Hi Everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ninjamuppet, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. ninjamuppet

    ninjamuppet New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    My story is pretty similar to everyone else. I have heard of NoFap before and have tried abstaining from PMO for religious reasons but have never been able to hold myself accountable. My usage hasn’t taken a major twisted turn but I’ve noticed it has been excessive recently and even though I want to stop I keep going.

    It’s frustrating that I can’t keep myself disciplined. I’m looking for help to control these urges before they become a bigger problem than they already are. Thus here I am.

    My longest Non-PMO streak was about 30 days. I really want to go for the 90, at least once.

    If you have any tips or advice let me know, I’ll be around!

    dboy18 and STAR DUST like this.
  2. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Hi ninja, nice to have you here and it's good to see that you want to put the effort to make yourself better... I think that you can reach 90 days just keep yourself motivated and don't beat yourself if you have to restart for any reason.

    The only advice I have is to stay active in this forum, there are a lot of very insightful post and people and reading about their journey can really help, success stories are awesome.

    Good luck man I hope to see you around here!
    ninjamuppet likes this.
  3. NamoBuddha

    NamoBuddha Fapstronaut

    Hi @ninjamuppet
    Try to build up a good and healthy habit in your life such as more time with your family, work out etc.
    Here, I have some information that could help. Take a look.
    A success story, talking about how he overcome PMO.
    A YouTube vid, explaining how addiction work.
    An article, reading the benefits of nofap.
    A human version of rat park
    Believe yourself and stay strong.
    All the best
    ninjamuppet likes this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut
