How to love yourself?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by keepgoing88, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. keepgoing88

    keepgoing88 Fapstronaut

    So I am still falling and can only get more than about three days. Still ridden with anxiety and depression. When I quit I think of all the time I wasted and beat myself up about everything that’s wrong with me. I hit the gym but it doesn’t seem to help. I’m just worried I will never overcome this. It’s like when I quit the fapping I’m left with all the negative self talk and depression and anxiety. I just want to like myself again. It’s been so long and I don’t know if I ever will again. Thanks everyone.
  2. keepgoing88

    keepgoing88 Fapstronaut

  3. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    I believe that only a reboot can help you with this...
  4. keepgoing88

    keepgoing88 Fapstronaut

    I try to reboot, but I’m just anxious and depressed as shit. I guess I just got to tough through it. But it always slips me up.
  5. Intrigued Curious

    Intrigued Curious Fapstronaut

    The most important thing is to believe in yourself. You have to help yourself. No one will drag you out of this.

    You have to make yourself step out of the comfort zone. You are not a kid anymore. You have to be your own parent.

    Don't look at 30,60,90 days...aim to pass today without PMO. 30 todays will make 30 days. Your objective should be today only.

    Tell yourself that watching porn is easy but getting that out of your system takes 100x more effort .It's not worth it.

    Best of luck !
  6. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    You're depressed, so you pmo to be more depressed?

    Man, cut it out, forever, the harem is gone.
    Pmo more, and you're gonna suffer more, for the rest of your life.
    Anonymous86 and hardowner like this.
  7. The first thing is, you are a precious person. Despite of everything you might think is a flaw. Nothing makes you less valuable. This in mind you'll make your way.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  8. Oscar17

    Oscar17 Fapstronaut

    keepgoing88, I’m guessing you were born in 88, which would make us similar in age, being in our 30s.

    Let me tell you, man, I completely understand the way you feel because I do too.

    I can never look myself in the mirror, I have low self esteem and feel I don’t deserve anything in this life.
    It’s hard for me to take advice like “love yourself” or “it all starts with you” when I don’t give a shit about myself.

    Luckily, I think things are sloooowly changing a bit towards the better during my progression on this journey.

    What I do, is I’m not caring that much about fap/nofap anymore, I sort of “go with the flow”, which actually I think diminishes the importance of all of it, maybe that’s why I’ve been progressing well for now. There isn’t so much attention I’m giving to it anymore.
    When urges come I just feel like it’s normal, it’ll pass, that’s the new voice which comes to my mind now.

    Relax, take it easy and know you’ll get there eventually.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    You have to quit choking the chicken. I can tell by your words that youre suffering from severe brain fog.

    Take drastic measures if you have to because the damage youre doing to yourself with the pmo is great.
    Oscar17 and Anonymous86 like this.
  10. Salt & Light

    Salt & Light Fapstronaut

    Hi, new here but I'm an SO of a PMO addict and I have really learnt to empathize with my BF whilst reading all these threads so firstly, thank you. Secondly as an SO I hope I am allowed to post here...if not apologies but I have a few thoughts. Perhaps look outside of NoFap too; research buliding self esteem, combating sexual compulsive behaviour and tips to tackle negative thinking. Take this addiction to it's ROOT cause and ask ...Why am I ADDICTED? What is this artificial stimulation/PMO, replacing?

    Always remember, self forgiveness is essential, it can take time but you need to heal. You are a human being and we can all get lost at some point, but what is greater is how we Rebuild ourselves. Attempt to let go of the past and Release all the ugly self loathing, pity and shame. Shame is a must take responsibility of their addiction but please don't let negativity fester within you. Too dramatic? Hahaha Obviously protect yourself from exposure but taking the time to self heal and learn how to emote with yourself and others in very much needed for success, best of luck and stay POSITIVE.
    Oscar17 likes this.