NoFap and studying concentration

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Kyle09999, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Kyle09999

    Kyle09999 Fapstronaut

    Hello to all!

    I see that I have urges to M when:
    - I am stressed
    - I NEED to take a break from studying

    In each of these two, I want to reset so I could concentrate again and relax, but I have a suspicion that this is just my excuse to keep fapping. That is because I found that the relaxation after fapping is damn efficient (yet not really beneficial to my self esteem around women I suppose).

    Do you have any advice how to learn to relax without masturbating but stay focused on learning?
    TopBoys_Frontline and Moatasem like this.
  2. KrmGrn

    KrmGrn Fapstronaut

    It is an excuse. Our brains are great with coming up with excuses, justifications, rationalizations for relapsing. One thing I've discovered is that after not masturbating for several days, my energy, focus, and relaxation are greatly improved - without masturbating. But it might take a few days or more before you experience the change (everyone is different). I started noticing a big difference after just a couple of days. Now I'm almost at 14 days and I really haven't experienced this kind of sustained energy, calm, and happiness in a very long time (and I'm sleeping better too).

    I would also recommend meditation, yoga (this is by far the best for me), or progressive muscle relaxation. Wish you the best!
    TopBoys_Frontline and Moatasem like this.
  3. iwanttobemyoldselfagain

    iwanttobemyoldselfagain Fapstronaut

    Hey I agree with KrmGrn. Your brain is giving you excuses to fap. I can relate, because I have done this before. And I have found that concentration goes to shit after I fap. Hence I stopped.
    Try group studying. It's fun, you grasp more, and you can all do something relaxing together when you want to take a break. Also, it will just feel gross to excuse yourself from your friends just to rub one out, and I guarantee you that you won't do it. It might help. It worked for me.
    Moatasem likes this.
  4. anthrope

    anthrope Fapstronaut

    Kyle - this is a challenge, but you can learn to do it. It may not happen overnight though. Be prepared for surmounting this challenge in the long run.

    Here's one way to set about doing it. Let us say you want to study right now, but you're mind keeps gravitating towards sex. Follow these steps in sequence, and you can affect rapid change in yourself:

    1. Take thirty abdominal breaths. Make sure that every breath is slow, rhythmic, and that you focus only on the breath.
    2. Step 1 should return you to your body, so that you're not lost in your mind. Now stand up and do a quick warm up session, the kind that you do before a workout. Do this for two minutes.
    3. Sit down again, close your eyes and simply be aware of the sensations in your body. It doesn't matter what these sensations are. Simply allow them to be, and witness them. Do this for two minutes.
    4. Keep sitting, keep your eyes closed and think of one important concept that you must work on in your study session. Start questioning this single concept the best you can with your eyes closed. Whatever questions you think of, one of them will attract your interest. At some point, while questioning this way, you will feel forced to approach your textbook or notes to hunt out answers. This is the time to open your eyes and jump into study.

    This method is very simple, but don't underestimate it. It has all the components required for getting your up and running. Use as many times as you need it. When you feel the situation is hopeless, remember, far less people than yourself have risen to the top by believing in themselves. You will too. Just believe it.
    TopBoys_Frontline and Moatasem like this.
  5. Kyle09999

    Kyle09999 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your advice,

    Anthrope, I will consider your method, but so far it goes well. :)

    iwanttobemyoldselfagain: The problem with group learning for me is that to truly learn, I have to be alone (as an introvert). The new knowledge simply does not stay when being with other people, I have to focus deeply on my own. But what I can say, being social truly helps otherwise (when not needing to learn). Makes me not to be turning only inward. :)
    TopBoys_Frontline likes this.
  6. KrmGrn

    KrmGrn Fapstronaut

    Another idea is to study in public - coffee shops, libraries, etc. And then when you need a break, go outside and stretch or take a walk or listen to some music or something. Best of luck!
  7. Kyle09999

    Kyle09999 Fapstronaut

    The thing which worries me also is that without MO, I truly can be less relaxed. And there are truly studies which support better concentration & relaxation after sex / MO, aren't there?