Please reply me

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by PMO addict1, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    am masturbating since age 14(now 23) 8 times daily (yes 8 times a day) on youtube videos, actress pictures, cousins picture etc... I am too much self concious in all situation and cant talk confidently to any one with eye contact .. have social anxiety since I remember ..(perheps in middle school) my father also have social anxiety .. I want to ask how to know if my anxiety due to excessive masturbation or other reason (genetic ) .IF IT IS GENETIC THEN HOW CAN NOFAP CURE IT ? because i think if it is due to fapping then it can be cured by NoFap , but if it is due to other reason can nofap still cure it or not i am also taking medication but no benifit please answer my question
  2. zombieslayer

    zombieslayer Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy,
    Good job taking the time to reach out on the forums. Your counter says 35 days without PMO, so that's pretty good coming from 8x daily masturbation. Nofap will help a lot with social anxiety, but you will also have to put yourself in more social situations and get used to being in them. Make yourself stand up straight and look people in the eye, even if it is uncomfortable at first.
    There is a youtube channel called "Johnny Berba Coaching" that has lots of tips for overcoming social anxiety.
    Meditation can help a lot too. I would listen to Eckhart Tolle if you haven't already. Overall though, putting yourself in more social situations, saying hello to strangers, and stuff like that completely changed my life. Hopefully it can help you.
    Deleted Account and PMO addict1 like this.
  3. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    thanks more question did u also have social anxiety.,how severe ?.. how is it now and how much days of NoFap helped u
  4. zombieslayer

    zombieslayer Fapstronaut

    Yeah I had social anxiety, and still do a little bit in some situations (like everybody else). I would say it was pretty severe. Now I manage it really well. I don't focus on what people are thinking of me anymore. I focus on "what good can come from this conversation?" or "what fun will come from this day?" Those are the things I try to think about before social interactions. The other stuff doesn't matter. In the past couple of years my frequency has gone from PMO every day to maybe 1-2 times a week. I'm always trying to give it up for good obviously, that's why I'm here, but doing it less has helped a lot. I feel more relaxed. When I get a long streak, I feel like I have nothing to hide. Hopefully that helps. Best of luck and try to feel what it's like to be carefree
    PMO addict1 likes this.
  5. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Even if it isn't caused by your addiction its 100% making it worse.

    I was always socially awkward and anxious but once I got addicted to PMO social interactions became crippling. I couldn't even slightly make eye contact, I mean seriously Id stare at the floor while talking to people. But that is if I even was talking to people. I really couldn't talk to people because of how crippling it was, through 4 years of high school I probably honest to God said less than 250 words, through all 4 years.

    I've been getting clean and while my anxiety still is crippling its not as bad as it was before. I even used to completely break just at the though of social interaction and now I don't.

    Also if your anxiety isn't cured by getting clean you can always get help. See a doctor, go to therapy or even just learn more about social anxiety, that helps a lot. When u understand why u feel certain things or might have caused it and even knowing that you're not alone and other people really do feel the exact same way as you.

    Good luck man! Stay strong!
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  6. Mr. 180

    Mr. 180 Fapstronaut

    I have battled with social anxiety for a long time, and I'd say it has mixed causes. Firstly, my mother has it, so it's a part of the hand that life dealt me. But PMO certainly contributed as well - since I began my Nofap journey, I've been getting better.
    One of the major ways to combat social anxiety for me has been confidence, and confidence is absolutely earned. Change yourself into someone you like, accomplish something you're proud of (and quitting PMO does both of those). You have to realize that it's not easy and it will take time and effort. Also, social anxiety can't be "cured," per se, but it can be managed and minimized. Zombieslayer's comments above about positive outlooks are good management advice, and confidence will lessen SA.
    tyrrjay and PMO addict1 like this.
  7. Wonskaj

    Wonskaj Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your counter man! I used to deal with social anxiety in the past but now I took it down to a manageable level. I thank mostly NoFap for that because it gave me the boost to go out and deal with people. I wouldn't call myself an expert in social situations but one year ago I had zero social skills and freaked out in pretty much any social situation and now I don't really care about that and I'm capable of making small talk. Sure I might do something awkward from time to time but I don't really care because we all do some weird stuff. So NoFap will definitely help you out but you still have to try and take some action. You can ask me for some tips if you want and I'll try helping you out.
    PMO addict1 likes this.
  8. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    thanks buddy really appriciate you... .. if you can please give some tips to implement in my daily social situationa
  9. Wonskaj

    Wonskaj Fapstronaut

    It really depends on how hard do you struggle in social situations. Can you ask someone working at a supermarket where a certain item you are looking for lies? Do you have any neighbours? You can start off by saying hello or good morning to them that was a starting point for me, also in my country there is a custom of saying "Good morning" when you enter a place so that was a huge challenge at the beggining.
  10. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    yes i can ask anything in a supermarkt ... but if he start talking to me then i cant talk to him i feel too much self concious... when I am in small group i can talk with less anxiety but if someone turns his focus direct to me.. i my place with loads of self conciousness and nervousness
  11. Wonskaj

    Wonskaj Fapstronaut

    If you are afraid of embarrassing yourself remember that it doesn't matter what you say as long as you are not rude. You can literarly say anything and it won't matter unless you think it was awkward. 99% of the times other people don't feel anything negative if you say something weird. They might even like it. What I have learnt is that as long as you say something it's all good. All in all your response may lead to another topic for a conversation.
  12. kalin_BG

    kalin_BG Fapstronaut

    I dont know NoFap can cure social phobia but i sure that if you do fap this will increase social fobia. Dont fap !!!! Will be worse