Dark world on FAP

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by cud, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Hey people!

    I have known NOFAP for a while, did some cool streaks, but recently I have been again in it and cant go away.

    Have been strugling in work, with phylosofical thinks regarding my work. Frustration from bureocracy, and the way the bussiness goes is not the right as it was 2-3years ago. So I escape to FAP - it starts with edging ofc.

    My question goes like this.

    Do you feel, think that beeing on FAP makes your world more dark? More depressive, more sceptical...with no bright future...cause I can of think it is...

    I am trying to get my NOFAP life back, cause when I remember those times year ago while I was obstaing from it, it was very productive and active life in general.

    Please let me know, what you think.
  2. Pmo has made my life miserable and as you say it, dark. Am going in up country to live with my father for awhile. The place has no internet and is very low populated. My addiction is just to severe to quit while being in the city. Am willing to give up everything to be free from this disease. All the best to you man
    Contentful T likes this.
  3. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Yes, because there are severe negative physiological consequences to doing pmo. It's all documented on yourbrainonporn.com. I always knew that porn was harmful, but I didn't know to what exact degree.
    Contentful T likes this.
  4. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    I wish I could also escape city and all this world. But I guess It would be too difficult for me - it would mean change everything, so I must find another way. I remebr that 2years ago I was instead of PMO on this forum...or just reading...must avoid PC - thats the thing...
    Contentful T likes this.
  5. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Ya it turns my world into a psychotic unreality of criminal activity. I mean porn is basically criminal itself.
  6. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    As great minds have said, as our minds change so does our environment. Environment is but a reflection of our mind.

    The longer I go clean the more at peace I am anywhere I am. This world is no utopia but getting off porn is the only way to be at peace within.

    I mean some of the locations you see the videos shot in in porn it's like wow how much money does that industry have but I feel there are horrors behind the scenes and all that glitters is not gold.
    SirErnest likes this.
  7. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Thats big...pretty hard to get there thou..
  8. Pmo is main cause of horrible depression.This bad habit makes a person demotivated,lack of energy.There r so many side effect that pmo gives a person...
    Buddhabro likes this.
  9. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    Yes, jerking off too much or any at all; brings and keeps me in depression. Many years. Little time off in my long life of constant masturbation, that I unknowingly used to cope with normal life circumstances. I thought it helped me. Whenever I get a decent amount of time away from porn and masturbation, my depression greatly reduces. My energy to produce rises. My ability to socialize with men and women becomes easier. Still the urges come. My brain attempts to convince me of PMO's benefits. Harmless activity. Stress relieving. It is false! Every time I do it, depression follows shortly thereafter. I remember you from a couple years ago Cud. You know what you have to do to improve your life, just like I know what I must continue to do to feel all around better. We are kind of lucky in a way. We stop doing something and benefits follow. But yes, it can be real hard to deny that feeling we get with PMO. The trick is to never forget how we feel right after the lapse of judgement.
  10. Intrigued Curious

    Intrigued Curious Fapstronaut

    Aptly put. It does make your life dark and depressing. Porn addiction makes it look like your life has ended and there is no hope .It feels as if nothing good will come ever. In reality, it's the porn messing with us. It's the porn which has caused us this fake mental troubles. If we leave PMO, all's good and all's well.

    PMO is a dark cloth which covers you. It blocks all light. It spreads hopelessness and darkness.

    It is an ugly ugly thing. And those of us having to deal with it are quite unfortunate.
    Hitto and Mattew like this.