Finally ready to just stop

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dhail1, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. dhail1

    dhail1 Fapstronaut

    Hi all. this is my first time posting to NoFap. I signed up because I'm thinking I'm finally ready to stop my porn habit as its seriously beginning to effect my life and relationships. I first used internet porn when I was 8 years old, I'm now 21 and I don't think I've gone more that a week without since I was 14 (it's so rare that i specifically remember it). I'm posting to ask any if any old users have a similar story to me? i see a lot of posts about starting at ages like 12-15 but not many that have been essentially raised on it like me (which is a little discouraging) so any advice would be greatly appreciated :D

    On a side note, I'm currently 3 day 'sober' and aiming for that 90. wish me luck!
  2. Sirmountable

    Sirmountable Fapstronaut

    Welome mate and great 3 day start! Your story is not unique and there are many here who have started around the same time as you. In fact, the 'phallic stage' (ages 3 to 5) is when we first discover and play with our own genitals - read up on psychosexual stages of development. So again, do not stress.
    Best wishes bud!
    dhail1 likes this.
  3. dhail1

    dhail1 Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one then. I'll definitely give that a look, thanks!