18 days - Reaping the benefits but witnessing confused results.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by bmw4real, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. bmw4real

    bmw4real Fapstronaut

    My fellow fapstronauts,

    I have abstained from pmo for 18 days straight and experienced the positive aspects of it. Things like good memory, attention from women, strength during my workouts and being aggressive. I remember being meek and timid in the presence of ,my boss especially, seniors at work, but recently received a feedback that i am sort of challenging everybody and my voice has got deep which, i believe, has contributed to me being aggressive at work (lol)but i am just being normal , to be honest... Has anyone experienced this yet ?? I am not sure if this is positive ...
  2. ImComingFalseAlarm

    ImComingFalseAlarm Fapstronaut

    Very positive, but hey it goes away the minute you cum hahaha
  3. Rhymer

    Rhymer Fapstronaut

    It is very positive. I had an 8 days streak. A girl at work noticed my voice deeper and commented on it, she sometimes just stare at me as well as other females but only when I don't PMO. Keep at it and you will see the light brighter.
  4. anthrope

    anthrope Fapstronaut

    There's always magic that happens when you stay continent. It isn't magic really, but for someone who hasn't practiced continence it does lead to interesting effects. The attention from the opposite sex is telling. You can also think for longer, and in more varied ways, since all your energy is not lost in lust. Also, as my recent 54 day streak taught me, you can build muscle faster.

    Good going bmw4real. Keep going. Stay strong and alert.
  5. Ramy

    Ramy Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, stay strong. :)
  6. SemenIsYouth

    SemenIsYouth Fapstronaut

    Hi this is my 18 th day, I've not experienced any of the positive effects except my skin is looking little good. I know this is due to immense waste of seminal energy. I'm still positive and know that it'll take long time for me to recover.
    Please tell me since when you started masturbating and what was your average frequency of ejaculations.
    And don't stop don't reward yourself with PMO preserve your energies.
  7. bmw4real

    bmw4real Fapstronaut

    ImComingFalseAlarm , Rhymer, anthrope, Ramy ..thankyou for all the support and encouragement.

    @SemenIsYouth : I masturbated on and off for 5 years and wasted a lot of time. The frequency was twice a day . I realized that nofap upholds your ability to try new things and take risks which is the key to success. As far attention from women is concerned, i still dont know , but it just happens. I am sure you will experience all this very soon. so, keep going and continue the fight.