What happens once you reach your goal?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Teoz, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Teoz

    Teoz Fapstronaut

    So bollocks, relapsed this weekend.. 27 days.. not great but we move on.

    I was interested in what the goal is for ppl though. If I set 30 days, surely once I reach it I should be carrying on? It would seem pointless if the eventual goal isnt to stop completely right?
  2. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    The goal is to quit porn ... because porn is the #1 issue. Masturbation might more or less be part of your goals, but porn is certainly the one that most of us are trying to quit permanently. Your goals for masturbation may very. Many of us have had both a porn and masturbation problem, not necessarily at the same time, but problems nonetheless. You should figure out what your true goals are, why you are doing this, and what it will do for you in your life. How will it improve your life?
  3. Teoz

    Teoz Fapstronaut

    I agree porn is the main one. I am not sure on masturbation but I cannot do it without porn or fantasy anyway so its the same goal for now.

    Thanks for putting it in that light, I have no energy and less positivity when I pmo which I had never really linked together until my first nofap attempt.
  4. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    It's really eye-opening when we try not to PMO at ALL for an extended period of time ... and especially after the first relapse. We don't really see just how strong the urge is until we stop doing it ... and some of us ... like myself ... have been at it for over two decades. That's why I'm just living in the moment, one day at a time. I'm trying to break a lifetime habit and it's not going to happen overnight. Change can be painful, but the benefits far outweigh any temporary pain we might endure. It is, after all, a lifestyle change. It's kind of similar to people that continue to fail at dieting because they are looking at it the wrong way. It took a certain way of life to become unhealthy, so it takes a new way of life to live healthily.

    We're all in this together. Stay strong.
  5. Teoz

    Teoz Fapstronaut

    You're right and these things creep up on us. You have the right attitude and It'd be good for me to follow that. Thanks for the support good luck with your goals
  6. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    After you reach your goal, go for a bigger goal. So if your goal is to not pmo for 90 days, extend it to 180 days. BUT equally important it is to go find other goals. Go through a soul search of what you like, what are you good at, and set new goals relating to that. If you already know what you like and what you are good at, take action and improve on your chosen field/hobby, stop focusing so much about resetting/relapsing/rebooting and go achieve bigger grander goals for yourself. <--- This is my struggle now as well.

    Wish you luck!
  7. Poblano

    Poblano Fapstronaut

    The post here that hit home for me is that I didn't realize how much a problem I had until I really tried to stop. I have been struggling with no PMO for 6 years now. When I started I don't even know if this forum existed. I have had some successes with 12 step programs, counseling, Online programs like candeo and now NoFap.
    On more than one occasion I have had periods of 15, 30, 60, 90 days or more porn free. Then at some point I got complacent. I now have more strict blocking than I have ever had before. My wife has admin password on my computer and my phone is blocked too.
    I am feeling really good and strong at the moment, but for me the number one enemy is complacence.
    To answer the question of the original poster. I assume that once you reach your goal you would then set a new goal of 30 or 60 or 90 days whatever you think is appropriate.
    This is a process. If you were PMO free for 27 days you are no longer the same person that you were when you started. It is common for people to try and fail multiple times before long term success.
    I would encourage you not to beat yourself up over this. Just stand up after the fall and start again. Try to learn from the failure. If you can figure out why you failed this time then you hopefully can recognize the signs in the future so you don't fail again in the same way. If you fail again in a different way then repeat the process. Analyze why you failed and try to learn from that. This is like learning any new skill. How many times will a child fall when trying to learn to ride a bicycle? What do they do? They get back on and try again. Eventually they get the balance and skill and neural pathways to ride the bicycle.
    So it is with PMO eventually you will get the balance you need.
    Good luck