(sigh) Nonsense in the home

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by FastingPrayerSleep, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    My older brother just quite another job. He is freeloading off our much older parents and my mother just confronted him about it.

    He is probably the most worthless human being in our neighborhood.

    He is totally narcissistic. "I don't care." and "I don't wanna hear it." Are two favorite catch-phrases of his.

    Ugh, honestly I think our religious upbringing made him snap.

    He is not like me. He REALLY hates the Biblical God and our family always shoves him down our throats.

    I actually like a lot of things about Jesus Christ but he can't stand almost everything.

    Anyway this man is 26 and he's quit school, his job, and says he wants to quit the military aswell, (which he hasn't even officially started yet).

    Yeah, it's really a crazy house over here. They just love to preach to him. They just need to kick him out. There are people like him in this world.

    On top of it he's very paranoid and miserable all the time. He was not like this about 4 years ago but now here he is as he is.

    He says it's about his DUI and some speeding tickets. These are VERY common offences that don't derail many people's lives.

    It is totally WTF. It's origin is real, genuine, NONSENSE and it's not new with him.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the very real "bottomless pit".
  2. Personal Freedom

    Personal Freedom Fapstronaut

    I think you'd be surprised how much a DUI can derail someone's life, especially before it's established. Not being able to drive can severely degrade a person's freedom, in the modern world, and things tend to add up when one roadblock is placed. I'm not surprised to hear that he can't trust anyone, it feels like there's a lot of criticism on him, and not a lot of support.

    Understandably, some people do need a swift kick in the ass to get them moving, but I find it a bit odd that you would have the quote, "True compassion means not only feeling another's pain but also being moved to help relieve it.", in your signature, and yet seem so callous and impatient with your kin. When's the last time you had a talk with him that wasn't about all the things he's done wrong, that he's doing wrong?
  3. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    lol, honestly I appreciate your goodwill but you do not know my brother. I assure you.

    We have had YEARS of MANY good talks.

    He has RUINED MANY HARD WON opportunities.

    WE have SUFFERED OFTEN for YEARS for him.

    I helped him THE MOST with his jobs and with the military.

    I NEVER preach to him directly about his wrongs. I already know it won't help.

    Actually I am the FIRST to help him when he speaks of opportunities in the world.

    I am NOT lying.

    Not everybody gets to see this side of human beings.

    My sister and I were just talking about it.

    She and I. We MUST keep our HUMOR about this.

    It seems little from your viewpoint but up close my aunt, my sister, and me have talked OFTEN and ALL agree to kick him out.

    People like him only sink or swim the hard way.

    I am NOT lying.


    "No body knows the trouble I've seen."

    That goes for all of us...


    He can drive. He has been driving for years since the DUI. I've seen multiple cops examine his license and let him continue driving.

    That is not a limit for him.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
  4. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    lol, OFFTOPIC SECTION!!!!!!!!!!

    Where's YOUR counter?

    How PMOL free are YOU?

    If you're some kind of admin in disguise then just BLOCK ME FROM THE SITE if I can't get support in MY times of NEED!!!

    Anne posts stuff like this ALL THE TIME!!!

    GENDER BIAS but I don't REALLY even give a shit if you can't even say SOMETHING constructive about this REAL PROBLEM!!!

    Like I said

    THANKS for your goodwill Personal Freedom! Even though you did not know all the facts and possibly STILL disagree with the plain truth of it.
  5. Personal Freedom

    Personal Freedom Fapstronaut

    You're being really hostile right now. I hope that whatever sense of peace you find in your accomplishment isn't negatively impacted by your pride. If you treat people like enemies from the beginning, they will become your enemies in the end.
  6. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    24 days since you gave yourself pleasure? Is that even possible?

    Answer to that one is no. No that is not possible.

    Breathing and eating (food) are freaking pleasurable. You could end both at any time if you really wanted to lol.

    What useful advice could come from someone who only did things they hate?


    Hard speech > Outright lies

    LIFE is MORE than PMO! You quit PMO only to LIVE a more FULLFILLING LIFE!

  7. Personal Freedom

    Personal Freedom Fapstronaut

    It's a phrase specific to my goal that's shorter than "24 days since I touched my penis to give myself pleasure". I'm sorry you feel you need to defend yourself right now, I had no intention of putting you in that position.
  8. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    Maybe he's depressed or something of that sort?

    Or maybe he needs affection...

    Here is a good resource that might be of help to you:

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2014
  9. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    This reminded me of my two uncles.

    Spoiled, had morning high school classes, then they didn't want that so they had after noon classes. They didn't want that so they dropped out first year of college. Both extremely bright with a bunch of opportunities thrown at them. Now they are extremely dependent on my moms side of the family for almost everything. Barely surviving with kids and everything.

    Both still going late to work when a job is given to them. Partying more then they should. Having a "I don't care" attitude and now in their 40s.

    Hopefully your brother snaps out of it.
  10. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    Ruso my brother was very intelligent as well. He went to Georgia Tech and had only 1 year left to graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

    Then suddenly he quit his internship ($17 per hour as a 21-22 year old college kid) and started on the downward spiral of NONSENSE.

    Now he can barely read 2 pages of ANY book without pictures before giving up on it entirely.

    He made one of many deals with our dad to finish a programming book and get a certificate over 3 months ago.

    He read about 20 of the like 300 pages and said something like "It makes my head hurt. I don't wanna do it anymore."

    But he'll read manga and watch anime illegally all fucking day long.

    He has turned down EVERY offer we've given him for receiving certified mental health treatment.


    Personal Freedom does not understand at all yet he wants to act like the matured one.

    Ever heard of sociopaths?

    They exist. Only luckily some fear the law too much to act on their utter selfishness completely. He is VERY paranoid of the police.

    And my delusional parents are likely at this point to provide for his worthless ass until they die.

    He has NEVER cried at a funeral and he probably won't cry at BOTH of theirs.
  11. Personal Freedom

    Personal Freedom Fapstronaut

    You're right, I didn't understand. I offered some advice, and you've treated me like an assailant for it. My apologies for trying to display some compassion, I won't make that mistake with you again.
  12. RSG Flex

    RSG Flex Fapstronaut

    haha this was awesome to stumble upon.
    your humor and the way you go about talking is excellent haha
    not to mention you're kinda describing me in what i could possibly look in three years if i keep this up.
    thanks for this post
  13. ledzepplinjacky

    ledzepplinjacky Fapstronaut

    You sound like OP's brother
  14. mrlaw

    mrlaw Fapstronaut

    I 100% agree with you about the gender bias on this damn forum!

    The mods one here give that woman a free pass to post crap! And when she doesn't like your post/topic, she does what the libs on here do - they report you to mods!

    BTW there's one specific mod on here I can't stand. You know who you are!
  15. GoldenRuleStudent

    GoldenRuleStudent Fapstronaut

    I'm the OP. This is my SN now. Since starting this thread my big bro has officially been diagnosed with psychosis.

    His attitude still needs a LOT of work. But we now know he is at least acting on delusions he thought were 100% legitimate.

    Deep depression made him susceptible to psychosis. And his drinking habits impacted his deep depression. I think his laziness started his depression in the first place.

    The problem is he really can not explain WHY he thinks we are plotting against him with the government or police. He literally has no reason as to why he thinks that when he feels certain of it.

    That's psychosis of the delusion variety for you. He doesn't hallucinate anything we don't see or hear yet strongly believes we are doing things he never has seen us do.

    And due to these delusions he feels he can't ever trust us. This must play into how much of a jerk he is.

    Though he still insists on using our stuff, not working for pay, and leaving dirty dishes and clothes wherever he wants. He straightens up a LITTLE if guests come over.
  16. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Posted here a couple of months back. Damn dude, what an update.
  17. GoldenRuleStudent

    GoldenRuleStudent Fapstronaut

    I regret yelling at him like I used to. He let himself fall into quite a hell. If he "wakes up" from depression and those lazy habits I think his psychosis can pass away.

    I'm grateful for prayers from anyone concerning the sobriety and health of my brother.