Day one of a reset.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Cody87, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Cody87

    Cody87 Fapstronaut

    Well, I failed on day 7...haven't posted enough and haven't been conscience enough concerning triggers of PMO. A bit frustrated but dusting myself off and getting back up again. Learning will-power is going to take time I guess
  2. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    If you can, get an accountability partner.
  3. dustov

    dustov New Fapstronaut

    I'm new here. I have been abstaining from all sexual activity as a part of my meditation practice for almost a month now. The last couple of days I have just started to feel some tension and am trying to learn the fine art between suppressing (not good) and channeling the sexual energy which is natural into more creative outlets. Admittedly, I think at this stage I am more suppressing the desire than anything and after reading some things regarding this have become concerned that this is a form a violence against nature. I want to learn from those more experienced (if any) how to be healthy and abstinent. Is it possible or even desirable? Thanks.
  4. You_Can_Do_lt

    You_Can_Do_lt Fapstronaut

    Feeling "tension" is most likely your brain's way of telling you it wants dopamine. If you've convinced yourself that you need to release this tension occasionally for health reasons, you're kidding yourself. That's a complete rationalization. Rationalizing PMO will always lead to failure. Stop listening to your own lies and quit.

    There are those here that are trying to quit, and there are those that have quit. There are those who rationalize and try to "control" their PMO, and there are those that simply do not indulge. There is the old, and there is the new.

    I've chosen to be in the latter. Which group are you in?
  5. Cody87

    Cody87 Fapstronaut

    Yes I definitely feel the tension of wanting dopamine, being an ex addict/alch. I have come to realize the "urge" feeling. I know by transforming my though process and renewing my mind, over time the urges will get smaller and smaller and less and less frequent. its getting over the initial hurdle that is always the hardest. I have told myself in the past that it is "healthy" to release this tension, which I now know to be a lie. I am thankful for the information on this web site and all of my fellow nofappers. I want to quit, I am trying to learn to catch myself when I begin to rationalize. It doesn't seem long after rationalizing that I fall. I must not indulge, I must do whatever it takes to conquer this demon.
  6. Cody87

    Cody87 Fapstronaut

    How does one do that? Who is a good candidate? should it be someone on this website or someone I know in person?