i do, have have sense of realization of energy level. NOW this energy level is the medium, which will make us do things to succeed in life. clarity in thinking & that energy level together will open up ways which we have blocked since years. We might open in our chocked valves of self confidence, self esteem, self discipline, we might learn new ways to be productive. As i said every individual is different, so we will be on the way of life journey. Clarity of thinking is somewhat like i can understand people better now, i can understand the feelings of people around me, closed one, so probably i am having better relationship with others. I can think wisely about my future, life, and actually planning, implementing to improve it, progress on it.yes i am energetic, and also i am thinking wisely now??? but?? so ya... i am slowly taking decisions..

    nofap is a medium, remember that. it isnt everything alone. Imagine a situation, if we are sucessful in nofap, but what we do is play games all day, watch movies, and do nothing, will nofap going to help??
    oh yes eventually one day we will fall again. so ya....

    whats my future plans about it/my post nofap thinking ?
    Doing nofap as long as possible, 180 days is my new target. working on self-realization, eliminating other problems i have, being a good human on daily basis.

    Best of Luck Everyone for your life Journey :)

    Few of my fav resources i would like to share, highly recommended to nofap struggler. :-

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2018
    Target365, Randox, Isuperman and 12 others like this.
  2. Well done to you!
    The positive posts help.
    Nikkoq and stevielollol like this.
  3. Such a great post!
    I really appreciate ur thinking. All u said above is absolutely right. This is reality that we expect so much super results from only abstinence but do we really use that energy in building strengths.
    How can one get success by only doing nofap and sitting in home wasting time.
    Nothing can be achieved without hard work.
    stevielollol likes this.
  4. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I agree with all you said, good post.
    stevielollol and Warrior1995 like this.
  5. Thanks for advice, hope it will help!
    stevielollol likes this.
  6. stevielollol

    stevielollol Fapstronaut

    Thanks Sir. :)

    Thank you Very much for your kind words. it did inspired me and made me feel that i am on right track :)

    Thanks Mattew :)

    Yes surely. it will :) best of luck.
  7. Gratulations mate! Keep going and thanks for your sharing! Wish you the strength for next goal(s).
    stevielollol likes this.
  8. Absar uddin

    Absar uddin New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful advice to fellow user. I must admit that every thing you said is true. I wasted my whole life in watching P, wasting my whole energy on nothing for few minutes of pleasure. It has completely destroy my teenage life, education and my early career in my professional life. I would say that i am still not doing bad in my professional life but i am still struggling to quit my PM. Hope i stay strong this time. After becoming the user on nofap and reading thread daily give me the motivation i need to stay strong this time and i am hopeful this time i will not relapse Inshallah.
    stevielollol likes this.
  9. Isuperman

    Isuperman Fapstronaut

    Awesome man keep going
    stevielollol likes this.
  10. stevielollol

    stevielollol Fapstronaut

    Thanks Brother. wish you luck.

    Stay Strong brother. We need initial motivation, inspiration from outside, but once we push ourself and acheive even that 1% progress, that bit happiness will given us motivation within us, and will push us more, consistency is important. Best of luck :)

    Thanks bro. :)
  11. Target365

    Target365 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for such a great post !
    The part where you have mentioned not to have high hopes for nofap, I really want everyone to keep that in mind because it's very true. Just keep on going in this journey and eventually you ll figure out how to get what you want.
    stevielollol likes this.
  12. You are doing great. Keep up the good work! And try to use 'I WILL' more than 'I hope'...
    stevielollol likes this.
  13. stevielollol

    stevielollol Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother. Yes. Whatever, i have said, i am also applying on myself. Its very easy for us to speak, but implementing it really needs efforts. I have posted it so that, everytime i come and see it as my reminder, and i dont fall.

    Or maybe, Like a statement.
    "I am going to"
    'i hope i wake up early tommorrow'
    'i will wake up early tommorrow'

    Better would be
    'I am going to wake up early tommorrow'

    Present tense.
    Target365 likes this.
  14. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    All good… continued good luck
    stevielollol likes this.
  15. Good man. We can influence ourselves, even in our choices of words! Keep up the good work.
    stevielollol likes this.