22 yo First Time Having a Girlfriend and my Dong goes on and off

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Helpimalemon12345, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    Hey there guys, im in serious need of help

    Im a 22 year old male from Australia. I also have aspergers syndrome.

    Throughout my life i had a pretty shit run, people never really treated me well. i never got anywhere with girls my confidence was shot to hell. I started watching porn from the age of 13 after my friend introduced me to it, since then i would watch it regularly, almost every day sometimes 2-4 times a day up till about 3 months ago, where i would watch it say once a week. I didnt care about my porn problems at the time because i never thought i could ever get anywhere with a girl i never thought anyone could love me.

    But three months ago i met the most amazing girl at a nightclub, shes beautiful, funny and accepting and we talked almost every day. I love her immensely and she loves me.

    Before i get into that the problems with my porn addiction is that i mostly watch lesbian porn almost exclusively, it got more extreme and the porn more hardcore. I am now at the point where literally almost no porn gets me hard (yes even gay i tried it) without me touching myself and even then i have to constantly work it or it dies away instantly.

    Back to the girlfriend issue. So one month ago i had sex with her, lost my virginity in total i have done it 4 times with her, my problem started showing with her! i find her so damn attractive that her face makes me hard! but then it dies away REALLY easy without constant attention! intercourse my penis can get soft or half erect during sex! and i cant cum or orgasm, i give her oral a lot but she really prefers intercourse and due to her nature of bottling up problems she has actually been almost taking offence to my on and off penis, she became very closed when i was with her and i got her to open up eventually and she mentioned that she thinks i don't find her attractive that shes not used to being turned down by a guys body, this fucking killed me inside because i do get hard over her i REALLY find her attractive but my fucking dick goes on and off! and i cant cum, its making me so depressed because she wants to be loved and she is now not feeling good enough and becoming dissociated. I really love this girl. I haven't watched porn in a week and im still fucked, im deleting all of it never touching it again.

    She says she wont leave me over something so silly, but i wont lie my depression is kicking in over this, lots of girls do leave their guys if they cant satisfy or have dick issues.i trust her but i feel so inadequate and less of a man because of this. My dick needs constant attention to remain hard and even then i cant orgasm but i pre-cum from just kissing her....

    I really need some help guys, what do you suggest i do? should i see a doctor? is there any medication i can take? i do not want to lose possibly the only girl this world has for me and i love her
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  2. johnkite99

    johnkite99 Fapstronaut

    My girlfriend left me over this issue.

    It is an issue if you can have sex (penetration) with your girlfriend. As you are denying her sexual experiences.

    She seems good to be patient.
    Go see a doctor and a psychologist.

    Porn addiction can get worse when trying to get clean without any extra help.

    Good luck on your path.
  3. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    I can have sex, but it goes on and off and i dont orgasm, and it seems to frustrate her
  4. bayern12

    bayern12 Fapstronaut

    You lost sensetivity in your dick due over masturbation. Stop m immidietly. Wait at least 45 days, so that the nerves on your dick will heal. You.need to give your song some rest.
  5. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    do you think i should see a doctor as well?
  6. bayern12

    bayern12 Fapstronaut

    No . Let time heal your dick. Your nerves will heal with time.
  7. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    okay cool ill continue what im doing then. thanks! :) ill report if anything doesnt really work in the future
  8. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Same thing happened to me man, except I couldn't get hard enough to even have sex! My erections have been getting better slowly as I have stopped Masterbsting and stopped watching porn (for the most part). You don't need to see a doctor. Stop porn and stop Masterbsting all together and you should be fine.
  9. If you tell her why, have her read here or watch the Your Brain on Porn videos (Gary Wilson, The Great Porn Experiment and more) - it may help her get over those feelings. There's a chance she'll get over you, too - but that can happen right now.
  10. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    i really hope not, i seriously do not want to lose her
    Immature likes this.
  11. If you tell her, she can become your greatest ally in this difficult fight.

    If you don't, she continues to think "WTF?" And doubt herself or you or both.

    Also, so if you don't tell her and she finds out some other way, then things get very much worse very quickly.
    capodonca likes this.
  12. johnkite99

    johnkite99 Fapstronaut

    I may be a bit lost.
    How do you have sex if your "dong" goes off an on?
    A few pumps that last a few minutes does not classify as sex.
  13. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    well there you go then i guess i havent been having proper sex
  14. Helpimalemon12345

    Helpimalemon12345 Fapstronaut

    she knows i told her my situation
    Immature likes this.
  15. Great!