New to NoFap, recent relapse

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by asterix, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. asterix

    asterix Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, just joined NoFap. I've been doing NoFap on my own but I never signed up for the NoFap forums/website until now. Today I relapsed after a 20 day streak and I feel like community may help in the process. Was doing so good and experiencing many of the superpowers that people talk about here. Was doing fine actually until I had to much to drink yesterday and woke up with a mild hangover today. The low mood afterwards was the trigger. Went on a few sex cam sites. NO MORE. I'll beat this!
  2. Warrior01

    Warrior01 Fapstronaut

    Great you decided to sign up, its the best decision you've done this month so far, after deciding to quit PMO. Keep updating us and reading and im sure you are going to accomplish your goal.
  3. eldish

    eldish Fapstronaut

    Welcome Asterix,

    You sound like you're committed to quitting and that's a good start.

    I suggest reading some of journals of those who are successful and emulate what they did.
  4. asterix

    asterix Fapstronaut

    Thank you warrior and eldish for the encouragement! I did have some brain fog today from the whole episode. There was so much angst and frustration from messing up that I took it out on the weights today. It's so extremely frustrating realizing now that there are so many women I can meet who are interested (and so many outlets I have), but I stayed home to fap to a camera. Disgusting. There is an existential fierceness that I'm beginning to develop against fapping; it's not natural. Thanks for the support. I wish you gentlemen the best in your journeys. Eldish, it looks like you're almost there. I'll keep you informed of my progress...