But the question is how do you actually fix the loneliness?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by zxcv, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    But the question is how do you actually fix the loneliness? Like I said, I've been working out, staying away from porn(60+ days), got a full time job where I have to deal with people over the phone try to help with the social anxiety, but also a church that tends to separate guys from the girls. I really don't have much contact with girls in real world pretty much just at church where the girls seem to go into their own little groups and clicks.

  2. sj2003

    sj2003 New Fapstronaut

    I find that its always basesd on pure luck when it comes to being a dude. You really don't have that much options as it is. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? Do you live in a big city? You have to play the numbers game. You don't make the choices. You just talk to as many girls as you can possibly talk to till one responds in your favor. Sounds normal enough right? Well for most men yes but its funny my issue is the opposite. I never cared about the majority of girls. I have what they call "onitis" (a hardcore form of crush or infatuation with girl for no rational reason). It seems a lot dudes are plagued by this and its intensified when combined with nofap. So why advice from me? I'm no player I haven't gotten laid in several years. Not that I was looking for it any way but even if I was I can admit that I probably wouldn't expect better results unless I employed the numbers game tactics myself.

    If your interested to know more about my journey with nofap and loneliness then look at my new thread in Loneliness.

    But enough about myself this thread is yours.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  3. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Get a hobby, do something productive and try not to focus so much on your loneliness.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  4. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    Anyway just tried retching out a guy from church about this. I doubt it'll help. None of the guys that I've talk to in real life have been helpful at all with this. really it's probably a lot of the reason that I stopped trying to make friends with guys.
  5. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    I used to have guy friends and was asking them for help with girls, but they never did anything. Just telling me how much I wasn't ready for a girlfriend. They wouldn't help me girls, they wouldn't introduce me to the girls they knew. And eventually they got tired of me and stopped talking to me all together.
  6. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Hi zxcv. Your church might not be the best place to meet them even though you might meet the right girl there one of these days. May I suggest you try meeting girls in a super market, book stores, parks where they go jogging, bars, zumba class, yoga class, cooking class or even better a dancing class. Women love dancing and not many men take advantage of this opportunity. My last suggestion is not my favorite but you could try online dating sites such as Twoo, Tinder or Badoo. There you might meet women online. You might not meet Miss Right immediately, but you will have a chance to talk to them. Hope this helps.
  7. Bijuu107

    Bijuu107 Fapstronaut

    first of all don't focus only on your loneliness. I notice many people are still lonely even after a long run, hm.
    My advice against loneliness: Try to come closer to your parents, your siblings or who ever from your past. Especialy parents.
    WHY? You connections in the future are getting reflected from your connections in your past.
    Maybe you had a friend for 2 years because you was lonely. This guy could be an asshole and you don't wanted to have contact with him since years. But he was a part of you for 2 years! I don't say let's be friends again but you could try still to have contact in anyway to the people or just more as before.
    You will reflect this on the connections now and on your future.
    Everything starts with the parents/educator.
    Try to be closer to the contacts which you already have too, I don't even talk about friends. It,s going to be worth it!

    You should have more energy and motivation when you don't fap for long, now use it!
    Many people give all the problems to fapping, I don't . I knew already for long that my problems was way further in the past!
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  8. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    I've thought of dancing too. Not really sure it would be a good place meet girls to marry, but it would be way to get some touch and lose weight. I haven't actually had the chance or the willingness to actually go through with it yet.
  9. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Give it a try, if you don't meet your future wife, at least you will learn some future moves. And your future wife will love the fact you can dance. :)
    Bijuu107 likes this.
  10. Warren_Beatty

    Warren_Beatty Fapstronaut

    This is what I've learned about loneliness........when you're disconnected from who you really are, you'll feel lonely. Even if there are lots of people around, you'll have an aching emptiness inside that feels like it would be filled by sex or love. But it wont. Not in any lasting way. If you start to live life in a way thats authentic for you then that aching emptiness goes away. Its that simple. You have to focus on yourself and what it is that makes you come alive. For me the answers where there all along I just didnt engage with them on a day to day practical level. I thought, if only I had a g/f and regular sex, then everything would be all good. And its easy to fall into this way of thinking, lots of people do. They may end up meeting someone, getting married and having kids. Sounds like the dream life doesnt it? But its not. Just look around you at all the deeply unhappy married people. They were looking for something from another person that no other human can provide. Its about you and thats it. You need to experiment and listen to your intuition. Try things, everything you have even the slightest inkling towards. Your life is an adventure. Thats what its meant to be. Its not meant to be suffering and misery and hoping that you'll someday meet the right girl who rescue you from your life. Thats a recipe for disaster. You have to go and create a life thats full of purpose. Trust me, when you start and your on the right path, that feeling of loneliness will evaporate and that will be without a relationship. And when that happens you'll think to yourself that you just found a secret of life and that you dodged a massive bullett. The paradox of it all is that when you get to this stage(and you will)the relationship will come to you without you trying for it. When you no longer need it and are detached from an outcome, thats when life will give it up to you.
    But start experimenting. Stop looking at what you think you dont have and see reality, which is you have a chance to make your life an adventure. Do not give that away for anything.
    thedaring9 and Bijuu107 like this.