New: Commitment vs. Goal

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by goldendragon86, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. goldendragon86

    goldendragon86 Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new here. A friend of mine tried NoFap. From what I've seen it improved his life. Currently, my friend became a lawyer and got married. This is my second attempt at NoFap. I am committed to making a lifestyle change. During my first attempt, 43 days (6 weeks and 1 day), I only did NoFap. I didn't do the "No PMO" part. I consider my first failure a small baby step. Below are (1) my reason for beginning my second attempt and (2) why I believe NoFap No PMO will help me:
    • I've successfully quit alcohol, tobacco, pot, and stopped contacting friends with addictive personalities for 3 months successfully with great results! By removing these escapes in my life during these recent months, I've solved programming algorithms I thought I never would solve and I trained 18 hours a week in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Last Tuesday, an opponent from rival Kwoon "Dojo" with 15 years of experience challenged me to a no gloved Full-Contact sparring match. We fought for two rounds. I only had about 1.5 years of training and I won. I wondered about it later in the week and over the weekend, I've determined the reason why I won was because of increased focused and discipline. My partial lifestyle change allowed me to keep calm and be in control with internal energy, "chi".
    • Since I'm on a streak, I decided to do NoFap, No PMO because if I can achieve by removing those addictions, I can achieve 10x more in life with 10x more "chi".
    Let's see how long I can go. Please help encourage me. Thank you!
  2. Panthera pardus

    Panthera pardus Fapstronaut

    Hello, Welcome ! I did Wingchungtraining after i was beaten up by some asholes in the park (3 against 1) . After i started Wingchung i had no Problems for the Rest of my Live, not even Guys shouting after me...
    So, Wingchung is great and no PMO as well, its the Marshal Art against Pornadiction !
    goldendragon86 likes this.
  3. the promise

    the promise Fapstronaut

    Hy golden drsgon whish you the best of the best ure a great warior phisicly now with no pmo youre going to start training youre mind a really tricky place with lots of great stuff the journey of youre life begins nothing can help you more than information the more you know the more tools youll have to figth against this so fill youre head and may the force be with you :)
    goldendragon86 likes this.
  4. Joker_Justice

    Joker_Justice New Fapstronaut


    That's really amazing about your cross-addictions, happy for you mate. Keep it up, your body,mind, and spirit will thank-you

    goldendragon86 likes this.
  5. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Welcome my friend. I'm also cross addicted but have been sober from drugs and alcohol for over 12 years. I work a program of recovery for those issues but unfortunately neglected my addiction to online chatting and masturbating while girls watch. It has destroyed my mental, physical, and spiritual being, so I'm finally addressing my other addiction here. I'm happy to report that I'm staying sober as a result of remaining connected on nofap and sticking with what continues to work. I'm glad you're here my friend.
    goldendragon86 likes this.
  6. goldendragon86

    goldendragon86 Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you George. Thanks for the support!
    GeorgeJetson likes this.
  7. goldendragon86

    goldendragon86 Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you Joker. Thanks for the wise words!
  8. goldendragon86

    goldendragon86 Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you Promise,

    Yes learn to be one with the force and not succumb to the dark side.
    the promise likes this.
  9. goldendragon86

    goldendragon86 Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you Panthera, that is messed up 3 against 1. I am sorry you had to go through that. I always like learning from others. Do you mind if I asked you about Wing Chun advice?
    Panthera pardus likes this.
  10. Panthera pardus

    Panthera pardus Fapstronaut

    Hello Goldendragon,
    I am sorry, i quit the Training long time ago. I just made the first Examen. It is all 20 Years ago, and i guess you know much more about Wing Chun then i do today. :)
  11. the promise

    the promise Fapstronaut

    Pleasure is mine :)