Masturbation Acne Day 68 (Now day 120)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by goodnice, Jun 9, 2018.

Do you get acne from masturbation

  1. yes

    101 vote(s)
  2. no

    24 vote(s)
  1. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, i'm 18 years old. I am on day 68 hard mode and haven't once touched myself in any sexual way.

    The benefits are great except this acne thing.
    I had heard many people testifying that nofap clears up their skin. I myself firmly believed that masturbation caused or at least made my acne a whole lot worse because masturbation throws your hormones way out of whack and hormones dictate acne. Anyways, MOST people don't have to deal with this issue.. but some like me are an abnormality and get acne from masturbation.

    Most people on forums said skin clears up after about 45 days of nofap.
    Unfortunately this has not been the case for me
    i'm past that and i'm still getting these wild breakouts and it's really hurting my confidence. I trust that my skin will get better.

    Ive scoured every source and there seems to be hardly any info about masturbation and acne after a long time of abstinence and whether I need to wait it out longer to see results.

    I plan on NEVER going back to PMO even this acne doesn't clear. But if any of you have gone 90 days, does it get better?
    Should I wait it out? My theory is that my hormones are still balancing out. And when you do nofap for a long time (at least 2 months), i've read a couple people saying that you kind of go through a second puberty phase, which if that's the case, i'm alright with. I just want to know if this is just a phase and part of rebooting and will eventually go away.
    I guess i will have to wait and find out

    If my skin isn't better by 3 months time, then idk there must be something seriously wrong with me. I hate it so much:(
  2. Souhail

    Souhail Fapstronaut

    Try some masks tutorials on youtube or buy a skin cream .
    Try to eat healthier food and drink plenty of water .
    The problem is not related dirctly to masturbation and you can fix it yourself without waiting for magic to happen
    Vickdays and Warrior xxx :-) like this.
  3. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Hey @goodnice
    It’s crazy that you post this.. I thought for years and years that PMO caused acne for me. I still believe these 2 are possitively correlated and there might be causation here. I have been on hard mode for 55 days (great job on your 68 you’re doing AMAZING). I’ve been off the hard stuff (P and p-subs) since January of 2017 and MO has been limited since. I can say that God has blessed me with clearer skin. However if I don’t keep my skin clean I still do get breakouts.

    Goodnice, the biggest takeaway from this blog post is that YOU ARE AMAZING. You know how hard it is to do 68 days on hard mode?!? Most men cannot last a week. I hope that you take a lot of confidence in that!
  4. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. I appreciate it. When you have gone a while on nofap, you lose that appreciation for how far you've come.

    I'm still telling myself that two months is nothing. Well it's something but there's still lots of healing to do

    I have a core belief that if i'm treating my body right which i have been for 68 days (exercising a ton, sleeping at least 8 hours, no sexual thoughts) then eventually my skin will completely clear.

    I don't think acne is natural and i think i induced it on myself all these years of PMO.

    The only thing i could work on is diet, but i don't have control over that at my university. I'm not going to become vegan or do anything crazy like that. I trust that in time, things will get better and my body is still working it's way towards homeostasis.

    My skin has gotten better, but i get discouraged by these breakouts at this stage
  5. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    We will see with time. I used to put on a ton of products and tried everything for my skin.

    I don't think those are necessary if i keep up with nofap.. I know the results for me don't show yet but i just have this gut feeling that in a month or two the results will appear
    Hank Pym and Shawniac like this.
  6. FullHouse3

    FullHouse3 Fapstronaut

    Try over the counter soaps with Saylic Acid or benzoyl peroxide. I use them and they improve acne but I’ve had it for the last 2 years consistently. I’m visiting a dermatologist soon and hope to get a more personalized plan to improve acne and if necessary perscription stuff.
    Moatasem and Healed! like this.
  7. Shawniac

    Shawniac Fapstronaut

    Even I have the same problem. Acne outbursts are way too annoying. Let's hope that nofap helps.
  8. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    I have similar problem. But during pmo I had big pimples which couldn't heal in more than two months. And now, i still have acne but small size and heals within a week or just few days.
    There are more sources for acne like sweet food, eggs, unhygienic body a.k.a. excessive bacteria. I know we can't become complete vegan but following things might help
    1. Eat more c vitamin, oranges, lemon water,etc.
    2. Have a bath early in the morning and again in the evening if possible.
    3. Drink more water, 4-5Ltrs. in the summer.
    4. Yoga but it will take another few month for results if you practice regularly
    5. Keep your hands, phone or any device clean. Don't touch you face when your hands are not bacteria free. (Phone have the maximum bacteria because not only we can't wash but also we don't care to clean it, google some methods to clean smartphone)
  9. Drink a lot of water. I also have this problem.
    I think it doesn't matter whether nofap is related to acne or not.
    Be on Nofap and you will automatically get the confidence to not give a shit about your acne.
    When you are going out, apply a little bit of calamine lotion to cover the redness and you are good to go.It will heal with time. Just be patient.
  10. Shawniac

    Shawniac Fapstronaut

    Agreed. NoFap boosts your confidence level to such a point that u stop giving a damn about what ppl think about u.
  11. Phoenix1

    Phoenix1 Fapstronaut

    I had sever acne and was suffering from very deep pmo addiction myself.Yes masturbation is a cause of acnes for many but its also true that it may be not be the only cause of acne.Teenage is highly susceptible age for acne breakout owing to hormonal changes in body.6 out of 10 are aufferinf from acne problems.
    Nofap will give you immense results but may be for acne you would have ti do something extra.
    Try applying 5% benzoyl peroxide and take zinc supplements.Eat lot of fruits and drink lots od water.It will definitely help
  12. ->Do Nofap
    ->Drink water
    ->Wash your face only two times in a day(no more or no less)
    ->Meditate for inner joy
    Definitely , it will clear up. Be positive.
    Da Khalo and goodnice like this.
  13. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Nooooo don't waste your money on going to the derm. I hate the derm so much. My smug dermatologist didn't tell me anything special that i didn't already know. They just give you a cream and a pill to take and they take your money.

    I was on doxycycline which actually cleared my acne, but the problem is it will come back after and antibiotics are very bad for you in the long run since they destroy both bad And GOOD bacteria.

    I think that may be part of the reason why it's taking me longer to recover on nofap! Because i was on the pill for a couple years.

    Fapping and antibiotics = very bad..

    I think it's best to naturally try to fix your acne that's one reason why i'm doing nofap. Again, i'm confident that eventually this WILL clear up my skin

    But check this out
    ichigobankai likes this.
  14. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    I have done ALL of those everyday for 68 days now haha i drink a ton of water and always have to go pee. And mastebation has also induced this problem where i can't hold my bladder long and always have to go to bathroom
  15. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    you're right. I need to clean my phone it's probably filthy
  16. Phoenix1

    Phoenix1 Fapstronaut

    Good luck..i am sure you will get some benefits with long term nofap
    goodnice likes this.
  17. whatrichme

    whatrichme Fapstronaut

    I am near 100 days now.
    still depend on my diet and sleep patterns, but my skin are now much clearer as it is finally allowed to auto heal as it naturally would, no brainer. Most of the time now it's clean, clear and radiant.

    Some mentioned yoga earlier, maybe headstands or meditation on root chakra works, but these take months if not years to realize. I walked that road before.

    And man I tried everything during the past few years ($$$) like you do, Interestingly, I don't even use soap nowadays. Now my skin are really (happily) low maintenance. You should have a simple, inexpensive and effective way to maintain your skin.
    My tips:

    1. Have a good face washer (electric) e.g. Clarisonic or LUNA or just anything supersonic based. I use a cheap LUNA replica that works wonderfully.
    2. Organic face wash, or no face wash
    3. Not a must but your skin will be happier when washed with cold water.
    4. 1 drop of Squalane from a brand you like (the best facial oil there, research it, light weight, anti-septic, skin friendly...), mixed with a spray of an organic toner you like, this is the killer moisturizer money can't buy. Use twice a day.

    That's it. I threw creams, masks, tea tree oil, benzoyl peroxide, concealers in hundreds of bottles away since then.

    In one of my post I mentioned the help from professional (Chinese) herbalist. They have something specifically for this. You may consider if there's a China town within your reach.
    More Info Here - [Day 57] SuperPowers!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
    Destroyporn and goodnice like this.
  18. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Thank you this is what i needed to hear. You give me hope. 30 days away
  19. GoldenGod15

    GoldenGod15 Fapstronaut

    Are you still in a flatline? I think you have to leave the flatline to see the benefits, since during flatline your hormones are all over the place, and your body is releasing the stress hormone CRF, which increases acne and skin irritation.

    Additionally you're still 18 man. Thats prime age for acne. Don't pick at it, don't stress about it, take care of your skin and it'll resolve over time
    goodnice likes this.
  20. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Are you allergic to dairy products?