Has anyone else had problems with bladder leak after peeing?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by J Arthur Rank, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. J Arthur Rank

    J Arthur Rank Fapstronaut

    Ok, I know I'm getting on aged 41, but when ever I go for a pee, I think I have finished, then when I put it away, there is always a little more the dribbles out. nothing visible thankfully (unless wearing light clothes) but it feels wet. Since I have stopped fapping, its certainly better that it was. It has been affecting me for years and wondered if anyone else suffered the same.
  2. vangeli

    vangeli New Fapstronaut

    I’m 41 too. I have the same problem from time to time and I do think it’s from excessive faping. I haven’t read much about it if it is true or not but you aren’t the only one. Also, I rarely seem to be able to do a strong pee. It kind of just slowly dribbles out.
  3. J Arthur Rank

    J Arthur Rank Fapstronaut

    I thought it was an age thing, but since stopping all masturbation, its gotten loads better. I do feel like i need a pee more often at the moment (30 days in). sometimes it is a lot of pee, other times not a lot at all.
    Glad I'm not alone. Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
  4. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    To some degree it is an age thing. As we age, the prostate grows larger (google BPH). Unfortunately, in the male anatomy, the urethra runs through the middle of it and swelling creates difficulty initiating flow, weak stream, dribbling, frequency and urgency. If the symptoms are too bothersome, see a urologist. Medication can help relieve it or in more advanced cases, surgery may be necessary.
    In the meantime, you can run your fingers down the penis to “strip” the urethra of remaining drops and use a piece of tp to dab at it. It also helps to push up with fingers just below the base of penis on the underside. It doesn’t always work, even at that. You have to decide when symptoms are too bothersome to put up with and choose to see a physician.
  5. I'mBroken

    I'mBroken New Fapstronaut

    45, same here. I always thought it might be related to my use of a cockring that goes under my scrotom pressing against my urethra. or as mentioned, B.P.H. due to age?
  6. vangeli

    vangeli New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your initial post and to unhooked for your answer.
    Perhaps it could be age related although I never thought 41 was old. Maybe I am now :(
  7. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    I would say 40 definitely begins midlife. However most changes are subtle at that point. There is significant escalation after 60.
  8. 25, between days 15-40 i thought i will never stop pushing that last drop right after pushing that drop
    But i have my reasons. I had nocturnal enuresis since childhood. Then i discovered masturbation and my enuresis had gone, can you believe that? Either it was neurological (i felt less stressed after masturbation) or physical reason for (strenghtening those muscles), but since then no more bed wetting
    Back to the topic: i think masturbation was some kinda excercise for muscles (pelvic muscles?) that was keeping them in tonus, i felt that for sure, and now muscles just have weakened. But i can recommend kegel excercises, it helped me a lot, even though i did it only 3-5 minutes a week in general
    Sapiens likes this.
  9. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Yep! I've had it for years, and I'm only 32! I also pee wayyyy too much. When I go out drinking beer I am back and forward to the bathroom so frequently that it can sometimes ruin the night. I know 'beer goes right through you' but with me it's ridiculous. Sometimes when I go to see movies at the cinema I get genuine anxiety about missing the best bits due to having to disappear off to pee several times. Inbetween bathroom visits I would feel like I always had to piss just a little, and would just wait until it was too difficult to hold it in.

    Occasionally the problem goes away entirely for a while for some unknown reason, and I am starting to think it's when I have gone without fapping for a while. I guess I'll find out soon! I think it's prostate related, and I guess frequent PMO must make it get irritated, emptied, worn out, I dunno exactly what, but it'd make sense.