NoFappers accelerate global warming !!!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by fappedenough, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. fappedenough

    fappedenough Fapstronaut

    Bear with me on this one, it's a light hearted look at a couple of very serious topics that could be related in ways you hadn't thought of.

    So, I watched a documentary a while back on a problem that Japan is facing. The birth rate has fallen to an alarming level and the government is going to great lengths to get young couples together so they can have kids. A lot of 20 and 30 something men and women were interviewed about their changing attitudes towards relationships and this covered a lot of different views. I felt there was a massive elephant in the room that no-one talked about and it was porn.

    Japan produces a lot of porn and has a huge sex industry in general along with a pretty shocking attitude towards women. In this digital age it has to be having a negative impact on the likelihood of loving relationships being formed, particularly the type that produces children. I don't doubt for a minute that millions of Japanese men are masturbating themselves into oblivion on a daily basis and by doing so are decreasing their chances of settling down and having kids.

    That's where the climate change bit comes in. The single biggest problem that isn't being addressed with climate change isn't how much an individual consumes, it's how many individuals are consuming. The world needs fewer people and we all know that would make a real difference in reversing climate change.

    So as wannabe or successful NoFappers we can get all smug about the benefits and how we are all going to settle down in loving relationships and have at least 3 kids. What a lovely happy ever after story or is it? Global abstinence from spanking the monkey could actually lead to a population explosion that condemns us all to eternal hellfire and damnation in the form of irreversible climate change and all the problems that poses for humanity.

    So the solution would seem to be to encourage excessive masturbation in all areas of the globe where the population is rising. To this end I think the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation should divert all their funds into providing smartphone and 4/5G access to the whole of India, China and Africa. They will find porn within days or minutes. The birth rate will immediately begin to fall.

    It's just another example of how the rich western world could subjugate the poorer masses whilst appearing ostensibly to be providing humanitarian relief. In fact they would merely be encouraging hand relief. (See what I did there!)

    I do apologise for my light hearted take on some serious subjects and I wouldn't for a second encourage anybody to take advantage of a fellow human being. The moral could be that we would all be happier living in a simpler society without smartphones and a fast internet connection. We might have problems feeding our families but we would at least have them and to me family is the most important thing of all.
  2. This 5G and network across the world is very worrying, but we can't escape it.
    Call me crazy but 5G will be so strong, some scientists say it can interfere with the brain, basically sending messages right into the brain.

    I fear all this new tech that comes out. I wish everything just was like 2008 again. Technology and people were more balanced back then.

    And btw ,global warming is the biggest hoax EVER. Don't believe me? Research it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. fappedenough

    fappedenough Fapstronaut

    You should try going back to 1978, it was way way more balanced than 2008.

    I beg to differ on the global warming/climate change debate but respect your views.

    Back to the real point of my long rambling post, do you think there is a link between countries with high porn consumption and a falling birth rate?
  4. Of course there is. Porn is apparently a very good substitute to real sex, and porn also destroys ones confidence and possibility to have kids.
    IMO porn is a great machine for reducing birth rates. It seems to be working, statistics don't lie.
  5. fappedenough

    fappedenough Fapstronaut

    Definitely. I've watched way too much porn and I don't have kids and probably never will now.
  6. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Iade this a while ago for a meme thread but after seeing this thread I had to post it. This Male Has Overslept 02032018172054.jpg
    LEPAGE and MLMVSS like this.
  7. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Also not everyone on nofap is going to have kids. Some people here don't want to and others can't for reasons such as sterility/infertility or homosexuality. Plus there's way more porn users than fapstonauts we have less than 200,000 people on here compared to billions of porn users. Saying that we'll increase global warming seems like a flawed theory to me.
  8. So you are saying we are overpopulated despite having enough space to feed like close to a trillion or more humans, and that we should not have many kids or none at all and even not stop pmo-ing so we surely do not have kids or a normal or great life so that global warming doesnt doom the planet as a super extreme scenario?

    You are free to watch all the best p you want and not have a family ever.
  9. fappedenough

    fappedenough Fapstronaut

    Like I said in my original post, it was light hearted and not meant to be entirely serious. That said there is a link though not one that we need to desperately worry about as a species. As individuals the effect of porn addiction is far more serious.

    BTW I'm not sure where the evidence is to say that the earth could feed a trillion more people but I would be very interested to read it if a link is available.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Urban heat island has a large impact as it reemits absorbed light as heat, so in a way, more people can contribute to climate change. But even this can be mitigated to some degree by albedo changes, etc.

    But CO2 increase is such a small part of climate change, but it’s one Leftists love to push in order to have an extra tax source. CO2 is limited in itself where it can only efficiently absorb ~3 wavelengths of light which make up about 8% of all sunlight and after that 8% CO2 becomes more obsolete unless pressure increases. The main thing CO2 does is a possible source of ocean acidification, which is of course bad, but this is hardly mentioned either.

    Or, in other words, there’s more to climate than the weaponising of CO2 that leftists use.
  11. So it's people who have kids, not people who do NoFap. Doing NoFap doesn't make you want to have kids. Personally, I don't care so much about having kids.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  12. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Global warming is the biggest hoax ever?

    Want to take it to the studies? I researched it and found that people who dont believe global warming simply dont know what they are talking about - lack of knowledge.
  13. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    CO2 levels increases, but also temperature increases..

    Well, methane and nitrogen are all increasing with the co2.
  14. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Yes, just like US crude oil imports from Norway leads to railway deaths.


    So... I don't see what you're saying?

    Correlation is not causation. That is the issue with trying to study a cause from its effects, as climate change does. You can get false causations from a near-perfect correlation. You can only get a causation if you experimentally control the cause and study its effects, not the other way around (as many aspects of AGW does).
    LEPAGE likes this.
  15. fappedenough

    fappedenough Fapstronaut

    It's a shame this thread has become more about global warming than the issue I was really trying to address.

    I personally will always regret not having a family of my own. It is something I have come to terms with now. There was still a lot of time, though not necessarily opportunities, in my late 30's and early 40's but life took a turn for the worse and I spent my 40's in a prolonged depressed state. A lot of my friends wouldn't have known that. Many of us will know how easy it is to put your game face on and present yourself to the world at large as a bundle of joy when you're really dying inside.

    I really want more than ever to beat this porn addiction and when the time is right be in a loving relationship. That can still happen at any age but when I look back at the last 15 years of internet porn addiction there is one thing that is unlikely to ever change. I am highly likely to die childless and that is a high price to pay for something that at it's very best merely gives us all some kind of twisted pleasure. I guess that's the nature of any addiction.

    I'd really like to appeal to younger members who still have plenty of good years ahead of them. It is scary how fast life passes you by. Each decade slips by far faster than the last and you get old way quicker than you can ever imagine when you're still young. Don't put off trying to beat this addiction or any other changes you want to make in your life because you think there is still time. Don't think that next month or next year will be a good time to start because before you know it a decade will have passed.
  16. Yeah I see your point, there's another serious issue. UNICORN DISCRIMINATION:
    (this is a joke speech I made one day)

    As Yoda once said do or do not there is no try. We have a huge problem of debt in higher education. Therefore we the affirmative team stand resolve higher ed significantly needs reform. To make this round clear we will first clarify some definitions.

    Def 1: Invisibomb: a bomb that safely removes structure.

    Def 2: college: higher education facility

    Now that we have the key terms of the debate it’s now time to go into our plan.

    The Plan

    Mandate #1

    All colleges shall be removed using invisibombs which according to the Unicorn Civil Rights Act of 1983 unicorns have the right to distribute invisbombs to whomever the board of education approves

    Mandate #2

    Any colleges or universities that resist the invisibombs shall be nuked by the national unicorn laser beam. Which according to the #28th amendment any college that threatens the Unicorns are no longer protected by the states & are seen as local terrorists

    Enforcement: Magical Rainbow Unicorns Association & any necessary federal body.

    That’s the plan. Let’s now move on to the disadvantages of the status quo.

    Disadvantage #1 Less time for youtube

    Daylen Haley NCFCA competitor, youtube content creator, charming, and eloquent in all his mannerisms writes: When we think of college we think of a lot of work however, this by no means has to be the case! Using the Invisbombs provided by The Magical Rainbow Unicorns will allow college to be a thing of the past & we can spend time on what truly matters… Cat videos & catching up on the latest buzzfeed articles!

    Disadvantage #2 More Debt

    In the current system we have something close to 1.4 TRILLION dollars of debt, removing colleges will obviously prevent future debt meaning that our plan prevents all future student debt allowing us to no longer be chained by debt & lead a College and debt free life

    Disadvantage #3

    According to in an article written by Mr Flying Unicorn with a phd in supporting your absurd ideas says STATUS QUO CREATES TO MANY PROBLEMS, With colleges we risk losing freedom of speech, having tuition raise, & most importantly of all takes away from our netflix binges. With a system that creates far more problems than it’s worth total abolishment is necessary.

    Disadvantage #4 UNICORNS MISTREATED

    This comes from Bubbles The Unicorn at in her blog post: While you think of higher education you most likely haven’t seen any unicorns, according to my research I have found no university nor college that supports us unicorns.

    Now after proving the disadvantages of the current system let us move on to the advantages of passing

    our plan

    Advantage #1 More time for youtube.

    Doing college is a lot of work therefore we the affirmative team strongly believe that removing these colleges will give students more time to enjoy leisurely extra curricular activities such as youtube

    Advantage #2 No More Student Debt

    According to the very reliable intellectuals at me, myself, & I they write:

    So I looked up how much student debt we have in the united states, & according to the highly sophisticated intellectuals at Wikipedia we owe around 1.2 TRILLION Dollars in debt. Using the inivisibombs to get rid of all colleges using the unicorns will stop all future debt!

    Advantage #3 All higher education issues solved.

    According to some anonymous homeschooler they write in

    If we think about it the cause of higher education issues is higher education soon it becomes clear that if we remove all colleges then there will be no more college issues to solve.

    Advantage #4 No More Unicorn Discrimination

    This comes from Bubbles The Unicorn at writes in another blog post: That %100 of colleges in the current system don’t support unicorn rights & won’t even allow them on campus. This means that by passing the affirmative teams plan we end all unicorn discrimination.

    For all these reasons I urge an affirmative ballot.

    (This is mostly nonsense with some factual info thrown in, I'd love to see more joke reforms in this thread)