Could this be the first day of rest of my life?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by GlynnBoy, Jul 27, 2018.

  1. GlynnBoy

    GlynnBoy New Fapstronaut

    Corny thread title I know. But hey nothing ventured, nothing gained. (I dont always talk in cliches)
    Just enjoyed what I am optimistically hoping will be my last session on my favourite porn sites. That's the problem isn't it?. I do enjoy those sessions, but I don't enjoy:

    How much time and money I am wasting on this activity.
    The effect it has on me, i.e being constantly distracted by attractive women and the inability to see attractive women without thoughts of sex immediately occurring.
    The constant risk of being found out, ruining my relationship with my wife and causing me so much embarrassment with family and friends.
    No I am very weary of all this

    Please let me move on from all this.
    renrev nimof and Lyfe like this.
  2. Welcome GlynnBoy. I hope this will be the first day of the rest of your life porn free. I started here just 11 days ago at my lowest point, and just like you I came here after feeding my addiction. I hate porn with a passion, but at the same time it has me in its clutches and I've been drawn to it for decades. I too am distracted by attractive women, and the fact that I'm also married to one hasn't stopped me from indulging in risky behavior, but I have hope that my brain can be rewired. Coming here is a great 1st step. I've already seen the tremendous value in diverting my attention to this community rather than to my addiction. You'll find amazing support and resources here, and I'm happy to help in any way I can. Good luck on your journey!
  3. GlynnBoy

    GlynnBoy New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for taking the trouble to offer your warm encouraging response. Under mo illusions this is going to be difficult. Is my desire to be free of this curse stronger than the moments of relief and intense pleasure it provides?
  4. renrev nimof

    renrev nimof Fapstronaut

    Welcome. I'm about to complete my second day