I want to know your reason to quit pmo ;)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by lion188, May 3, 2018.

  1. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut


    i dont need any reason to do it

    Im just do it
  2. Arc12

    Arc12 Fapstronaut

    Because I want to live a full fledged life ... :)
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  3. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Hello Lion. 17 days ago, I was curious to see the advantages of not masturbating for a long time. When I read the scientific benefits, I learned in the process that I had an addiction to porn that was sapping my energy and making me waste my time. That is when I decided to join NoFap, delete all pictures of nude women I had on my computer. The reasons why I quit is I love and desire women a lot, but this did not allow me to grow when I masturbated because of them. I needed to discipline myself so I could live a happy life, whether there was a woman in my life or not.

    Other reasons I quit are similar to what namaycush wrote above:

    -personal growth
    -spiritual beliefs
    -increased energy and confidence
    -to assist in accomplishing goals
    -decreased anxiety/depression
    -better able to accomplish daily tasks.
  4. Lionkingwhowantstochange

    Lionkingwhowantstochange New Fapstronaut

  5. Lionkingwhowantstochange

    Lionkingwhowantstochange New Fapstronaut

    Yeah, feel the same and I had such good months. I feel ashamed and guilty. It really isn't something I want. Healthy sex life is what we should all have but faping just feels like the easy way out where you cover the real now with fake temporary pleasure. Guys i hope you can support me and help me over come this. From tomorrow I will target 2 months which means time September. Wish me luck as I am.going to beat this nonsense
  6. Lionkingwhowantstochange

    Lionkingwhowantstochange New Fapstronaut

    I'm not going to keep doing this and I will fight and take control
  7. Lt.Mike

    Lt.Mike Fapstronaut

  8. It's not part of the person whom I want to be, my siblings don't deserve their example for life to be a freaking wanker, that & if I fail I've bet 50 dollars I will succeed. So a fap would cost me 50 freaking dollars, a little expensive imo
  9. oretna

    oretna Fapstronaut

  10. DarkPassenger17

    DarkPassenger17 Fapstronaut

    I have a few reasons: 1.) I have a desire to be more productive and to live a fuller life, instead of doing that, I have wasted thousands of hours over my life time on PMO 2.) I have sacrificed time with my family to get my fix of PMO. I have not treated my wife the way she deserves and she has caught me a number of times. I have damaged her trust and hurt her very deeply emotionally. I have skipped things with my kids to get my fix. 3.) I'm tired of sneaking around and going to great lengths to PMO, basically living a double life. 4.) I have suffered physical damage from PMO. I have degeneration in a number of disks in my neck from sitting at the computer for hours upon hours and straining my neck. 5.) I'm tired of seeing women as objects, lusting after everyone I see. Even if they aren't attractive, I can find reasons to make them attractive, lusting after certain body parts, staring at their cleavage, legs etc. Only really talking to them for the thrill. 6.) PMO has caused me to look at porn that used to absolutely disgust me. 7.) It has caused me to do things that I will regret for the rest of my life and I can only hope God will forgive me in the end. 8.) I have 3 young daughters and just thinking of men objectifying them like I do to other women is a terrible thought. I need to quit for them.